Grade 6 Model Questions

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In the 2015 E.C. Academic Year English Model Examination for Grade Six
Name: _____________________________
I. Read the passage and answer the questions 1-10.
1 September is the beginning month of the Ethiopian New Year. It is also the beginning of the winter
season. The fields and mountains become flowery during this month. They are also covered by
greenery. The sky becomes clear. The sun shines beautifully. Wild animals come out of the bushes
attracted by the warmth of the sun shine. The birds sing and dance. Everything is attractive.
2 Before the celebration of the New Year holiday, parents buy for their children traditional clothes and
shoes. Our schools open during this month. Parents buy bags and exercise books for their children. In
addition, parents pay school fees during this month. They also buy school uniforms for their children.
Therefore, parents spend a lot of money in this month.
3 Children become happy during this month. Parents become happy too. We Ethiopians happily
celebrate the first day of the month. We exchange flowers during this day. We say to our families, “I
wish you a happy New Year!”
(Source: Directly taken from Grade 3 Teacher’s Guide – Listening Text)

Based on the above passage choose the best possible answer.

1. It is also ….. (paragraph 1). The pronoun in bold refers to _______________.
A. September B. August C. New Year D. Winter
2. Which of the following words cannot replace the word “beginning” in the passage?
A. closing B. Starting C. opening D. dawning
3. They are also covered …. (Paragraph 1). The word in bold refers to _________.
A. The New Year C. The Christmas Eve
B. The fields and the mountains D. The animals of the field
4. In the sentence “The sky becomes clear.” The word “clear” means _________.
A. Without dirt B. Understandable C. without clouds D. evidential
5. According to the passage, who are attracted by the warmth of the sun shine?
A. Ethiopians B. Wild animals C. Cats and Dogs D. Students
6. The word “traditional” according to the context in the massage means ______.
A. brand new B. cultural C. suit & Italian shoes D. All of them
7. “… Parents spend a lot of money …” this means ________.
A. Parents get a lot of money C. Parents invest a lot of money
B. Parents save a lot of money D. Parents steal a lot of money
8. The clause “We Ethiopians happily celebrate…” can be restated as _________.
A. We Ethiopians happily perform a ceremony C. We Ethiopians happily wear new clothes
B. We Ethiopians happily eat ‘Doro Wet’ D. We Ethiopians happily farm our lands
9. “We exchange flowers…” (Paragraph 3), the pronoun “We” represents _________.
A. The writer’s families B. Ethiopians C. Mr. Belayneh D. Grade 6 Students
10. Why do parents spend a lot of money?
A. Because they pay school fees C. Because they buy school uniforms
B. Because they buy bags & exercise books D. All of the above
II.For the following questions choose the best possible answer from the given alternatives
11. Which of the following simple present tense is correctly matched with its use?
A. My brother lives in USA. (permanent situation) C. I always wash my face. (Habitual action)
B. The sun sets in the west. (General truth and fact) D. All of the above.
12. Which one of the following is the interrogative (Question) form of the simple present tense sentence:
“I live in Ethiopia.”
A. Have I lived in Ethiopia? C. Am I live in Ethiopia?
B. Do I live in Ethiopia? D. Does I live in Ethiopia?
13. What will be the NEGATIVE form of the above sentence in Question 12?
A. I not live in Ethiopia. C. I live in Ethiopia not.
B. I does not live in Ethiopia. D. I do not live in Ethiopia.
14. Robel: What are you doing, Kibamo? Kibamo: I am ________ (jump) a rope.
A. jumping B. jumps C. jump D. jumped
15. The farmers were ploughing their farm when the rain came. The action verb in this sentence is:
A. farmers B. came C. ploughing D. B and C
16. Student 1: Which do you prefer, autumn or spring? Student 2: I prefer autumn _____ spring.
A. or B. from C. to D. for
17. “The farmer grew avocado trees.” In this sentence the action verb is ____________.
A. The farmer B. grew C. avocado D. trees
18. Affirmative: She ate her lunch. (Simple past tense)
Question: ____________________________________.
A. Does she eat her lunch? B. Did she eat her lunch? C. Did she ate her lunch? D. None
19. You ____________________ (live) next door to me.
A. use to live B. use to lived C. used to live D. used to lived
20. Masamo: What were you doing when the bomb exploded?
Lombamo: I _____________ (trim) the grass.
A. was trimming B. are trimming C. were trimming D. trimming
21. Yesterday in the morning, my mother ______________ (cook) breakfast.
A. was cooking B. is cooking C. are cooking D. were cooking
22. Which one of the following is an open compound adjective?
A. Ten-minute B. seafood C. long distance D. overstuffed
23. Which of the following sentence is NOT expressed in simple future tense?
A. I am going to school. C. I will go to school.
B. I am going to eat my lunch. D. All of the above.
24. Student A: Could I ask you a question, please?
Student B: ________________________.
A. Yes, you could. B. No, you couldn’t. C. Yes, you can. D. All are correct
25. Which one of the following is a compound sentence?
A. I can read and write Chinese.
B. I love most of the Hollywood movies, especially the action ones.
C. The thief, who stole my purse last week, was caught by the brave policemen of the city.
D. Last night in my dream, I saw a dog that chased us yesterday morning.
26. Abraham: I shouted at my mother today and now I’m sorry. What should I do?
Zuma: You ____________ talk to your mother respectfully. You should apologize.
A. Shouldn’t B. ought to C. may not D. All of the above
27. If you drive a car, you ____ have a driving license.
A. should B. must C. can D. might
28. When you are taking an examination, you ___________ cheat.
A. mustn’t B. may not C. might not D. must
29. Which one of the following is true about imperative sentences?
A. They have a verb with a subject. C. They have an infinitive with ‘to’
B. They have infinitive without ‘to’ and no subject D. All except B
30. Tomorrow __________ be a sunny day. (If the probability of being sunny is 0%)
A. will B. should C. won’t D. shouldn’t
31. Which expression is used for asking for direction?
A. Go straight ahead. B. How can I go to …? C. It is on your left D. Take the first turn.
32. He is a ________ player than Ronaldo.
A. Best B. good C. better D. bad
33. The higher they climbed, __________ it got.
A. Cold B. colder C. the colder D. coldest
34. If we stay silent, the bullies will push us ___________________.
A. Hard and hard B. harder and harder C. hardest and hardest D. the harder
35. ____________ ‘Kitfo’? (you ever eat) The correct present perfect form of the verb is:
A. Has you ever eat B. Have you ever eaten C. Has you ever eaten D. Have you ever eat
36. Children ___________ be left alone in a car.
A. mustn't B. must C. have to D. need to
37. We need to ________ on getting new business this month.
A. Focused B. focusing C. focus D. being focused
38. They are expected ___________ their task on time.
A. Pay B. to pay C. paid D. All are answers
39. She preferred ______________ coffee to tea.
A. Drink B. drank C. drunk D. to drink
40. Active Voice: Mr. Jones watches films.
Passive Voice: Films _____________ by Mr. Jones.
A. is watches B. is watched C. are watched D. are watching
41. Active Voice: Nobody is dealing with this problem. The passive voice of this sentence is ______
A. This problem is not being dealt with. C. This problem is not dealt with.
B. This problems are not being dealt with. D. This problem is dealt with nobady.
42. Active Voice: Who is teaching you English?
Passive Voice: _______ are you being taught English?
A. Who B. By who C. By whom D. Whose
43. Before that day, we (never/think) _____________ of going to South Sudan. Which of the following
phrase could complete the sentence with the correct PAST PERFECT tense form?
A. Have never thought B. never thought C. had never thought D. has never thought
44. Mister X: “Ethiopia is the richest country in the world”. How do you express your disagreement with
this idea of Mr. X?
A. That’s for sure. B. Absolutely. C. I don’t think so. D. That’s so true.
45. I will buy that car if it _____________ too much.
A. Don’t cost B. doesn’t cost C. didn’t cost D.
46. If I ___________ time tonight, I will finish the novel that I am reading.
A. Will have B. am having C. have D. has
47. Choose the correct sentence that fits with the Conditional sentence Type I form.
A. If you won't try harder, you will fail. C. If the game is good, I am playing it.
B. You are late if you won't leave now. D. If the sun shines, I will go swimming.
48. What would you __________ if you won the lottery?
A. Do B. did C. was doing D. was do
49. If you printed on both sides, you ________ paper.
A. Were saved B. saved C. would save D. would be save
50. If he ___ in Tokyo, he ___ us.
A. Was/ will visit B. were/ would visit C. will be/ will visit D. are/ will visit
51. If you (study) ________for the test, you (pass) ________it.
A. Studied/ would have passed C. had studied/ would have passed
B. Had studied/ would passed D. have studied/ have passed
52. The teacher entered the classroom. In this sentence the NOUN is __________
A. Teacher B. classroom C. entered D. All except C
53. Student A: I’ve got a bad toothache. What do you suggest I do?
54. Student B: ______________________________________
A. If I were you, I would go to the dentist. C. Why don’t you go to the dentist?
B. I don’t know what to advise. D. All are possible.
55. The reason Connor has never had an accident is because he drives ____________________ than
everyone else.
A. Carefully B. more carefully C. carefullier D. most carefully
56. The ghost stories are told ___________________ when it's completely dark.
A. Most vividly B. more vividly C. vivid D. vividest
57. Out of all my subjects, I have to agree that I do ________________ in Spanish.
A. Bad B. badest C. worst worse
58. If you are interrupting while someone is speaking. Which expression best fit for you?
A. Can I add something here? C. You are absolutely right.
B. Let’s just move on, shall we? D. I would say the exact opposite.
59. He abandoned the office before the noon. The meaning of the underlined word is _____
A. Entered B. opened C. left D. decorate
60. Our Ethiopian forefathers overcame the invasion of the foreign colonizer, Italy. The meaning of the
underlined word is _________
A. Defeated B. overconfident C. overdose D. overdraw

Set by: Mr. Biniyam F.

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