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Materials and Manufacturing Processes

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Experimental and Numerical Simulation of In-Situ

Tube Expansion for Deep Gas Wells

T. Pervez , S. Z. Qamar , Omar S. Al-Abri & R. Khan

To cite this article: T. Pervez , S. Z. Qamar , Omar S. Al-Abri & R. Khan (2012) Experimental
and Numerical Simulation of In-Situ Tube Expansion for Deep Gas Wells, Materials and
Manufacturing Processes, 27:7, 727-732, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2011.648037

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Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27: 727–732, 2012
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1042-6914 print=1532-2475 online
DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2011.648037

Experimental and Numerical Simulation of In-Situ

Tube Expansion for Deep Gas Wells
T. Pervez, S. Z. Qamar, Omar S. Al-Abri, and R. Khan

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering,

Sultan Qaboos University, Al Khod, Sultanate of Oman

Growing energy demand is forcing the petroleum industry to reevaluate resources found in unconventional gas formations and utilizing
low-production zones. Extracting oil and gas from these difficult and deep reservoirs require new knowledge which should lead to develop
solutions in lifting those reserves to the surface. Centuries-old manufacturing process of tube forming has found an interesting and extended
application in petroleum well drilling and delivery. The in-situ expansion of tube is aimed at expanding its diameter by pushing or pulling a
mandrel through it. The expansion process is strongly nonlinear due to material and contact nonlinearities. The goal is to achieve desired
Downloaded by [Sultan Qaboos University] at 21:14 30 January 2016

tube expansion smoothly as well as maintain minimum post expansion material and mechanical properties. The objective of this research is
to conduct experiments to expand the tube under simulated downhole conditions. Finite element analysis is also used to simulate the expan-
sion process, and the results are compared with experimental data. The force required for expanding the tube, thickness reduction in tube
wall thickness, and length shortening under fixed-free end condition are estimated. Good agreements were found between numerical and
experimental results. Thickness reduction greater than 12% lowers collapse strength by 50% making it unsuitable for deep wells.

Keywords Collapse; FEA; Forming; Gas-wells; Plasticity; Tube expansion.

INTRODUCTION reservoir, etc. [1–3]. The isolation of hydro-zones is done

Metal-forming processes cause changes in shape and using mechanical and chemical packers near the
size of solid metal via plastic (permanent) deformations. wellbore-fracture intersection. These mechanical and
Metals deform very much like soft clay or wax. Even in chemical methods had limited success due to increased
the solid state, permanent changes in shape can be cost, difficulties in drilling, etc. [4]. An alternative
forced upon them by displacement of relative positions method of downhole closure of these fractures is based
between neighboring material particles. To enforce these on tube expansion process with or without inert or swell-
changes, external forces are applied. Tube expansion is a ing elastomer annular seals. This method resulted in up
metal forming process in which the diameter of a tube is to 40% reduction of unwanted fluids being pumped from
increased to a desired value by forcing a mandrel wells to surface. However, the recent use of this concept
through it. The notion of use of expandable tubing by in oil and gas well applications posed unparalleled chal-
boiler manufacturers existed since the beginning of lenges to the engineering community, and still lot of
twentieth century. At the end of the last decade, tube research and laboratory experiments need to be done
expansion has found an interesting application in the before this technique is fully used for commercial appli-
oil and gas industry due to three desirable features in cations [5–8]. The ease of use in downhole environment
oil well drilling and completion: mono-diameter well, will only be possible through properly conducting tube
increased success in deepwater applications and cost expansion under such conditions, understanding
effectiveness for many long outstanding, and far reach- geometric and contact nonlinearities, dynamics of
ing problems faced during construction and operation components=system involved in the expansion process
of wells, a feature that allows flexible design. It has and post-expansion material, and mechanical properties
gained momentum and attracted the attention of opera- of tube. Significant application-based research were
tors and researchers as a common element in enhancing carried out by oil and gas fields operators and service
the economics and performance of both new and old providers to find short term and problem specific solu-
wells. For example, secondary oil recovery is often tions without following a scientific approach. Their
impaired by zones of high permeability, i.e., fractures, prime objective is the drive to drill more barrels of oil.
fault-related fracture corridors, karstied parts of the Contrary to this approach, extensive research work
has been done to understand tube forming processes
such as sinking, expansion, or flaring. These processes
Received November 14, 2011; Accepted November 23, 2011
are generally conducted at low temperature and gov-
Address correspondence to T. Pervez, Department of Mechanical erned by similar equations of motion. George et al. [9]
and Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos did theoretical stress analysis of tube sinking and
University, P. O. Box 33, Al Khod 123, Sultanate of Oman; E-mail: showed that the sinking stress is a function of reduction in the mean diameter. Hill [10] developed an analytical


model under tension and compression for tube sinking. must be able to maintain hydraulic integrity to provide
For tube flaring process, Lu [11] developed an analytical sufficient resistance against burst and collapse during
solution relating tube flaring ratio and tube end strain service. It should have constant diameter and wall thick-
rate to the tool stroke and velocity. Recently, Celentano ness over the entire length of the expanded section and
et al. [12] conducted thorough analysis of the mechanical should maintain its strength.
behavior of a steel tube during its sinking drawing. Since the tube as well as the mandrel experience high
Al-Hiddabi et al. [13] used the equilibrium conditions interfacial stresses, as expansion proceeds, the selection
and plasticity theories to develop analytical model for of the mandrel geometry and material is also crucial.
tube expansion with a conical expansion tool under very The shape of the mandrel also plays a critical role for
simplified conditions. The results showed the variation successful completion of the expansion process. Further-
in the force required to expand the tube with respect more, critical data such as wall thickness, length changes,
to expansion ratio (ER), friction coefficient, mandrel post-expansion strength, ductility, burst, and collapse
geometry, and the tube’s material yield strength. This strengths are needed for safe and reliable use.
model was further extended by Karrech et al. [14] to
predict the stress field in the expansion zone and the TEST-RIG FOR EXPANSION
dissipation of energy from which an optimized mandrel
The experimental setup for expanding tubes with ERs
shape can be determined.
varying from 8% to 30% has been designed and com-
However, in case of an in-situ expansion (downhole
missioned in the Engineering Research Laboratory.
environment), there is no room to make mistakes and
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Tubes of up to 10 m length and 10 to 300 cm diameters

there is a need to lower expansion force, accurately pre-
can be expanded under different boundary conditions.
dict thickness and length changes, and post-expansion
Hydraulic expansion is done using a 2,000 bar pump
characterization of tube material. So far, in downhole
with a flow rate of 11 liters=min. For mechanical pull,
environment, tube can be expanded from 12% to 16%
the expansion force can be varied from 10 to 140 metric
without significantly lowering its collapse strength.
tons. Real-time test data such as strain, displacement,
Particularly, the mechanical properties of the tube after
expansion force, variation in tube thickness and length,
expansion become a critical factor in assuring its struc-
and speed and location of the mandrel during expansion
tural integrity after expansion.
were recorded. Pre- and post-expansion properties of the
Large ERs and post-expansion material properties
tube are determined using ASTM standard test methods
considerably affect the internal pressure rating of the
including hardness, Young’s modulus, yield, and ulti-
expanded tube. Analyzing the expansion effects for
mate tensile strengths, ductility, and strain at fracture.
ERs of 15% and above are still vague. The aim of this
The experimental setup that is used to hydraulically
study is to determine the dimensional and properties
expand the tube consists of mandrel-launcher system,
change in the downhole expanded tube. A full scale test-
the tube to be expanded, and a measurement system.
ing facility has been designed and developed to simulate
The mandrel-launcher system is welded to the tube. In
in-situ tube expansion processes for different tube sizes,
order to guarantee the alignment of the mandrel during
materials, end conditions, and downhole environment.
the expansion process, an aligner made of two discs
Expansion process was also simulated using finite
separated by a distance with diameters equal to the drift
element method and compared with experimental results.
diameter of the tube is used. This assembly is then
Material hardening, contact between tube and mandrel,
mounted on the test-rig for expansion. The high pressure
and geometrical nonlinearities were included in the finite
pump supplies the hydraulic fluid required to push the
element model. Reasonably good agreement was
mandrel forward. However, it is important to highlights
obtained between experimental and numerical results.
that the testing procedure is cumbersome and usually
requires careful selection of tools and its execution.
The tube expansion process consists of permanent FINITE ELEMENT MODELING
radial tube expansion through cold working mechanism The structural response of the tube was modeled using
either mechanically by pulling a conical shaped mandrel ABAQUS, a finite element analysis software. A two-
or hydraulically by pushing it through the tube. The dimensional (2D) axi-symmetric model, shown in Fig. 1,
hydraulic force is applied by pumping through a work- was developed, and results are compared with the
string connected to the mandrel, and the mechanical three-dimensional (3D) model. Once converged, the 2D
force is applied by either raising or lowering the axi-symmetric model is used for further simulation due
work-string. The progress of the mandrel deforms the to cost and computational time considerations. The tube
tube to a certain desired ER leading to an increase in was modelled as a deformable body with elastic-plastic
the tube diameter, variation in the tube thickness and material behavior, whereas the mandrel was modelled
length, and alteration of the material properties. The as a rigid body. The induced friction between the tube
tube deforms beyond its elastic limit into the plastic and mandrel was modeled using the Coulomb friction
region but remains below its ultimate tensile strength. law. The coefficient of friction was set at 0.07 so that it
The term ER is defined using the mandrel and the matches the actual test conditions. The mandrel cone
pre-expanded tube diameters [5]. The expanded tube angle was set at 10 degrees to compare simulation results

FIGURE 2.—Thickness variations for 20% expansion ratio.

value was calculated for comparison with simulation

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FIGURE 1.—Two dimensional axi-symmetric finite element model of

tube-mandrel system (color figure available online). results. There is an excellent agreement in case of length
shortening, while the difference in thickness reduction is
approximately 10%.
with experimental data. The edges of the cone were Real-time measurements of mandrel position and
fillet of 6 mm radius. Force required for expansion, velocity are critical parameters to detect the mandrel
thickness and length changes, and excess deformation misalignment and occurrence of stick-slip phenomenon.
is reported in this work and compared with experi- Any saw tooth behavior in velocity profile is an indi-
mental data. The material behavior is governed by power cation of stick-slip phenomenon which mainly happens
law. The material properties of the tube were obtained due to the tube surface irregularities, lack of lubrication,
based on uni-axial tensile test conducted on specimens and the presence of connections. This phenomenon
following ASTM E8 standard. The material properties induces wall thickness imperfections due to local plastic
include: E ¼ 82 GPa, ry ¼ 615 MPa, rult ¼ 702 MPa, and deformation. In the current experiment, the mandrel
ef ¼ 0.197. To simulate the downhole expansion process, movement during the expansion was smooth. Once the
the lower end of the tube was held fixed, while the upper expansion pressure was built up, the mandrel moved at
end was kept free. a constant speed of 0.03 m=s until the expansion of
desired length is achieved. Additionally, a buttress
threaded connection between two tubes was tested for
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ERs of 20% and 23.6%. The expansion forces required
A tube of 500 mm length, outer diameter of for 20% and 23.6% were 240 and 277 metric tons. The
193.675 mm, and thickness of 9.525 mm was used for expansion force is significantly higher in magnitude with
both experimental and simulation study. The ER was an increase of 15% for a welded connection and twofold
varied from 10% to 28% of the tube inner diameter. It for threaded connection.
was found that the expansion pressure=force required
for 20% ER obtained through simulation is in good
agreement with experimental results with an error of less
than 4%. In all cases, the expansion pressure=force
initially reached a peak value (representing the initial
upsetting process) and then drops down to an almost
steady-state value. For instance, in case of 10 mandrel
angle and 20% ER, the initial peak pressure was 340 bars
and then stabilized at 315 bars during the rest of the
expansion process. Small fluctuations in the expansion
pressure were observed during transient period, but over-
all the process is stable.
Figures 2 and 3 show the reduction in tube thickness
and length shortening for 20% ER. Tube thickness,
before and after expansion, were measured at ten differ-
ent locations, and an average value of thickness
reduction was calculated for comparison with simula-
tion results. Similarly, length shortening was measured
at the beginning and end of the tube, and the average FIGURE 3.—Length variations for 20% expansion ratio.

TABLE 1.—Effect of expansion ratio on burst and collapse strengths

(fix-free boundary condition).

Expansion Thickness Burst pressure Collapse pressure

ratio (%) reduction (%) Di=t Do=t (MPa) (MPa)

0 0 18.3 20.3 52.950 38.557

16.36 6.40 22.8 24.8 47.238 21.669
20.00 10.30 24.5 26.5 43.898 16.782
23.64 13.16 26.1 28.1 41.248 12.722

Due to the springback phenomenon, the expansion

process will not yield the exact final diameters as needed
by design. The difference in tube final and desired inner
diameters when expressed in percentage of desired inner
diameter is termed as excess deformation [5]. It was
found that excess deformation is smaller in magnitude
as compared to length and thickness variations. How-
ever, it must be accounted in the final design to have
Downloaded by [Sultan Qaboos University] at 21:14 30 January 2016

the minimum required clearance between the production FIGURE 4.—Variation in expansion force with respect to expansion ratio.
line and the tube.
The most critical aspect of expanding a tube is the
effect of the expansion process on its burst and collapse elastic collapse is not sharp but covers a significant range
strengths. Table 1 shows the effect of ER on the tube’s of Do=t values. While for thin-to-thick wall tube, the
burst and collapse strengths after expansion. According collapse strength can be calculated using the empirical
to API standard, the burst pressure for thick-wall tube relation
can be established using Barlow’s equation [15]:
2t F1
PBr ¼ 0:875 rY ð1Þ PCr ¼ rY  F2  F3 ð3Þ
Do Do =t

where Do and t represent the outer diameter and the where F’s are empirical coefficients depending on tube
thickness of the tube, respectively. The equation assumes material. For current study, F1 ¼ 3.071, F2 ¼ 0.0667,
87.5% of the minimum yield strength (rY) of the tube. It and F3 ¼ 1955. The results for burst and collapse strength
is important to note that the expansion process causes for two tube sizes, different boundary conditions and
increase in the tube diameter and decrease in wall thick- ERs are given in Table 2. The results showed that the
ness, and hence this may convert the tube from being post-expansion burst and collapse resistance decreases
thick-to-thin wall depending on Do=t ratio. For thin-wall linearly, as the ER increases. Furthermore, the collapse
tube, the burst pressure can be determined using the and the burst resistance lowers sharply when the tube is
following relation: restricted at one end. This is true regardless of the tube
size. The effect of the axial restraint is more severe on
2t collapse and burst strengths due to large thickness
PBr ¼ 0:875 rY ð2Þ reduction.
It is necessary for field engineers to estimate the expan-
where Di is the tube inner diameter. The post expansion sion requirements before proceeding with downhole
tube collapse strength is also very important to safe- expansion in order to select appropriate expansion tools
guard the well against formation collapse. To determine and avoid any unexpected failure. Figures 4–6 show the
collapse strength, API has used the theory of elastic variation in the expansion force and length and thickness
stability to determine collapse strength for thin-wall variations as a function of ER. An increase in ER results
tubes. The transition from yield-strength collapse to in an increase of expansion force, thickness reduction,

TABLE 2.—Effect of axial restraint on burst and collapse resistance of expandable tube.

Tube size Expansion Pre-expansion Thickness Post-expansion Burst Collapse

ratio End reduction pressure pressure
ID (mm) OD (mm) t (mm) (%) Di=t Do=t condition (%) Di=t Do=t (MPa) (MPa)

174.625 193.675 9.525 16.36 18.3 20.3 Fix-Free 6.4 22.8 24.8 47.238 21.669
Fix-Fix 8.55 23.3 25.3 46.153 20.164
182.88 203.2 10.16 19.4 18.0 20.0 Fix-Free 8.84 23.6 25.6 45.650 19.288
Fix-Fix 13.69 24.9 26.9 43.650 15.722

Results were obtained for various boundary conditions

to study the effect of ER and friction coefficient on
expansion force=pressure, thickness and length changes,
and surplus deformation. Excellent to good agreements
were found between experimental and simulation results,
particularly for expansion force and length shortening. It
was found that the drawing force to expand a weld con-
nection was approximately 15% more than a normal
expansion. However, for typical API buttress threaded
connection, the increase in expansion force was twofold.
The wall thickness of expanded tube decreased linearly,
as the ER and friction coefficient were increased. Tube
length shortens under fixed-free end conditions and var-
ies linearly with ER. Large ERs to have wider wells are
limited by tube thickness reduction. ERs greater than
25% results in larger than 12% thickness reduction result-
ing in 50% reduction in collapse strength, hence making
it unsuitable for downhole applications due to excessive
formation pressure.
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FIGURE 5.—Variation in percent thickness reduction with respect to

expansion ratio.

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