Wstęp Do Teorii Przekładu - Pytania

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Wstęp do teorii przekładu – Pytania na egzamin

1. What is translation?
2. What are the types of translation, according to Jacobson?
3. What do translation studies cover, according to Holmes? (Map of translation studies)
4. Discuss word-for-word vs. sense-for-sense translation.
5. Discuss literal vs. free translation.
6. What is Martin Luther’s view on translation?
7. Define metaphrase, paraphrase and imitation.
8. What are the five principles of translation, according to Dolet?
9. What are the three general laws of translation, according to Tytler?
10. Discuss formal equivalence vs. dynamic equivalence.
11. What are the four basic requirements of a translation, according to Nida?
12. Discuss semantic translation vs. communicative translation.
13. What are the five types of equivalence, according to Koller?
14. Discus direct translation procedures (borrowing, calque, literal translation).
15. Discus oblique translation procedures (transposition, modulation, equivalence,
16. What is servitude and option?
17. What are the two kinds of shifts, according to Catford?
18. What are the text types and their characteristics by Reiss?
19. Define the translatorial action model by Holz-Mänttäri.
20. Define the skopos theory and its rules.
21. Discuss documentary translation vs. instrumental translation.
22. What information can be found in translation commission?
23. Discuss overt translation vs. covert translation.
24. Discuss conversational maxims by P. Grice.
25. What are translation norms by Toury? Where do we get them from?
26. What are translation norms by Chesterman?
27. What is localization?
28. What are the translator’s competencies?
29. Describe various type of translation.
30. Discuss translation techniques and procedures.
31. Discuss text types and translation
32. Discuss the problems of literary translation.
33. Why is culture awareness important in translation?
34. Discuss the techniques and strategies of film translation.

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