A Happy Family - 4eme

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Name: _________________________________________________ Mark: ___________/20

College Saint Pierre Teacher: Mr. NGOM

Louga 2013—2014 Class: 3rd Form (4eme)


Demba SENE is a wealthy businessman. He lives in Yoff, Dakar. He has two big shops at Sandaga Market
and one small shop at Colobane Market. Mr. SENE and his wife Gnilane, manage the shops at Sandaga. Niokhor,
his eldest son, manages the one at Colobane. He is 25 years old.
In June 2001, Niokhor, who was studying economics at Dakar university, finished his studies and joined his
father in his business. He has been working for twelve years now. His sisters, Tening, 17 years old, and Daba, 14,
go to school at J. F. Kennedy Girls’ High School. Tening is in Lower 6 th Form (1ere) S1 and Daba is in 3rd Form (4e).
Last year Tening came 2nd in her class with an average of 15.5/20 and Daba ranked 1 st in hers with an average of
17/20. Both are working hard and next year they will take exams, that is, Baccalaureate and B.F.E.M.
Every morning, Omar WANE, who is the driver, drives the family to work in SENE’s Mercedes. First, he
takes the girls to Kennedy where they usually arrive at 07:45. After that, he drives Mr. and Mrs. SENE to Sandaga.
At Sandaga, Mr. SENE generally opens his shop at 09 o’clock and Gnilane opens hers at 09:30. As for Niokhor, he
has a big scooter which he rides every day. He bought it last year. He often gets to Colobane by 07:30.
Mr. SENE and his wife are earning much money in their business and their daughters are doing well at
school. So theirs is a happy family.
A – REFERENCES – What or whom do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1.5 point)

1 – “He has two big shops…” (parag. 1) = ____________________

2 – “Both are working hard.” (parag. 2) = ____________________
3 – “… where they usually arrive…” (parag. 3) = ____________________

B – QUESTIONS – Read the text and answer the following questions. (2 points)
4 – When did Niokhor stop studying? ______________________________________________________________
5 – What will Daba and Tening do next year? _______________________________________________________
6 – At what time do Mr. SENE’s daughters arrive at school? ____________________________________________
7 – Does Ouzin drive Niokhor to his shop? Why _____________________________________________________

C – TRUE or FALSE – Are these statements ‘True’ or ‘False’? Justify with lines from the text. (3 points)
8 – Mr. SENE has three shops. = ________
9 – Tening and Daba are in different classes but they are good students. = ________
10 – Mr. and Mrs. SENE have four children: Niokhor, Omar, Tening and Daba. = ________

D – VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT – Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B. (2 points)
Column A Column B answers
11 – wealthy a. first born 11 = ….
12 – manage b. result obtained in an exam 12 = ….

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13 – eldest c. rich 13 = ….
14 – average d. operate 14 = ….


E – TABLE COMPLETION – Find in the text one example for each grammatical category and write it on the
table as in the example. (2.5 points)
Categories Examples
1 noun and 1 adjective Shop / big
15. 1 adverb and 1 pronoun ____________________ / ____________________
16. 1 article and 1 preposition ____________________ / ____________________
17. 1 verb in the past continuous ____________________ / ____________________
18. 1 possessive and ordinal number ____________________ / ____________________
19. 1 verb in simple present and 1 verb in simple past ____________________ / ____________________

F – ASKING QUESTIONS – Complete this dialogue with the correct questions. (2 points)
Modou: Good morning Nafi. 20. ________________________________________________________?
Nafi: This is a dictionary. 21. ___________________________________________________?
Modou: Yes, I am going to school. 22. _____________________________________________Abdou?
Nafi: He is at home. He won’t go to school today.
Modou: 23._________________________________________________________________________?
Nafi: He is at home because he has not class on Thursday.

G – FORMS – Put these sentences in the indicated forms. (1.5 points)

24 – He lives in Yoff. Interro-negative form: _______________________________________________________
25 – They will take exams. Negative Form: _________________________________________________________
26 – He finished his studies. Interrogative Form: ____________________________________________________

H – FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS – Complete the sentences with the correct words from this list. (3 points)
{sister — mother — granddaughter — sister-in-law — grandmother — grandson — nephew — niece — wife —
husband — grandfather}
If your brother marries a woman that woman is your brother’s 27. ___________________________ but she is
your 28. ______________________. And if they have a baby boy, that baby is your 29. _____________________.
But if it is a baby girl, that baby is your 30. ________________________________. The father of you mother is
your 31. ________________________ and if you are a boy, you are his 32. ____________________________; but
if you are a girl, you are his 33. ___________________________.

III – WRITING – Choose one topic and write about 6 lines. (3 points)
Topic 1: What job do you want to do in the future? Why? What job would you never do? Why not?
Topic 2: Are the education and emancipation of women good things for the development of the country? Why or
why not?

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