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what will be etched into history after

your life

what Legend will be left long after you

are gone


the key to immortality

is first living a life worth remembering

this successful Warrior is the average


with laser-like Focus

always be yourself

and have faith in yourself

a warrior does not compare himself to


the only competition for a warrior

is the man in the mirror

be a master of the mind not Mastered by

the mind

do not follow the ideas of others but

learn to listen to the voice within



obstacles don't block the path they are

the path

withdraw into yourself and look

we are what we repeatedly do

excellent then

is not an act

but a habit

you will never do anything in this world

without courage

it is the greatest quality of the Mind

next to honor


don't waste your time looking back

you're not going that way

do not look Upon This World With Fear

and Loathing bravely face whatever the

gods offer

feed your focus let pain be the


you must live


wholeheartedly without Reserve as if you

might die in the next instant

the devil Whispers you can't withstand

the storm

the warrior responds I am the storm

don't quit suffer now

and live the rest of your life

as a champion


those who are skilled in combat do not

become angered

those who are skewed at winning do not

become afraid thus the wise wind before

the fight

while the ignorant fight to win

even if things don't unfold the way you


don't be disheartened or give up

one who continues to advance

will win in the end

do not look upon this world with fear

and loathing

bravely face whatever the gods offer

going in one more round

when you don't think you can

that's what makes all the difference in

your life

be grateful for hardships setbacks and

bad people


dealing with such obstacles is an

essential part of training in the art of

the way of the warrior is based on



and sincerity

the purpose of training is to tighten up

the slack toughen the body and polish

the spirit

you must use your sword in an instant

with mind spirit and Body in unison

a good stance and posture reflect a

proper State of Mind


your spirit is the true Shield

create each day


all life

is a manifestation of the spirit

the manifestation

of love

always practice the art of Peace in a

vibrant and joyful manner

each person is the universe from a

particular perspective


those who are possessed by nothing

possesses everything


what does it mean to be a warrior is the

average man who trains who gives love

who is prepared to give their all

who is the storm

a warrior with a cause is the most

dangerous of all

for a warrior life is your teacher

and you are in a state of constant


Warriors do not lower themselves to the

standards of other people

they live independently according to

their own standards

and code of honor a warrior does not

give up what he loves he finds the love

in what he does
any great warrior is also a scholar a

poet and an artist

Victory is reserved for those who are

willing to pay its price

you're a warrior

Warriors don't give up and they don't

back down

pick up your sword

and fight

Warriors are not the ones who always win

but ones that always fight the warrior

stands ready to defend ready to fight

for those he serves he is a warrior of

virtue the only thing that is going to

push you is your Warrior within your

Warrior within will get up in the


your Warrior Within


when life has knocked you down your

Warrior Within

is going to push you when you can no

longer push

your Warrior within is your why and it's

the reason you keep fighting every day

for a warrior our greatest glory is not

in Never Falling but in Rising every

time we fall Warriors are not born

Warriors create themselves through trial

and error pain and suffering and their

ability to conquer their own faults how

Warrior knows that tough times ahead

they never back down because there are

better days ahead fighting with all

their heart they maintain the Heart of a

Lion a warrior seeks to act rather than

talk they make the best of bad

situations see the opportunity within

the hardships grow stronger from the

struggle and in the end their Story Goes

Down among the legends

the only thing a warrior must take care


for the warrior Spirit to never die

it is the warrior Spirit within you that

Rises From the Ashes

at calls within you to wake up to your


to awaken

the warrior Within

difficulties are things that show a

person what they are

the mind is not a vessel to be filled

but a fire

to be kindled

a fool is known by his speech and a wise

man by his silence


the happy man is the one who has a

healthy body a wealthy soul and a

well-educated nature

small opportunities are often the

beginning of great Enterprises

do not merely take something at face

value or do something because someone

says so

whether it is one person or a hundred

do not spoil what you have by Desiring

what you have not

remember that what you now have

was once among the things you only hoped


the beginning

is the most important part of the work

once you leave behind is not what is

engraved in stone monuments

but what is woven into the lives of


everything flows and nothing abides

everything gives way and nothing stays


quality is not an act

it is a habit


depends upon ourselves

the greatest fear in the world is what

other people think of you

but the moment you step forward

unafraid of the opinions

unafraid of the crowd is the moment the

battlefield changes

no matter how many times I fall I will

still rise

mindset is what separates the best from

the rest

enter the battlefield as its Commander

not a soldier

you see a real warrior with the

strongest of hearts beating in his chest

knows how to go about life

each day he rises he goes about his

business fearlessly

meticulously and with extreme competence

I tell you this in any fight with life

it's the guy who's willing to inch


to die for his purpose who's gonna win

that's what living is

it's those inches that commitment to do

what you set out to do in the world

now I can't make you do anything but


how great your life could be if you

lived with certainty what if every day

you could wake up confident in yourself

and your abilities

who could you become have you allowed no

doubt within you have you trusted

yourself so much that you go for

everything in life ruthlessly and

unapologetically everything you want in

life is within the reach of your hands

how far can you go to become Unbreakable

a warrior must take care of one thing


his spirit

so that it is never broken he must

believe otherwise he cannot act as a

warrior you must confront the fears that

most people refuse to acknowledge you

must not have no beliefs whatsoever in

how others judge you

when it comes to yourself you must show

no mercy

a true warrior isn't immune to fear they

fight in spite of it you

you create yourself through trial and

error pain and suffering

and your ability to conquer your own

faults and misdeeds

you are someone to fear not hunt

move in silence and only speak

when your greatness will silence all

keep fighting for the life you deserve

no matter the naysayers no matter the

opinion of others

not of the enemy waiting to knock you

do not give up no matter how long it

takes rise up like the Phoenix within

you are a warrior you are loyal Brave

and true

awaken yourself every day and rise from

the depths of the deepest fears it is

your duty to yourself to chase that

greatness to be so unbreakable that you

can never be dethroned whenever you are

challenged remember who you are remember

no one can distract you

no one can stop you

no one can defeat you

you cannot be destroyed

and now born From the Ashes you you are

a warrior

once again


better to fight and fall

than to live without hope

a person should not agree today to what

they'll regret tomorrow

no one is a total fool if he if he knows

when to hold his tongue

where Wolf's ears are Wolf's teeth are


even in the sheath the sword must be


so too must the mind and the spirit be

within the body

there is more honor in accumulating

little by little

then in reaching for the sky and ending

up flat on your

a person's actions are often worse than

their intentions

the Bold succeed wheresoever they go

ill is it to do the wrong and leave the



nothing good can happen to people who

break their solemn vows


word carries the mouth stands still

everyone has some friends

even among his enemies


friend and kin

not the trespasses against you

often times it is not numbers that wins

the victory

but those who fare forward with the most



bear and forebear and win for yourself

one should have their plans worked out

before they enter into great


or incite others to them

not every cloud which darken us the day

brings rain


bravery is half the victory

many Breakers of battle axes are more

brag than brains


often It is anger that is blind to the


the Bold succeed wheresoever they go

many travels many fortunes

every Victorious Warrior draws his

strength from the highest source

his love

you're a warrior Warriors don't give up

Warriors don't back down

pick up your sword your shield and fight

sweat more in training bleeds Less in


the devil Whispers

you can't withstand the storm

the warrior responds

I am the storm

no one has the right to be an amateur in

the matter of physical training

it is a shame for a man to grow old

without seeing the beauty and strength

of which his body is capable

he who conquers himself

is the mightiest Warrior


for ignorance calmness for acceptance

and kindness for weakness

Warriors are not born

Warriors create themselves through trial

and error

pain and suffering

and their ability to conquer their own


a warrior seeks to act rather than talk


to be a warrior is to learn to be

genuine in every moment of your life

the Earth confront the evil that most

people refuse to acknowledge

who want to be strong

learn to fight


Warriors are not always the fastest or

the strongest

strength and speed can be developed

through training

Warriors are those who choose to stand

between their enemy and all that he


the two most powerful warriors

are patience and time

Victory is reserved for those who are

willing to pay its price

our greatest glory is not in Never


Rising every time we fall


let your plans be dark and impenetrable

as night

4. like a thunderbolt

A Warrior's greatest enemy

can also be his greatest teacher

the best fighter is never angry

defeat exists but not suffering

a true warrior knows that when he loses

a battle

he is improving this skill in which he

wields a sword he will be able to fight

more skillfully next time

before you can see the light you will

have to deal with the darkness

perseverance is failing 19 times and

succeeding on the 20th

don't waste your time back you're not

going that way

feed your focus let pain be the


I do what I do because it is the right

thing to do

I am a warrior and it is the way of the

warrior to fight Superior odds

in fighting and in every day you should

be determined though calm

meet the situation without tenseness yet

not recklessly

your spirit settled yet unbiased

an elevated spirit is weak and a low

spirit is weak

do not let the enemy see your spirit


you can only fight the way you practice


what is defeat nothing but education

nothing but the first step to something



pain is not an excuse to quit it is an

indication that what you are doing


up here weak when you are strong and

strong when you are weak

we may encounter many defeats but we

must not be defeated

first say to yourself what you would be

and then do what you have to do

you have to assemble your life yourself

action by action

a warrior May worry and think before

making any decision but once they make

it they go their way

free from worries or thoughts that's the

Warrior's Way

know yourself and you will win all


some people are lost in the fires

others are forged in them

what defines us is how well we rise

after falling

the true warrior isn't immune to fear

they fight in spite of it


a calm Warrior is a mindful Warrior and

a mindful Warrior is a rational Warrior

yesterday's pain is strength

you never know how strong you are

until being strong

is the only choice you have




is first living a life worth remembering

this successful Warrior is the average


with laser-like Focus

always be yourself

have faith in yourself

a warrior does not compare himself to


the only competition for a warrior

is the man in the mirror

the more we value things the less we

value ourselves

I fear not the man who has practiced ten

thousand kicks

I fear the man who has practiced one


ten thousand times

I do not pray for an easy life

I pray for the strength to endure


it is in the uphill War where we learn

tribulation worketh patience


never waste energy on worries or

negative thoughts all problems are

brought into existence


don't fear failure do not fear failure

even in failure

there is a lesson to be learned


if you truly love life

don't waste time because time

is what life is made of

when you say that something is


you have made it impossible

empty your mind of all negativity

be formless shapeless like water

life's battles do not always choose the

stronger or faster man

but sooner or later

the man who wins is the man who believes

he can

he can no matter what

always believe

choose the positive

you have a choice

you are the master of your attitude

choose the positive the constructive

Faith field incurable Optimist you were

born to be

you will continue to suffer

if you have an emotional reaction to

everything that is said to you

true power is sitting back and observing

everything with logic

if words control you that means everyone

else can control you breathe

and allow things to pass

absorb what is useful discard what is


add what is uniquely your own


is the key to Brilliance Warriors

put themselves on the line for what they

believe in

no matter how tough the battle is the

Warrior never give up he learns to


until he overcomes all the adversities

facing him

this means you must be prepared to

endure pain and find Solutions at any

moment you must develop the mental


of a warrior

Bible and

well in their face and overcome any

challenge or adversity life throws at


you are the hero of your life and those

you care about

therefore you have to develop a warrior


you must learn to grow from Pain

setbacks failures obstacles challenge

losses and all the hard times in your

life every Victorious Warrior draws his

strip from the highest Source his love

the Victorious Warriors win first then

they go to war

defeated Warrior Warriors go to war

first then they seek to win I know that

I am capable

I am a soldier

I am a warrior

I am someone to fear

not hunt
a warrior never worries about his fear

the true Soldier fights not because he

hates what is in front of him

but because he loves

what is behind him




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