Books - Newspapers

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Books, newspapers, tv, theatre, cinema

Reading is an important skill. Reading entertains, teaches and broadens our horizon. We
mostly read printed words on paper, such as books, magazines, newspapers, or leaflets. We
can also read on electronic devices, for example computers, phones, televisions,
e-readers.Books are divided mainly into two categories: non-fiction and fiction. Non-fiction
books are often about history, biography, travel, science or cooking among many other
subjects. Books containing short stories, novels, dramas or poetry are called fiction. Some
people like detective stories, crime novels, thrillers, novels; others prefer the romantic or
historical stories or science fiction. You can buy the book, borrow from a friend or take it out
from the library. If a book is a real page-turner, it's easier to read it from cover to cover.

Some people prefer reading an e-book on an e-reader rather than reading a traditional book.
It's easier to purchase an e-book and to search for content in an e-book and you can also
carry around a number of books on your e-reader – but you won't find the distinct book
smell in an e-book.

A newspaper is a publication printed on paper and issued regularly. Newspapers give

information and opinions about current events and news. Newspapers often have comic
strips and other entertainment elements. The opinion sections are called editorials.

Magazines are generally issued weekly or monthly. Some newspapers are tabloids, and are
usually the popular press. They often have a larger circulation. The more serious newspapers
are bigger in size (broadsheet). Newspapers and magazines can be bought at news-stands, in
supermarkets and at petrol stations, and you can also subscribe to them.

Usually people read newspapers to stay informed about national and international events
and news but reading English language press can also help you improve your English.
Nowadays people don’t buy newspapers they rather read the news on the Internet.

I don’t like reading too much but if I have to choose my favourite book, I’ll say Percy Jackson.
It’s written by an American writer, Rick Riordan. It’s a fantasy novel. It has five volumes and it
mixes the ancient greek mythology with the modern world. The main character is Percy, who
is the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea. It is an adventurous story but it is romantic too, as
Percy falls in love with Annabeth who is the daughter of Athene. I’m keen on this story
because I think the ancient Greek culture is very interesting and these books are full of action
and excitement.

Apart from reading watching films can be a good free time activity. People used to watch
films on tv only but nowadays young people prefer downloading films and watching them on
their computer. Some people spend their days in front of the tv, they are called couch
potatoes. Tv can be useful if we watch what is worth watching. We can get to know a lot of
things about the world, we can learn languages etc. So we should select what we watch.

I really like watching movies and series. In my opinion it’s a really good programme if you are
bored. My favourite film is Fight Club directed by David Fincher. The main characters are
played by Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter. It is a fantastic story about a
young manager (Edward Norton) who can’t find his place in the world and suffers from
insomnia. He meets Tyler, played by Brad Pitt, who shows him a new type of life. The story
has an unexpected twist at the end. I like it because of the story and the brilliant actors.
We can watch films at home or in the cinema. Of course, I like going to the cinema, it’s a
good program with friends or family. Cinemas have big screens, excellent sound quality and it
has a good athmosphere when we go to the cinema together. Unfortunately they can be very
expensive. If we watch films at home we save money and we can stop the film when we are
hungry or we have to go to the toilet.

Theatres are a different world. They are usually nice old buildings with a huge stage. The
performances are usually spectacular and have special effects. It’s an incredible feeling to
see actors in real life, playing something in front of us, especially if we sit close to the stage.
People always wear elegant clothes when they go the theatre.

I don’t go to the theatre very often, because in Esztergom there isn’t a good theatre so we
have to go to Budapest if we want to see something good. Last time I saw the Boys of the Pál
street. In spite of the fact that I don’t like musicals very much, I really enjoyed it. The original
story was written by Ferenc Molnár. It is a story of some young boys who fight for their
territory. It is exciting, it has ear catching music but the end of the story is really sad.

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