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Teacher Guidelines ▶ pages 1 – 2

Instructional Pages ▶ pages 3 – 7
Activity Page ▶ page 8
Practice Page ▶ page 9
GRADE Homework Page
Answer Key

pages 10 – 11
pages 12 – 14
Classroom Procedure: Approximate Grade Level: 1 – 3

1. Display the following and read aloud the list: Barney, Objectives: The student will be able to
define dinosaur, summarize characteristics
Jurassic Park, Godzilla, The Wiggles, The Land Before
of dinosaurs, identify several kinds of
Time, The Flintstones, Prehysteria. Ask students: What do dinosaurs, and tell when/where they lived.
the names and titles on the list have in common? (related
to dinosaurs) State Educational Standards*
2. Allow for responses and discussion. Ask students to share LB.ELA-LITERACY.RI.1.4
everything they know about dinosaurs. Ask them if they LB.ELA-LITERACY.RI.2.1
learned it from movies and shows or somewhere else. LB.ELA-LITERACY.RI.2.4
3. Allow for responses and discussion. List several of their LB.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.4
responses. Ask students if they think all the information
Class Sessions (45 minutes):
from the list is correct. Why or why not?
At least 2 class sessions.
4. Allow for responses and discussion. Introduce Dinosaurs. Teaching Materials/Worksheets:
5. Distribute Dinosaurs content pages. Read and review Dinosaurs content pages (3), Activity pages,
Practice page, Homework pages (2)
the information with the students. Save the final question
for the lesson closing. Use the additional resources to Student Supplies:
enhance understanding. Colored pencils, paper, handouts

6. Distribute Activity page. Read and review the instructions. Prepare Ahead of Time:
Distribute colored pencils and paper. Encourage students Supplies for activity.
Copy handouts.
to use their imaginations. (It is suggested prior to the
activity, students see examples of other dinosaurs, use Options for Lesson: Students may work in
coloring pages, etc.) pairs or in groups for the activity, creating more
than one “new” dinosaur. Create a booklet
7. Once completed, each student shares their “new” special of the activity dinosaurs. Plan a “Dinosaur
dinosaur with the class. Week”, introducing a new dinosaur each
day along with images, coloring pages, etc.
8. Distribute Practice page. Check and review the students’ Invite an expert in to speak to students about
responses. dinosaurs, perhaps from a local college. Use
modeling clay for students to create 3D models
9. Distribute the Homework pages. The next day, check and
of dinosaurs. Assign a dinosaur type to each
review the students’ responses. student to research and present to the class.
10. In closing, ask students: If you could have lived as one of Older students can create a dinosaur board
game using facts about dinosaurs. Watch a
the dinosaurs, which one would it be and why?
movie such as Jurassic Park, students identify
11. Allow for responses and discussion. the dinosaurs.
*Lessons are aligned to meet the education objectives and goals of
most states. For more information on your state objectives, contact
your local Board of Education or Department of Education in your state.

Teacher Notes
Nearly every young child enjoys learning about dinosaurs, and this lesson introduces students to this incredible
species that once roamed the Earth. The lesson includes a variety of general information, including when
and where they lived, and other common characteristics of dinosaurs. Types of dinosaurs are also explored,
with some facts about specific dinosaurs. There is an abundance of web sites related to dinosaurs, as well
as activities, resources, and more, and teachers are recommended to access the sites to enhance and/or
expand the lesson.

Introducing the “Terrible Lizard”
One of the most fascinating creatures to ever roam the Earth was the dinosaur. You most likely have heard
of dinosaurs, seen pictures of them on TV or the Internet, or may have seen their bones in a museum.
Dinosaurs are an interesting group of animals that no longer exist, meaning they are extinct.
Dinosaurs evolved, meaning they changed, over millions of years. All animals change over time.
The word dinosaur was first used in 1842 by an English biologist (a person who studies life), Sir Richard
Owen. He needed a new word for a group of animals he identified and used the word Dinosauria. The word
comes from two other words that means terrible lizard. However, dinosaurs are not lizards but are reptiles.
Sometimes early birds were also referred to as dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs first lived over 200 million years ago but they died out about 66 million years ago. The time-period
they lived during is called the Mesozoic Era, which is also called the Age of Reptiles. The era is divided
into three smaller periods:

• Triassic: The earliest dinosaurs appeared, but they were small and walked on two legs. During this
period, an extinction took place and the period ended.
• Jurassic: The climate was hot and humid and there were many rainforests appearing. The
dinosaurs were the dominant (main) animals with backbones called vertebrates.
• Cretaceous: Dinosaurs continued to survive until another extinction took place. However, the flying
“dinosaurs” technically called birds, survived. The dinosaurs lasted about 170 million years.

By comparison, human beings have only lived for about 200,000 years on Earth. It is like people surviving
on Earth for 4 days, but dinosaurs living for almost one year.
The remains of dinosaurs have been found on every continent. This is because millions of years ago the
continents were joined together and there was one supercontinent called Pangaea. The dinosaurs easily

roamed the land moving from place to place because the oceans
did not separate the continents.
Once the continents separated, the oceans prevented dinosaurs
from moving between continents. Climates throughout the world
changed as well. The Earth began to cool and there was more
rain. During the last two periods of the Mesozoic Era, the land
separated to its present form today.
The dinosaurs’ extinction took place about 66 million years ago 75%
of all life on Earth died. There are many theories or guesses as to
what may have happened leading to the extinction. They include
worldwide volcanic eruptions, changes in the Earth’s climate, or
perhaps a meteorite from space smashing into the Earth.

Characteristics of Dinosaurs
Why are dinosaurs called dinosaurs? Nearly all dinosaurs had things in common with each other, however,
there were some differences.

• Reptiles: Reptiles usually cannot control their body temperatures and are called cold-blooded, but
a few of the dinosaurs may have been warm-blooded, as they could control their body temperature.
• Legs: Dinosaurs’ legs were straight. They went downwards from their bodies. Other early reptiles
like crocodiles had legs that bent and projected outwards. Some dinosaurs walked on two legs, others
used four, and some walked on all fours.
• Non-Flying: Most dinosaurs could not fly. On the other hand, many scientists believe birds evolved
from dinosaurs that could fly.
• Size: Dinosaurs ranged from small to huge. There was a chicken-sized dinosaur called compsognathus
to giant sauropods, such as the Titanosaurs, the biggest known dinosaur. In addition, some of them
had horns and others were covered in armor, an outer body protection.
• Survival: There were meat-eating, plant-eating, and omnivorous (both) dinosaurs. Some evolved to
have special diets and ate only insects or seeds. Dinosaurs lived in different habitats.
• Living: Most dinosaurs were grazers, living off the land, traveling alone or in herds. Others were
predators, who hunted other animals.

Most of the information paleontologists (people who study dinosaurs) have learned about these interesting
creatures have come from studying fossils that are found in the ground. Scientists can re-create skeletons
of the dinosaurs, which can often be seen in museums.

Types of Dinosaurs
There are usually two main categories of dinosaurs which are then further grouped into types. The two
categories are based on the creatures’ hip bones:
1. Ornithischia: hip bones like those of birds today, plant-eating, walked on two legs
2. Saurischia: hip bones like those of a lizard, meat-eaters, powerful legs, long tails, short arms

• Mostly lived in North America

Tyrannosaurus • About 42 feet long, 13 feet at the hip

Rex or T-Rex • Weighed up to 7 tons, foot-long teeth
• Average speed: 25 mph
• Rows of plates and spines
along their tail and back
• Found in N. America and
Stegosaurus Europe
• 30 feet long, 14 feet tall
• Weighed up to 5 tons

• Unique with large body, 3 horns

• 26 feet long, 10 feet tall
Triceratops • Weighed 6 to 12 tons
• Had available between 400 to 800 teeth
during its lifetime
• One of the largest animals
• 75 feet in length, weighed
Apatosaurus 25 tons
• Had long tails like whips
• Became an adult in only 10

• The size of a turkey with feathers
• 6.5 feet long, 1.5 feet tall, 33 lbs.
• Fossils first found in an Asian desert
• Toronto Basketball team: “Raptors”

• Walks on 2 or 4 feet
• 33 feet in length, weighed
3.5 tons
Iguanodon • First found in country of
• Maximum speed about 24

There are many other kinds of dinosaurs, and each of them have special characteristics. For example, one
of the biggest dinosaurs known to paleontologists is the Argentinosaurus, weighing up to 100 tons and
about 120 feet long. The smallest is the Microraptor, 16 inches long and the size of a pigeon. Finally, the
fastest may have been the Ornithomimus, which ran as fast as an ostrich- 40 to 50 mph.
In summary, the “Terrible Lizards” or dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. However, using the fossils found
throughout the world, the paleontologists are learning more and more each day about these amazing creatures
that died out and became extinct.

If you could have lived as one of the dinosaurs,

which one would it be and why?

Activity Name __________________________ Date _________

Instructions for “New Dinosaurs”

1. Supplies: Colored pencils, construction or poster paper, scratch paper
2. Create a NEW dinosaur using your imagination.
3. Using the scratch paper, draw your own unique dinosaur that may have lived millions of years ago
4. You will also give it a new dinosaur name
5. It may have long legs, short legs, a tail, wings, small or large head, etc.
6. Depending on the dinosaur’s body design, you will also need to tell why it has long or short legs, a tail,
etc. You will make up a story about the life of your dinosaur.
7. Create several rough drafts before beginning the final copy.
8. As you create your New Dinosaur, think about and respond to the following questions:
a. What is your dinosaur called?
b. What does your dinosaur eat?
c. What special features does your dinosaur have and why?
d. What helps the dinosaur survive and protect itself from predators?
e. What else is special about your dinosaur?

Practice Name __________________________ Date _________

Circle the correct word for the definition that follows it.
1 extinct or evolve Animals that change over time.
2 biologist or paleontologist A scientist who studies dinosaurs.
3 grazers or predators Dinosaurs that eat off the land.
4 warm-blooded or cold-blooded Animals can control their body temperature.
5 dominant or vertebrates The main type or thing.
6 grazers or predators Dinosaurs that eat other animals.
7 dominant or vertebrates The backbones of animals.
8 biologist or paleontologist A scientist who studies life.
9 warm-blooded or cold-blooded Animals unable to control their body temperature.
10 extinct or evolve Animals that no longer exist on the Earth.
Match the information with the correct type of dinosaur.
11 3 horns, during its lifetime had 400 to 800 teeth available A Tyrannosaurus Rex
12 Also known as Brontosaurus B Stegosaurus
13 Mostly lived in North America, with 1-foot long teeth C Triceratops
14 The size of a turkey with feathers D Apatosaurus
15 Rows of plates and spines along their tail and back E Velociraptor
16 Had long tails like whips, became adult in 10 years F Iguanodon
17 Average speed: 25 mph
18 Fossils first found in an Asian desert
19 Walks on 2 or 4 feet, first found in country of Belgium
20 26 feet long, 6 to 12 tons, 10 feet tall, unique large body

Homework Name __________________________ Date _________

Circle the correct answers.

1. How did dinosaurs walk? 2. Most dinosaur legs can be described
A. On two legs A. Straight and outwards from the body
B. On four legs B. Bent and projected inwards from the body
C. Both A and B C. Long and thin with bent calves
3. Birds may have evolved from: 4. The biggest known dinosaur is the:
A. Crocodiles A. Titansaurs
B. Dinosaurs B. Compsognathus
C. Neither A or B C. Velociraptor
5. Omnivorous dinosaurs eat: 6. Type of dinosaur with bird-like hip
A. Plants A. Saurischia
B. Meat B. Ornithischia
C. Plants and Meat C. Jurassic
7. Which of the following is Pangaea? 8. Dinosauria means which of the follow-
A. One supercontinent A. Awesome Lizard
B. Separation of the continents B. Giant Lizard
C. Dinosaur found all over the Earth C. Terrible Lizard
9. The Mesozoic Era is called the: 10. The year the word dinosaur was 1st
A. Age of Reptiles A. 1830
B. Age of Dinosaurs B. 1842
C. Age of Lizards C. 1927
Who was Sir Richard Owen?

Homework Name __________________________ Date _________

Tell whether each statement is True (T) of False (F).

1 Dinosaur fossils have been found on every continent on Earth.
2 The 3 dinosaur periods include Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.
3 When the dinosaurs became extinct, about 50% of all other life died as well.
4 Human beings have lived on Earth for about 200,000 years.
5 Categories of dinosaurs are based on their neck bones.
6 Most dinosaurs lived in the same habitat.
7 The dinosaurs became extinct due to volcanoes, climate change, or meteorites.
8 The biggest dinosaur known to have existed was the Argentinosaurus.
9 The armor of a dinosaur is protection found on their inner bodies.
10 All animals change over time including the dinosaurs.

Name each dinosaur.

T-Rex Stegosaurus Triceratops Velociraptor

11. 12.

13. 14.

Practice Answer Key
Name __________________________ Date _________

Circle the correct word for the definition that follows it.
1 extinct or evolve Animals that change over time.
2 biologist or paleontologist A scientist who studies dinosaurs.
3 grazers or predators Dinosaurs that eat off the land.
4 warm-blooded or cold-blooded Animals can control their body temperature.
5 dominant or vertebrates The main type or thing.
6 grazers or predators Dinosaurs that eat other animals.
7 dominant or vertebrates The backbones of animals.
8 biologist or paleontologist A scientist who studies life.
9 warm-blooded or cold-blooded Animals unable to control their body temperature.
10 extinct or evolve Animals that no longer exist on the Earth.
Match the information with the correct type of dinosaur.
11 C 3 horns, during its lifetime had 400 to 800 teeth available A Tyrannosaurus Rex
12 D Also known as Brontosaurus B Stegosaurus
13 A Mostly lived in North America, with 1-foot long teeth C Triceratops
14 E The size of a turkey with feathers D Apatosaurus
15 B Rows of plates and spines along their tail and back E Velociraptor
16 D Had long tails like whips, became adult in 10 years F Iguanodon
17 A Average speed: 25 mph
18 E Fossils first found in an Asian desert
19 F Walks on 2 or 4 feet, first found in country of Belgium
20 C 26 feet long, 6 to 12 tons, 10 feet tall, unique large body

Homework Answer Key
Name __________________________ Date _________

Circle the correct answers.

1. How did dinosaurs walk? 2. Most dinosaur legs can be described
A. On two legs A. Straight and outwards from the body
B. On four legs B. Bent and projected inwards from the body
C. Both A and B C. Long and thin with bent calves
3. Birds may have evolved from: 4. The biggest known dinosaur is the:
A. Crocodiles A. Titansaurs
B. Dinosaurs B. Compsognathus
C. Neither A or B C. Velociraptor
5. Omnivorous dinosaurs eat: 6. Type of dinosaur with bird-like hip
A. Plants A. Saurischia
B. Meat B. Ornithischia
C. Plants and Meat C. Jurassic
7. Which of the following is Pangaea? 8. Dinosauria means which of the follow-
A. One supercontinent A. Awesome Lizard
B. Separation of the continents B. Giant Lizard
C. Dinosaur found all over the Earth C. Terrible Lizard
9. The Mesozoic Era is called the: 10. The year the word dinosaur was 1st
A. Age of Reptiles A. 1830
B. Age of Dinosaurs B. 1842
C. Age of Lizards C. 1927
Who was Sir Richard Owen?
An English biologist who first used the term dinosaur in 1842 to name a new group of animals he identified.

Homework Answer Key
Name __________________________ Date _________

Tell whether each statement is True (T) of False (F).

1 T Dinosaur fossils have been found on every continent on Earth.
2 T The 3 dinosaur periods include Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.
3 F When the dinosaurs became extinct, about 50% of all other life died as well.
4 T Human beings have lived on Earth for about 200,000 years.
5 F Categories of dinosaurs are based on their neck bones.
6 F Most dinosaurs lived in the same habitat.
7 T The dinosaurs became extinct due to volcanoes, climate change, or meteorites.
8 T The biggest dinosaur known to have existed was the Argentinosaurus.
9 F The armor of a dinosaur is protection found on their inner bodies.
10 T All animals change over time including the dinosaurs.

Name each dinosaur.

T-Rex Stegosaurus Triceratops Velociraptor

11. Stegosaurus 12. T-Rex

13. Velociraptor 14. Triceratops


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