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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Wearable Digital Health Technologies in Medicine

Stephen H. Friend, M.D., Ph.D., Guest Editor, Geoffrey S. Ginsburg, M.D., Ph.D., Guest Editor,
Rosalind W. Picard, Sc.D., Guest Editor, and Jeffrey M. Drazen, M.D., Editor

Key Issues as Wearable Digital Health

Technologies Enter Clinical Care
Geoffrey S. Ginsburg, M.D., Ph.D., Rosalind W. Picard, Sc.D., and
Stephen H. Friend, M.D., Ph.D.​​

From the All of Us Research Program, earable digital health technologies (DHTs) offer the poten-
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, tial to affect health care by making behavioral and physiological pat-
MD (G.S.G.); the MIT Media Lab, Cam-
bridge, and Empatica, Boston — both terns in daily life outside the clinic visible to patients and medical pro-
in Massachusetts (R.W.P.); the Depart- fessionals. Our series to date has covered areas of clinical care in which there are
ment of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, reasonably robust clinical trial data showing the value of these technologies: dia-
Oxford, United Kingdom (S.H.F.), and
4YouandMe, Seattle (S.H.F.). Dr. Friend betes1 and two types of cardiovascular disease.2 These trials have shown that
can be contacted at ­friend@​­4youandme​ enabling more personalized data-driven interventions and objective measurement
.­org or at 4YouandMe, 185 Great Neck of treatment effects can lead to results that are in many cases superior to those
Rd., Suite 447, Great Neck, NY 11021.
achieved with the use of intermittent clinical data, which is the current basis for
N Engl J Med 2024;390:1118-27. the standard of care. We have also highlighted areas showing the nascent effect
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra2307160
Copyright © 2024 Massachusetts Medical Society. on patients and clinicians of wearable DHTs that measure movement and sleep for
the management of depression3 and wearable DHTs that use artificial intelligence
(AI) to monitor patients for seizures, improve seizure quantification, reduce inju-
ries, and lower the risk of sudden unexpected death from epilepsy.4 The eviden-
tiary basis for the broad clinical effect of wearable DHTs in these areas is in its
infancy, but our series has shown the potential for real-world medical benefits.
Well-designed longitudinal trials will show which of these transformative aims
can be realized.
In this final review in the series on wearable DHTs, we highlight important
challenges that must be met to integrate the devices into clinical guidelines and
practice. We have deliberately grounded our narrative in what is possible today, but
we also speculate about specific uses of wearable DHTs in the future. As Figure 1
shows, we identify six interlocking and vexing issues at the foundation of deliver-
ing DHT-informed care: data ownership; patient trust, literacy, and access; stan-
dards and interoperability; integration of DHTs into clinical care; patient empower-
ment and agency; and reimbursement and a return on investment for health care

Data Ow ner ship

Who owns the raw and derivative data obtained from wearable DHTs? Ownership
can be unclear, since data collection involves multiple stakeholders, including
patients, device manufacturers, app providers, and data aggregators. Raw sensor
data typically reside with the device provider, whereas medical summary informa-
tion and trends derived from processed raw data may reside with the health care
delivery system and provider. In some jurisdictions, patients are generally consid-
ered owners of their health data, and most jurisdictions control access to it. Health

1118 n engl j med 390;12 March 21/28, 2024

Wear able Digital Health Technologies in Clinical Care

Key Points
Integrating Digital Health Technologies into Clinical Care
• Wearable digital health technologies (DHTs) are devices that record behavioral or physiological data for
use in medical decision making about the wearer. This article covers issues that are common to the use
of wearable DHTs to manage a range of conditions.
• As wearable DHTs progress from experimental applications to routine use in clinical care, data
ownership and the right to control the data must be addressed.
• To derive full value from the devices, patients must be able to access their data, achieve data literacy,
and gain trust in the systems for managing the information.
• Data standards and interoperability must be established and used consistently.
• As wearable DHTs are integrated into routine clinical care, the volume of the data generated will pose
workflow challenges that must be addressed, including incorporation into electronic health records.
• If patients feel empowered by the use of wearable DHTs, they will have a sense of agency in controlling
some aspects of their disease management.
• Patients and health care systems will need to be reimbursed for wearable DHTs in a way that yields a
reasonable return on investment.

care systems claim ownership of health data Health data from wearable DHTs are valuable
generated in their systems or collected during not only for individual patient care but also for
patient visits (including by means of telemedi- population health research, public health initia-
cine). When patients have been given access to tives, and the development of new approaches
their data, it has led to some improved medical to health care. Challenges arise in determining
outcomes. For example, patients with diabetes how patient data can be aggregated and used for
who use an open-source, community-built smart- secondary purposes while respecting privacy.
phone app that captures glucose and insulin- One scenario is for users of wearable DHTs to
pump data from commercial devices have been provide consent for deidentified data aggregation
shown to improve insulin control by adjusting and secondary use for research, which is how
their insulin levels more frequently.5 electronic health record (EHR) data are now
We believe persons should understand the used by researchers. Patients would be able to
terms of use and privacy policies associated with opt in or opt out of sharing their data for re-
the devices and apps they use. Transparency re- search or other purposes. Assuring patients that
garding the policies and principles for the use of only their deidentified data will be shared may
wearable DHT data by patients, researchers, and be insufficient, since reidentification is possible
medical professionals is essential in order to al- when deidentified data are shared and paired
low patients to provide fully informed consent in with other data sources. To foster transparency,
sharing their data. This information should be consideration should also be given to enacting
provided in a short, easy-to-understand paragraph policies that empower patients with access to
rather than a lengthy legal document. Since data their health data and the right to manage and
use and other policies for wearable DHTs are control the data collected by means of wear-
evolving, there may be a need, at least temporar- able DHTs.
ily, for a “digital health counselor,” akin to a ge-
netics counselor, who is a member of a health Pat ien t T rus t, L i ter ac y, a nd
care team dedicated to assisting both patients Ac ce ss
and clinicians with the integration of technology.
The counselor’s duties could include facilitating Patient trust is another major factor required for
access to technology, teaching digital literacy adoption of wearable DHTs (Fig. 2). Fear that
skills, supporting telehealth visits, recommend- personal health data may be compromised or
ing health apps, troubleshooting technical is- misused, especially with the increasing use of
sues, and interpreting clinically relevant data AI, is one of the most important trust issues.
sourced from health apps.6 Health professionals should be aware of the data

n engl j med 390;12 March 21/28, 2024 1119

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Wearable Digital Health Technologies (DHTs)

Diabetes Heart Failure

pump glucose sensor
Current Use Cases
Epilepsy Depression
Sleep Reimbursement
Data Data and return
ownership on investment

Patient Patient
access, literacy, empowerment
and trust and agency
Standards Integration into
and interoperability clinical environments

Figure 1. Emerging Uses and Challenges of Wearable DHTs in Clinical Care.

Four clinical settings for use of wearable DHTs that have been discussed in this review series are shown (diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, depression, and epilepsy), along with challenges that must be addressed to realize the full
potential of wearable DHTs in patient care: data ownership; patient access, literacy, and trust; standards and inter-
pretability; integration into clinical environments; patient empowerment and agency; and reimbursement and return
on investment.

security protocols in place at their institutions able DHTs into clinical care and for reducing
and ideally should be able to communicate to “the digital divide” and resulting health inequal-
their patients how their data are used, stored, ities. The digital divide refers to unequal access
and shared. Clinicians can reasonably expect to technology and Internet connectivity, which
that security procedures will be continually up- results in uneven adoption of wearable DHTs.
dated in clinical practice guidelines. Giving pa- Disparities in access to digital resources and in
tients control over their data may increase trust. the ability to afford the associated costs dispro-
Low digital literacy levels in certain patient portionately affect marginalized populations,
populations, particularly patients with limited which exacerbates existing health care inequali-
technology exposure, can lead to mistrust and ties, as noted in two of the articles in this series.1,2
impede effective adoption and use of wearable Reducing costs or providing reimbursement for
DHTs. At a minimum, education and training wearable DHTs and ensuring affordable data
programs are likely to be needed to enhance plans and reliable networks in underserved areas
digital literacy among patients and health care can reduce disparities in access. Collaborations
professionals. between the public and private sectors — particu-
Supporting patients from diverse groups in larly, strategic partnerships between health care
their digital experience, facilitating access, and systems and manufacturers — may facilitate af-
providing education will be of paramount im- fordable options, subsidies, or reimbursement
portance for the successful integration of wear- programs that promote equitable access.7

1120 n engl j med 390;12 March 21/28, 2024

Wear able Digital Health Technologies in Clinical Care

Trust and Security

Societal Issues Local Health
System Strategies
“The Digital Divide”

• Unequal access to technology • Health professional–patient

• Unequal access to the Internet engagement
• Lack of digital literacy • Patient control over data
• Lack of support for telehealth • Transparency regarding
visits use of patient data
• Unequal access to health apps
• Unequal access to technical

Patients and wearable digital

health technology data

Figure 2. Trust and Security.

Patients’ trust and security must be addressed to ensure that they are willing to share the data from their wearable DHTs. Societal issues
that must be addressed to facilitate trust are listed, along with local health system strategies that are essential for trust and security.

S ta nda r ds a nd In teroper a bil i t y wearable DHTs and that patients are not well
served when each manufacturer establishes its
Although the broad field of DHTs, which includes own data standards10-13 (Fig. 3).
EHRs and telemedicine, has adopted data stan-
dards, the field of wearable DHTs, which is In tegr at ion in t o Cl inic a l
characterized by ongoing development, lacks En v ironmen t s
such standards. The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has developed stan- Integrating wearable DHTs into clinical care
dards for wearable DHTs, particularly those presents several workflow challenges that can
used for monitoring health and wellness, to en- affect both health care professionals and pa-
sure that these devices are safe, effective, and tients (Fig. 4). One of the biggest challenges is
interoperable. However, these standards have the sheer volume of data generated by wearable
not been widely adopted. The Food and Drug DHTs, which can be overwhelming. As the field
Administration (FDA) has provided guidelines evolves, efforts are being made to distinguish
for determining which “mobile medical applica- between cases in which raw data should be
tions” qualify as medical devices and require transmitted to health care systems and cases in
regulatory oversight.8 The FDA can demand which summary data are sufficient. Approaches
removal of products that make medical claims to sorting and analyzing data efficiently, deriv-
without having obtained formal FDA clearance or ing insights, and making them clinically useful
approval. The Federal Trade Commission and the are evolving (particularly since the advent of AI).
Office of the National Coordinator for Health Although some wearable DHTs can collect and
Information Technology also provide oversight deliver data in real time, most of the data re-
for wearable DHTs and have already penalized ceived by clinicians will not have been delivered
firms for sharing information without consumer in real time. Finally, the temporal (and dense)
consent.9 We believe that a clear set of interop- data from wearable DHTs must somehow be
erability standards should be established for incorporated into EHRs, which probably means

n engl j med 390;12 March 21/28, 2024 1121

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

transforming the data into standard and inter- Wearable DHTs are used primarily to collect
operative data outputs, as discussed above, for data outside the clinical setting, and some of
facilitating the exchange of data within and be- those data, such as step counts, may seem to be
tween clinical systems. The most effective man- nonmedical. Yet changes in step counts may
ner in which wearable DHT data are presented herald changes in a diverse set of medical issues,
to health care professionals and to patients is an from heart failure to depression, that are useful
area of ongoing investigation. for clinicians in assessing the clinical status of
Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data their patients. Data collected by wearable DHTs
collected by wearable DHTs is essential for clini- also pose privacy issues. Most wearable devices
cal decision making. As the scope of clinically use wireless data to communicate with a smart-
actionable data provided by wearable DHTs ex- phone or nearby station, and the transmitted
pands, we expect a maturation that will reduce data might be intercepted. It is important to
false alarms, as described for continuous glu- ensure that a given patient’s data, if intercepted,
cose monitors.1 Some manufacturers of wearable cannot be easily read.
DHTs have begun using rigorous testing and The FDA now imposes cybersecurity require-
validation to ensure the accuracy and reliability ments for digital platforms and devices that have
of these devices, which has allowed them to make been cleared for medical use.16,17 Manufacturers
medical claims or provide data to support medi- of FDA-regulated wearable DHTs increasingly
cal decisions as a result of regulatory clearance must have robust privacy and security measures,
by the FDA.1,2,4 including data encryption, access controls, and

Wearable DHT data

Incentives, Innovation, Emerging Standards

Partnerships, and Organizations
Collaborations Deliver the standards to the
wearable DHT developer community

• Government incentives Standards and Interoperability Fast Healthcare

• Innovation Integration into Electronic Resources
• Strategic partnerships Health Records (EHRs) (FHIR)
• Raw data
• Metadata
• Reports

Institute of Systematized
Real-time Electrical and Nomenclature
clinical Electronics of Medicine
decision Engineers (IEEE) Clinical Terms
support (SNOMED CT)

Figure 3. Standards and Interoperability.

Interoperability of data collected from wearable DHTs makes possible the integration of the data into electronic
health records (EHRs) as raw data, metadata, and reports. Integration of these data and reports with clinical decision
support in real time allows health professionals to gain insights that can inform decision making. Government
incentives, innovation, and strategic partnerships could lead to partnerships and collaboration and facilitate the de-
velopment of data standards and interoperability. Emerging standards organizations should cooperate in delivering
the standards to the DHT developer community.14,15

1122 n engl j med 390;12 March 21/28, 2024

Wear able Digital Health Technologies in Clinical Care

compliance with relevant regulatory standards. care systems to adopt an overarching implemen-
The FDA requires device providers to have proto- tation framework and strategy to ensure that
cols in place for addressing and reporting vulner- integration of wearable DHTs into their clinical
abilities, especially data breaches, and conducts environments allows straightforward, confiden-
audits of businesses, examining multiple levels tial use and interpretation of the data gathered to
of procedures. In addition, the FDA requires test- improve patient care.
ing of usability by the intended users. In con-
trast, the manufacturers of consumer devices Pat ien t Emp ow er men t a nd
without FDA clearance are not required to follow Agenc y
any of these practices. Although clinicians first
and foremost should use data from FDA-cleared For patients to have agency and empowerment in
devices, data from other consumer devices may using data from their wearable DHTs, the chal-
have clinical value as well, if used to generate a lenges of control over the data, an understand-
hypothesis about a patient’s condition that could ing of how the data can be used effectively, and
be tested. Overall, it seems prudent for health trust in the systems managing the data will need

Standardized data collection Data capture, processing

and storage, and delivery to
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) EHR
Local Device Interpretation and communication back to the user
Patient decision through the wearable DHT interface
Wearable DHT data

Automated algorithms
and machine learning

Insights and
decision support

Feedback and
queries between
health care provider
and patient

Support for diverse patients Support from multiple providers

Figure 4. Integration into Clinical Environments.

The data and information flows from wearable DHTs are shown. Data are collected from patients, and local interpretation of data or
trends can help guide patients in making some decisions themselves. Data sets are captured centrally in the health care system to allow
for integration into the EHR and to provide support to health providers in developing insights from the data and making evidence-based
decisions. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automated algorithms can facilitate this process.

n engl j med 390;12 March 21/28, 2024 1123

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

to be addressed. Patients should understand and R eimbur semen t a nd R e t ur n on

have a say in who has access to their data and In v e s tmen t for He a lth C a r e
how the information is used. Wearable DHTs are S ys tems
designed to serve multiple roles; for example,
patients may want useful real-time information Reflecting the likely benefits of wearable DHTs
and guidance on how to interpret and act on it, in improving clinical outcomes and operation-
whereas the clinical and research community al efficiency, there is now a set of Current
may want better insights into treatments and Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for re-
responses and efficient, lower-cost health care. mote patient monitoring with wearables (e.g.,
At present, there is a gap between use of the CPT codes 99453, 99454, 99457, and 99458),
devices to gather data that can guide patients in which cover FDA-cleared or FDA-approved de-
making lifestyle decisions and use of the devices vices, their setup and patient education, remote
to help clinicians make decisions about medical patient monitoring, data reading, and patient
interventions. consultations, with some restrictions. Devices
As exemplified in this series, wearable DHTs and procedures that do not meet existing CPT
are beginning to modify the roles of patients definitions still present serious challenges in
and health care providers. For example, a patient securing reimbursement. These challenges stem
with type 2 diabetes who is not yet insulin- from the need for evidence of clinical effective-
dependent can modify diet and exercise in real ness and cost savings, a complex and evolving
time in response to the data from a continuous landscape of regulatory requirements, and im-
glucose monitor.1 Wearable DHTs also enable perfect paradigms for integration of these tech-
persons to have access to real-time data about nologies into existing health care delivery mod-
their health and well-being, including metrics els. As a result, health care systems sometimes
such as heart rate, activity levels, and sleep pat- struggle to justify financial investment in wear-
terns. These data have the potential to provide able DHTs.
them with a better understanding of their health Although regulatory clearance by the FDA
and to help them be proactive in meeting health indicates sufficient evidence of claimed medical
goals. However, there are trade-offs. For exam- functionality and several kinds of safety, health
ple, smartwatches that monitor heart rhythm insurance companies often require evidence of
may set off a false alarm for atrial fibrillation, cost equivalence or cost reduction before they
leading not only to anxiety on the patient’s part reimburse patients for wearable DHTs. Drivers
but also to an unnecessary medical evaluation.18,19 of inequitable access, such as heterogeneous
AI methods have shown promise in reducing coverage by public payers and high-deductible
false alarms, especially with the use of large, insurance plans, provider bias, and limited Eng-
high-quality data sets for training.20 lish proficiency, considerably restrict the avail-
Wearable DHTs may also be used to provide ability of wearable continuous glucose monitors
personalized health recommendations based on and seizure monitors,1,4 and similar barriers ap-
a patient’s specific data, with the potential to ply to most new wearable DHTs. Comparative
motivate the patient, modify behavior,21 and tai- effectiveness research and, in some cases, ran-
lor medications and treatment plans. At the domized clinical trials are needed to provide
same time, patients and providers need to un- evidence that wearable DHTs provide benefits
derstand the limitations of wearable DHT data, with respect to long-term health outcomes,
be able to discuss their accuracy and reliability, health care utilization, and effects on health
and recognize the possibility of overreliance on care costs. Such studies pose extra challenges
technology for health care management. Self- for small manufacturers, which already face
awareness, self-management, and active partici- substantial hurdles in meeting the quality levels
pation in health care are beginning to drive a new and extra procedures required by the FDA. Evi-
sense of agency and empowerment for some dence-based guidelines that define the specific
persons that ultimately can contribute to adher- conditions in which these devices are effective
ence to treatment plans, participation in research, can help payers determine reimbursement crite-
health literacy, and improved health. ria. In the meantime, it is likely that consensus

1124 n engl j med 390;12 March 21/28, 2024

Wear able Digital Health Technologies in Clinical Care

guidelines developed by health care professional gagement and satisfaction.25 Empowering patients
societies, device manufacturers, researchers, and with access to their health data and the ability
regulatory bodies will be required for the ap- to actively participate in their own health man-
propriate use of and reimbursement for wear- agement may enhance patient satisfaction and
able DHTs. strengthen the patient–provider relationship.26
For health care systems to effectively adopt Although false positive signals may have the
wearable DHTs, investment in infrastructure, unintended consequence of incurring additional
interoperable data solutions, cybersecurity mea- office visits and costs, satisfied and engaged
sures, staff training, data analytics, and work- patients may be more likely to adhere to treat-
flow integration will be required. Equity in the ment plans, which in turn may lead to better
use of wearable DHTs will also necessitate in- health outcomes and reduced health care costs
vestment in addressing the digital divide. To- in the long run. Finally, wearable DHTs may
gether, these investments have the potential to promote decentralized decision making and re-
improve health outcomes in several ways, in- duce the need for some office or hospital visits;
cluding detection of medical conditions in a consequently, the overall assessment of return
more timely and actionable way.1-4 For example, on investment is complex.
a seizure detector can alert a caregiver to attend Earlier interventions, more proactive disease
to a patient having a convulsive seizure, prevent- management, and a greater emphasis on preven-
ing injury.4 Such investments also promote inter- tive measures have the potential to reduce the
ventions based on personalized data, which may burden of chronic conditions, prevent costly hos-
lead to reduced hospitalizations, reduced admin- pitalizations, and make the best use of resourc-
istrative burdens, streamlined health care pro- es.27-29 Wearable DHTs may play an important role
cesses, improved resource allocation, and im- in all these improvements if initial investments
proved overall patient well-being.1-4 For example, are made for their appropriate use.
the cardiovascular article in this review series
showed how remote monitoring for heart fail- C onclusions
ure, enabled by wearable DHTs, reduces rehos-
pitalization, increases efficiency in the delivery Our premise is that in the realm of medical in-
of care, and is likely to reduce costs associated novation, wearable DHTs are likely to shift the
with preventable complications.2 Although alerts way health and disease are observed and man-
from a wearable DHT might prompt more aged. As engineers know, better controllability
people to see their physicians, driving up health comes with better observability: operators of
care utilization and billing,22 this proactive ap- vehicles drive better when they can see. Data sets
proach may help to slow or arrest the progres- from wearable DHTs provide observations of
sion of chronic diseases. A promising current physiological and behavioral patterns in real life,
example is the use of wearable DHT monitoring which have previously been unavailable to clini-
for atrial fibrillation to reduce the probability of cians. These new data insights may help to fos-
stroke.21,23 ter a proactive and adaptive health care frame-
Promptly reported, deidentified wearable DHT work that can better fit an individual patient,
data on health and behavior may also contribute providing earlier prevention and tailored treat-
to population health management. Health care ments in line with the vision of precision health.
systems could leverage these data to identify Expanded use of wearable DHTs has started to
trends, monitor public health risks, and design catalyze a redefinition of traditional health care
targeted interventions to improve population roles. Patients are inspired by their data to be
health outcomes. The coronavirus disease 2019 better personal health managers, and providers
(Covid-19) pandemic provided use cases for out- can receive health-relevant objective data about
break detection, contact tracing, and education patient activities outside the clinic.
on health behaviors for patients using apps and As we contemplate the opportunity and poten-
wearable DHTs.24 Health care systems investing tial promise of wearable DHTs, however, new
in reducing the digital divide and building end- challenges arise. Providers are largely unequipped
user trust have the potential to foster patient en- to manage or understand the massive new sets

n engl j med 390;12 March 21/28, 2024 1125

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

of data. They will need to understand the bene- the whole health ecosystem, remains a vital task.
fits and limitations of AI-generated outputs, as To address and solve these challenges will re-
well as the extent to which insights from wear- quire the collective will and collaboration of a
able data are clinically meaningful, since some large stakeholder community, including health
device alerts may cause superf luous use of care providers, users, and wearable DHT devel-
health care. Investments are needed to educate opers, if we are to realize the full promise of data
clinicians and patients in the appropriate han- from wearable DHTs in facilitating early inter-
dling of data from wearable devices. Most im- ventions and advancing precision health care for
portant, work must be done to keep wearable all people.
DHTs from widening the digital divide. Address-
ing disparities in access and in proficiency with Neither the Journal nor the Massachusetts Medical Society en-
dorses any specific digital health technology. Examples of such
these technologies is paramount if we are to technology appear in this article for illustrative purposes only
advance health equity while improving the qual- and do not constitute an endorsement.
ity of health care. Quantifying the return on in- The contents do not represent the views of the National Insti-
tutes of Health or the U.S. government.
vestment for wearable DHTs, in terms of both Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
clinical outcomes and economic efficacy across the full text of this article at

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