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Steve Jobs famously said, "Quality is more important than quantity.

" The adage, "One home run is far

better than two doubles," emphasizes the significance of prioritizing quality over quantity. We may talk
about how this line of thinking aligns with providing excellent patient care in a hospital setting,
particularly by drawing on your practical experiences during your internship at 37 Military Hospital.
During my internship at the hospital, I witnessed firsthand how prioritizing quality over quantity
improved patient outcomes. By ensuring that each patient receives comprehensive and personalized
care, the hospital was able to improve medical outcomes and increase patient satisfaction. For example,
the doctors and nurses took the time to completely understand the medical history every patient and
the necessity of appropriately customizing treatment plans.

1. Laboratory Diagnostic Accuracy:

The 37 Military Hospital section, which strongly emphasizes diagnostic test accuracy, is a great
illustration of the need of quality above quantity. Ensuring the accuracy and consistency of each result is
the clinic's first priority, despite the temptation to perform more tests to meet demand. A single,
accurate diagnosis can lead to effective therapy, improving outcomes and patient satisfaction.

2. Patient-Centered Care in Human Resources and Management:

In Human Resource Management (HRM) and Administration, providing patient-centered care is
emphasized as proof that quality is more important than quantity. The clinic ensures that every patient
interaction is characterized by compassion, understanding, and a commitment to individualized care
even though it manages a large amount of administrative and human management tasks. By building
trust and enhancing the patient experience, this approach supports the idea that meaningful
interactions are more significant than a lot of repetitious tasks.

3. Effective Documentation in the Records Division:

Since accurate record-keeping is essential, the records department places a great emphasis on
maintaining the highest standard of documentation. An entire history that influences both present and
future medical decisions is contained in a patient's record, which is more than just a collection of data.
The focus on quality in record-keeping ensures that health care providers have access to reliable and
accurate information, empowering them to make better decisions.

4. Efficient Patient Communication in Administration: The Administration division places a strong focus
on efficient communication because patient communication is so important there. Giving patients
accurate, timely, and clear information is the main objective; making a lot of regular interactions is not
the main focus. This quality-driven strategy also improves patient satisfaction with healthcare services,
compliance, and comprehension.

5. Regulatory Compliance in NHIA: At the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) unit, upholding the
strictest ethical guidelines and legal criteria takes precedence over handling a large number of insurance
claims. 37 Military Hospital demonstrates the importance of providing high-quality healthcare services
by pledging to maintain regulatory compliance and the trust of both patients and regulatory bodies.
To sum up, the 37 Military Hospital examples demonstrate how this strategy aligns with the Steve Jobs
philosophy of valuing quality over quantity. The emphasis on accuracy, patient-centered care, good
communication, effective record-keeping, and regulatory compliance demonstrates a commitment to
offering superior medical services. In the medical industry, where the wellbeing of the patient comes
first, one high-impact service is often worth more than a string of inefficient procedures or standard
Patient Satisfaction and Experience: Interpretation: The patient experience, which includes the
contentment, comfort, and general impression of individuals undergoing medical care, may also be the
subject of a quality assessment.
Questionnaires, feedback systems, and patient interviews are a few methods used to evaluate the caliber
of the patient experience. Patient satisfaction is influenced by a number of factors, such as time you have
been told to wait, encounters with medical personnel , and the general state of neatness and
atmosphere in the facility.

Clinical Outcomes and Effectiveness: Significance Determining how well medical treatments and
interventions work to give patients the desired health results is one aspect of assessing quality in terms
of clinical outcomes.
For instance, to evaluate the effectiveness of patient therapy in a hospital context, metrics like overall
patient health improvement, complication rates, and recovery rates would need to be tracked.
Determining the effect of medical therapies on patients' well-being and efficacy is made easier by
analyzing clinical outcomes.

Process Efficiency and Safety: Interpretation: Assessing the safety, effectiveness, and conformity to set
standards in the provision of healthcare services are all part of evaluating the quality of processes inside
a healthcare facility.
For instance, evaluating the effectiveness of the request modification method might be a step in the
quality assessment process when it comes to the shop management of Bekwai MunicipalHospital. This
entails assessing the process's overall efficacy in addition to the precision of the modifications and
compliance with hospital regulations. Effective, error-free, and patient-centered processes improve the
overall quality of medical care.

C. The Mediator Model and Antecedents

i. Sources:
Source: In the social sciences and psychology, a theoretical framework called the Antecedents and
Mediator Model is used to understand the conditions (antecedents) that give rise to particular outcomes
as well as the processes (mediators) that these factors use to effect those outcomes. This strategy is
based on the idea that specific antecedents, such as character qualities or environmental factors, can
directly impact the intended outcome. Furthermore, it is believed that the mediator variables play a
crucial role in comprehending how these antecedents influence the outcome by moderating or
mediating their impact. By examining mediators as well as antecedents, researchers can gain a
comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships that underlie a range of occurrences.

ii. Goal:
Goal: intended to look into the relationships between variables and identify the underlying mechanisms
that drive these relationships. It is widely used to look at cause-and-effect relationships in complex
systems. This method works well for studying events that are hard to alter or control in a laboratory
setting. It allows academics to look at real data and draw conclusions about the factors driving particular
outcomes. It can also provide useful insights into the ways in which different components interact and
shape the overall behavior of a system.

iii. Important Elements:

Previous Events: These are the independent variables or circumstances present prior to a phenomenon.
These are the inputs or predictions of the model. Independent variables are essential to any statistical
model because they help explain or predict the result of a phenomena. By looking at the relationship
between these variables and the dependent variable, researchers can discover a lot about the factors
impacting the phenomenon they are researching. In addition, it is possible to modify or regulate
independent factors to observe their impact on the outcome, resulting in well-informed assessments or
Mediators: These are the factors that clarify the way in which antecedents influence a particular
The final result or dependent variable that scientists are trying to figure out is called an outcome.

iv. Applications and Uses:

Applications: Often used to examine and elucidate complex relationships and processes in the fields of
social sciences, psychology, and organizational research.
Research Design: Applied when scientists seek to understand correlations' underlying causes as well as
their own properties.
v. Merits: By using causality exploration, researchers can examine causation and understand the intricate
relationships between variables.

Contextual Understanding: Offers an in-depth understanding of the factors influencing outcomes.

vi. Demerit:
Complexity: The model may get complex when dealing with multiple antecedents and mediators.
Data Requirements: If a lot of data is needed and data availability is limited, this could be challenging to

Framework for Evaluating Performance

i. Origins:
Origin: The Evaluated Performance Framework is a strategic management tool that has its roots in
business and organizational management. Its purpose is to assess an organization's overall effectiveness.
The strategy takes into account a number of factors, such as financial performance, customer
satisfaction, employee engagement, and operational efficacy. Organizations can evaluate their
advantages and disadvantages and make informed choices to improve their overall effectiveness by
looking into these important areas. Moreover, the Evaluated Performance Framework provides a
comprehensive view of an organization's performance by accounting for both quantitative and
qualitative data.

ii. Purpose:intended to provide a comprehensive evaluation of an organization's performance across a

range of domains, including operations, finances, customer satisfaction, and strategic elements. By using
this assessment, organizations can identify their areas of strength and weakness, enabling them to make
informed decisions and implement the necessary reforms. By evaluating these several aspects,
organizations can effectively work toward achieving their objectives and have a complete view of their
overall performance.

iii. Important Elements: Metrics like sales, profit margins, and return on investment are used to gauge
financial performance.
Operational efficiency evaluates how well internal procedures and resource use work.
Customer Satisfaction: Surveys, comments, and other pertinent data are used to gauge customer
assesses the degree to which organizational actions are in line with strategic objectives.
iv.Uses and Applications:
Applications: Helps with strategic decision-making in the context of company and organizational
management, identifies areas in need of improvement, and evaluates overall well-being.

Benchmarking is the practice of comparing oneself to competitors and industry standards.

v. Merits: A thorough understanding of an organization's performance considers its strategic,

operational, financial, and customer-related elements.
With strategic direction, organizations may more effectively match their actions to their goals and adapt
to changing market conditions.

vi. Demerits: High resource usage During implementation, a significant resource commitment may be
necessary for the gathering, processing, and reporting of data.
Subjectivity in Metrics: The methods used by stakeholders to assign relative weights to significant
performance indicators may vary.

To put it briefly
While the Antecedents and Mediator Model is a theoretical framework used in social sciences to
understand complex linkages and mechanisms, the Evaluated Performance Framework is a helpful tool
used in business and organizational management for detailed performance evaluation.
The Antecedents and Mediator Model is more academic and exploratory, looking to uncover underlying
mechanisms, whereas the Evaluated Performance Framework is more practical, stressing strategic
decision-making and performance assessment. While the Antecedents and Mediator Model is primarily
focused on social science research, the Evaluated Performance Framework is a management tool for
organizational performance evaluation. Both models offer incisive analysis, despite their disparities.

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