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The start of the first World War was in 1914, and America’s entrance into the War was in

1917, at the end of the war America won, and this impacted victory affected the everyday life of
Americans. During World War I America used the majority of its resources and men were used
to fight or to be borrowed to be used by allied countries, this led to a tremendous increase in
America’s economy, and this gave minorities like blacks and women the opportunities to
contribute in the war in multiple roles, maintaining the country economy and helped them to be
treated a little more fairly.

World war I affected the homefront in more ways than anyone could have expected at the time
and the economy was one of them in a positive way. America's late entrance into the war led
the country to have a more supportive role, being more a supplier of troops or goods to its allies
and that led America to clear its debt with its allies and also have other countries in debt with
America, this increased America’s economy and also made Americans richer because of the
rapidly increasing economy having an increased salary. But this would not have been possible
without the support of women, because most men were out there drafted on the battlefield,
Americans resorted to using women to temporarily occupy the jobs that men usually do and
made it possible to maintain the economy, women also helped in the war but they were not
allowed to fight and only served in supporting roles proving how they were in the same level as
men and was a step forward for equality.

African Americans were also affected by World War I, 300k+ were drafted but only about 10k
served in combat, but even showing this sign of loyalty people provoked riots against the blacks
in the south but the increasing economy increased black's salaries giving them the chance to
move to the north, but blacks were still limited and the civil liberties did not help because it
affected all Americans were freedom of speech because in times of World War I America
wanted to maintain Americans from having an opinion that could hurt America's interest, and
also passed laws against espionage and many Americans felt like their freedom of speech was
not protected.

World War I affected the homefront mostly in a positive way and most Americans hoped for a
better future because the war really change everything in America the economy was better than
ever and everything led to the roaring 20s were America enjoyed its new position as the
wealthiest country and this showed how big World War I was to America.

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