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Act 1 of the crucible reflection.

At the start of the book, we see are introduced to Reverend Parris, the priest of the town who
is not very respected and we are also introduced to Betty Parris the daughter of the priest. It’s
shown that she is very ill almost inert. Still, something I don’t really get is how the priest is only
worried about its name or what people are going to say it’s true that he may get kicked out
because of a bad reputation but his priority should be his daughter because then why did he
have her anyway. Later we see that there Abigail had tried to do witchcraft to get rid of Elizabeth
proctor and be with John Proctor something that is weird to me is how was this type of
relationship between a very young woman and an older man seen back then. And how did it
exactly happen did Abigail seduce him? Later Betty shows up and screams exactly when Jesus
is mentioned and I don’t know if this was modified or even added for it to be more interesting but
this just makes Reverent Parris's name to be in the worst position and this makes me wonder if
he will eventually get kicked out of the village. Will reverend Parris and the Putman go through a
conflict over land because this may show the religious part of the town is greedy and does not
give hope to the people in them?

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