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Sr. Legal term Roman Urdu

1. Acceptance Qabooliat

2. Acquittal Bari

3. Adjourn Multawee

4. Ad valorem Hasb-ul-Maliat

5. Adverse Possession Qabza Mukhalifana

6. Affidavit Biyaan Halfi

7. Agreement to Sell Iqrar Nama

8. Alleged Mubiyina

9. Amendment Tarmeen

10. Anti-Terrorist Insidade Dahshatgardi

11. Arbitration Council Saalisi Council

12. Bail Zamanat

13. Bail Bond Zamanat Nama

Machalka Zamini
Wasiqa Zamanat

14. Bias Taasub

15. Blood Money Diyat

16. Board of Revenue Majlis Maal

17. Bond Machalka

18. Burden of Proof Bar-e-Saboot

19. Cancellation Mansookhi

20. Case Diaries Zimni

21. Cause List Fehrist Muqadmaat

22. Charge Fard Jurm

23. Circumstantial Evidence Quraini Shahadat

24. Civil Deewaani

25. Civil Miscellaneous Deewaani Muttafarriq

26. Code of Civil Procedure Majmooa-e-Zabta Deewani

27. Cognizable offence Qabil-e-Dast Andazi

28. Complaint Istaghasa

29. Complainant Mustaghees

30. Compromise deed Razi Nama

31. Confession Iqbal-q-Jurm

32. Consolidation Ishtimaal

33. Consultation Mushawarat

34. Correspondence Mirasla

35. Criminal Procedure Code Majmooa-e-Zabta Faujdari

36. Cross Examination Jirrah

37. Contempt of Court Toheen-e Adalat

38. Constitution Aaein / Dastoor

39. Criminal Faujdari

40. Cry or call of threat Lalkara

41. Daily diary Roznamcha

42. Damages Harjaana

43. Deceased Mutawafi

44. Defendant Muda Aliyah

45. Duress Ikrah

46. Easement Haq Aasaish

47. Examination in Chief Ibtadai Bayaan

48. Federal Shariyat Court Wafaqi Sharae Adalat

49. Federation of Pakistan Wafaq e Pakistan

50. First Investigation Report Ibtadai Itlah Report


51. Fundamental Rights Bunyaadi Haqooq

52. Gift Deed Hiba Nama

53. Honour Killing Kala Kali (Punjab)
Karo Kari (Sindh)
Tor Tora (KPK)
Siyah Kari (Balochistan)

54. Identification parade Shanakht parade

55. Independent Witness Mashir

56. Informant Mustaghees

57. Injury Report Naqsha Mazroobi

58. In person Bazaat e Khud

59. Inquest Report Report Marg

60. Jurisdiction Samaat / Daarie Ikhtiar

61. Justice of Peace Munsaffe Aman

62. Medico legal Report (MLC) Tibbi Report

63. Murder (Intentional) Qatl e amd

64. Mutation Inteqaal

65. Objective Resolution Qarar dad-e-Maqasid

66. Order of court to produce Robkar


67. Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) Majmooa Taaziraat e Pakistan

68. Plaint Arz e Daawa

69. Plaintiff Mudaai

70. Power of Attorney Mukhtar Nama

71. Prayer Istadaa

72. Prisoners Room Baqshi Khana

73. Rape Zina Bil Jabr

74. Recovery memo (from place) Fard Maqboozgi

75. Recovery memo (from accused) Fard Baramdgi

76. Respondent Jawab Dahindaghan

77. Retribution Qisas

78. Rough crime scene sketch Naqsha e Mauqa

79. Short order Mukhtasir Hukum

80. Specific Relief Act 1877 Qanoon Dadrasi Mukhtas Mujriya

81. Statement of informant Fard Biyaan

82. Summons Talbi

83. Supplementary statement Tateema Bayaan

84. Supreme court Adalat e Uzma

85. Suit Dawaa

86. Suo moto Az khud

87. Surety Zaamin

88. Tort Fail Bey Ja

89. Verification Tasdeeq

90. Versus Banaam

91. Violence Tashadud

92. Voidable Qabil e Faskh

93. Witness Gawaah

94. Written statement Jawab Dawaa

95. Writ petition Aaini Darkhuast

96. Wrongful confinement Hasb e Bejaa

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