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Energy Systems

Axial and Radial Turbines-II


Turbofan Engine of an Aircraft


Figure 2 Axial Turbine Stage

GAS TURBINE (Blade loading Capacity, Flow coefficient)

Again applying the angular momentum relation-ship, we may show

that the power output as,

P = m (U 2Vw2 −U 3Vw3 ) (1)

In an axial turbine,
U 2 U 3 = U ( say )

The work output per unit mass flow rate is

WT = U (Vw2 −Vw3 )

Again, WT = C p (T01 − T03 )

Defining T0 = T01 − T03 = T02 − T03

The rotor blade inlet angle is chosen to suit the direction  2 of the gas
velocity Vr 2 relative to the blade at inlet,  2 and Vr 2 are found by
vectorial subtraction of the blade speed U from the absolute
velocity V2

After being deflected and usually further expanded in the rotor blade
passages, the gas leaves at p3 , T3 with relative velocity Vr3 at angle
𝛽3 . Vectorial addition of the blade speed U yields the magnitude
and direction of velocity V3 and  3

Va 2

Va 3

Figure 3 Combined velocity diagram

The velocity diagram (Fig. 3) gives the following relation:
Vw2 U1 Vw2 −U1 U
tan  2 = ; tan 2 = ; = = tan  2 − tan  2
Va Va Va Va

Vw3 U 2 U 2 −Vw3 −U
tan  3 = ; tan3 = ; = = tan 3 − tan  3 ;
Va Va Va Va

−U U
= tan 3 − tan  3 ; = tan  3 − tan 3
Va Va

Thus, WT =U (Vw2 −Vw3 ) =UVa  tan  2 − tan  3 

i.e, WT =UVa  tan  2 − tan  3  (2)

The Eq (2) gives the expression for WT in terms of gas angles

associated with the rotor blade.

Note that the "work-done factor" required in the case of the axial

compressor is unnecessary here. This is because in an accelerating

flow the effect of the growth of boundary layer along the annulus

passage in much less than when there is a decelerating flow with an

adverge pressure gradient.

Instead of temperature drop ratio [defined in Eq. (2)], turbine

designers generally refer to the work capacity of a turbine stage as,

c p T0 Vw2 −Vw3 U
= 2
= ; = tan  2 −tan  2 = tan  3 − tan 3
U U Va

Va Va
=  tan  2 − tan 3  =  tan  2 − tan 3  (3)

 is a dimensionless parameter, which is called the "blade loading

capacity" or "temperature drop coefficient". In gas turbine

design, Va is kept generally constant across a stage and the

ratio Va U is called "the flow coefficient"  .

Thus, Eq (13.4) can be written as,

 =   tan  2 − tan 3  (4)

As the boundary layer over the blade surface is not very sensitive in

the case of a turbine, the turbine designer has considerably more

freedom to distribute the total stage pressure drop between the rotor

and the stator. However, locally on the suction surface of the blade

there could be a zone of an adverse pressure gradient depending on

the turning and on the pitch of the blades. Thus, the boundary layer

could grow rapidly or even separate in such a region affecting

adversely the turbine efficiency.

Figures illustrate the schematic of flow within the blade passage and

the pressure distribution over the section surface depicting a zone of

diffusion. Different design groups have their own guidelines, learned

from experience of blade testing, for the amount of diffusion which is

permissible particularly for highly loaded blades.

Figure 5 Schematic diagram of flow through a turbine blade
Figure6 Pressure distribution around a turbine blade
Figure7 Pressure distribution on a conventional turbine blade
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