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Names:__________________ _____________________ ______________ ______________

Robust Structures Documentation

Use this document to organize your information to share with others. Answer each question as
you get to that step. Make sure that prediction questions are answered BEFORE you test your
model. While you work take videos and pictures of your model, code, and progress and insert
them in this doc in the appropriate areas.


1. What causes earthquakes, and what are the hazards they create?

2. How do scientists rate the strength of earthquakes?

3. What factors can influence the resistance of buildings during an earthquake?



Follow the building steps on WeDo2.0. Before you connect your device, answer the prediction


4. Predict: ​What magnitude earthquake will it take to knock down each of the buildings?
Choose a magnitude 1-9 for each building.
a. Magnitude:___________
b. Magnitude:___________
c. Magnitude:___________

5. Which building do you think will fall over with the lowest magnitude? Support your claim
with evidence and reasoning (CER).

6. Which building do you think will require the highest magnitude to make it fall? Support
your claim with evidence and reasoning (CER)
7. Find the smallest magnitude earthquake to make building B fall. Test building A with the
same magnitude. Document and compare your results for both tests.

8. Run the same program to shake buildings B and C. Document and compare your
results for both tests.
Investigate More

9. Predict what would happen if you repeated your investigation with a high-magnitude

10. Document and compare your results from your test.

11. Build the tallest structure that can withstand a magnitude 8 earthquake. Document your
results, including measurements and a photograph.

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