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USA History & Development of the US Independence Day 04.07.1776 independence ‘Church Bombi of Malcom Xs (© start of Americ 1963 "tan [Assassination of creas 1 ahem Uren B 1956 + Sakis | SEER em ee ee pears aN ded cu ierenanenr- Atlantic Slave Trade eee | Education” anackeo Sa + Unatenatie rare (fe, ery. 1807+ gets illegal End of civil war pis nna ‘Supreme Court cases + topic: announces that the segregation of POC & Whites 's illegal 1865 End of Slavery? Sim Seine 1861-65 1880s-1954 Civil Rights act Sscriminacon of back aaa = allows black people to vote ¥01 (More participation) 1964 1960s = Civil disobedience 1619 1896 May Flower eso 1861 “Plessy vs. Ferguson” Beginning of + Was a Suprema Court decision + first salves arrive. Abraham Lincoln that upheld the segregation of foes in Vagina the civil war PocR nes "7" ss Montgomery bus Boycott YEE Rect Sut oft Rew president "Separated bt equa 1968 america" Aaastslevey 1863 TSADacet amen Fair Housing act. $) Emancipation Proclamation 1 OGM awe tor coattosumitepercen in * prevented housing + dediaraiion from Lincoln that official ended slavery ene the bus = protest = gets arrested ‘scrimination baxed on " 2)\sing _ eas face se relgon& ration 3) Housing ial beginning of the movement ‘Made it crime to harm civil ‘4 publewansport Battle of Gettysburg + tuming point of civil war = conflict between the nother & southern States = about slavery + around 750.000 died 'bus for over an year Civil Rights Leaders Le MaconX Mariner king. Robot &Kamney X ror Paisley 9 seen ea ery + pfotast (he actual boycott) started ‘+ lack people walked instead of using the igs workers Assassination of Marin Luther King 5 political movement & campaign Mostly non violent protests Goal: abolishment of segregation & discrimination Reasons & Hopes ‘economic reasons Dream of success bert & freedom Migration hay fi The US has a diverse migration history A Migration ——__ ety & reego Movement of people across political or administrative nat Me boundaries in order to settle un another place + Warconticns More opportunities Gree) choice — Waves of immigration Mid 19th Century Early 20th century 6 Late 20th Century + Irish Potato famine & Chinese immigrants | —[reaaty tate ene ete Septem economic hardships in Europe peli! Economic rasons + FEB rete cr mraton i hana: ied'o a migration wave of rah rc at even mite oe Sabie eectnarsc &.Geman people Bahr corns " «Bun Mle ear waves) waves VCotoniat Early America Late 19th Century Post-World War 2 + Columbus covered new nd (1452) *+ massive wave of immigrants + displaced person, refugees from Frat setiers arwesin te 17% century (Southern & Eastern Europe) Seana etson. etuaaes fe + Gherthe me waves of European + Economic opportunities & (Gewish people.) Immgranis arved & estabichod 13, ‘escaping poiical systems yn ty over vigee { fOSRresh meets ne S Elis Island + historic immigration station in NYC Harbor + Milions of immigrant arrived inthe late 19th’ early 20th + About 12 milion immigrants passed trough Ellis Island Theories of Integration & Culture Salad Bowl theory where migrants keep their ) cultural identity People of different culture living in harmony = USAis traditionally loosely integrated in the society .~" called melting pot Multiculturalism = revers to the idea Punaion, of the American Dream ASSIMMIANON, Melting pot Idea that all the different cultures mix! combine together in the US, Migrants should become totally asmilated in the society * owning individuals a property + Working for their slave dealer + Historical practice ~~ Had no choice slaves were mostly captured in Africa (India) Brought by ship/ over the sea to the US Forced into slavery to prude crops in the US Economic benefit for American 1/6 of the population were slaves (1860) Everything they had was taken away History + 1619 first salves arrived in the US (Virginia) + Slaves haven't been included in civil rights (objects) + inthe south: salves worked on fields vs. In the north = Woking in the house of their owner, + 1854 Republican Party was founded = their goal: end slavery = but democrats wanted to maintain slavery + civilwar started 1861 + 1860 Lincoln becomes president = decelerated the end of slavery in 1865, Living conditions (Arianate Trade being an object of she wonder No rights No chances & hopes can't read or write (no education) Get punished (violence) Work till death Not having enough/ good food No free time Living in separate quarters (dirty & tiny homes) — Working fields Field Slaves = + field = little food, really ard wore + Plantation + Household VG ~ ouse s House Slaves ~ + Driver + Overseer = better/more food, more clothe’) more rights, better life Effects of slavery (after the end) > Till 1960s + discrimination of backs + Not allowed to use public transport... + Separation of schools, hospitals, toilets .. e Today + in former slaves areas the poverty rate is 23% higher Racism and Discrimination GOs pat Beane TE + higher unemployment + Worst job opportunities/ offers| + separation of dL] + — Lower education + Poorer schools (less financial supports for { * hard to register to the eee back’ schools = aren't really able to vote + different routes for POC. /\\ + tow voter participation + Bad teaching quality + bad health system + Chances to get sick is higher + More education = less diseases = withe Americans longer life expectancy, / + more often arrested = stereotypes, although the crime rate regresses Less opportunites for life American Middleclass aspire to one a house (financial) Stability upward mobilty e Chances of the middleclass Qy more of a “working-class” Less wealth and luxury / living standard lowers need to take a side job nol less savings No help from government Features + moderate income ‘ + comfortable lifestyle + access to education / Mindest + Balance of needs & wants Saving and investing. living in an house’ flat “Caveats nega Tae hey 1 tes tc ne eany = butthey don't reais this gap ‘hard fo change, because the wealtiest would could change Wi have power, Dut dont want to Reasons 1) Income stagnates 2) living costs rise Anerica’s middle Class is Shrinking Political system + Leftleaning Right - leaning + Social responsibilty & community Individual rights & justice * civil rights, immigration, climate change Lower taxes, gun rights, tighter restrictions Presidents: F. Kennedy, B. Obama, Biden Presidents: W. Busch, R. Nixon , Trump United States Constitution Power is decided in 3 Branches ws il Congress (US-Cepital) The White House & President The Supreme Court [Congress | Supreme Court (Vice President ale aia Sie i can override laws over + diced whether President's veto by a can veto law passed President's actions ‘wo thirds wrote by Congress raiconstiutional Can impeach President Nominate people to | & Supreme Cour judges Beton Supreme! pescee iota agree/ approve on Sate i SEBEL gree! appr Court (for lifetime, C budget ri congress are ley CalTTesign) constitutional ‘Tac § activities m imiting central power by dividing it between national & state governments = politicians rule truth the authority/ vote of the people & are representatives ? “ach branch of. poerenent has its own possibilities & limits = each of the 3 branches has some control over the others owers of government are restricted by Constitution |) —Individual rights = human rights are granted for everyone term was first used in 1931 by James Truslow Adams No universal definition ‘Summarised in the Declaration of Independence believe! idea that anyone can achieve anything regardless oftheir class and their bith place to archive their goals by working hard (upward mobiity for everyone) American Dream & Nightmare Personal (personal goals, family...) Economic (success, prosperity, wealth) social (equality, opportunity, classless) Political (democracy, justice, human rights) People that archived the Drea + Oprah Winfrey (TV-Star) + Jay-Z (Rapper) + Jerry Yang (founder of Yahoo) nowadays critical view on the American Dream Clever marketing & poltical strategy Unrealistic to archive the Dream High education costs = prevent social mobility people can achieve aims if they work hard Many examples for people who have moved put the social ladder Self-reliance, the role of the state is minimal = hardly any other country who offers more chances ee) Nightmare + Slavery + inhuman treatment of immigrants, + Segregation & disciminacion against minorities poverty and high living costs ‘gap in the society (poor & rich) racism Many obstacles & disparities Can quickly lose everything (no welfare system) + POC ® + Indigenous ¢ + Woman @ + testo Immigrants Reality in the US- Dream or Nightmare? are unnoticed if you can't work hard, you don't revecive as much financial help as in Europe (welfare system) Expanses are not the rule, success is rare There is still a lot of disciminacién, prejudices and racism in the society Different socialeconomic background

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