Half-Elf Cleric 8 (Domain of Light)

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21/12/23, 17:45 Fast Character | D&D Character Maker | Half-Elf Cleric 8 (Domain of Light)

Cleric 8 (Domain of Light) 36,380

Half-Elf Acolyte


CLASS Alignment: Lawful Good. I do what's right
(AC) INITIATIVE as expected by society to promote
16 +0 30 ft. order and compassion for all.

Acolyte Background [PHB p. 127]

Armor Worn: scale mail, shield
+1 Strength Saves • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful.
DEX +0 Dexterity Saves • Tech: Medieval / Steel Age.
+0 +2 Constitution Saves • Traits: Has divine visions. Gossipy habits.
• Ideal: Seal gate to a fiendish plane.
-1 Intelligence Saves
+8 Wisdom Saves *
59 8d8 • Bond: Fulfill promise to deity.
+5 Charisma Saves * • Flaw: Uses disturbing rites.
DEATH SAVES: Success O O O Fail O O O
* Prof. bonus added
Half-Elf Traits [PHB p. 38]
• Creature Type: Humanoid

+2 +0 Acrobatics (Dex) Basic Attack. One target per Attack action.

• Age: 59 years old
• Medium Size (5' 6", 146 lbs.)
• Darkvision (60 feet)
15 +5 Animal Handling (Wis)
• Fey Ancestry (vs. charm, no sleep)
-1 Arcana (Int) +1 Magic Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +5
+1 Athletics (Str) to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6+2
bludgeoning damage. Cleric Class Features [PHB p. 57]
+2 Deception (Cha)
INT • Ritual Casting
+2 History (Int) *
-1 +8 Insight (Wis) *
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to
hit. Hit: 1d8+0 piercing damage. (Normal
• Improved Warding Flare (5 uses betw.
long rests)
• Channel Divinity (2 uses betw. short or
8 +2 Intimidation (Cha) range to 80 ft.; disadvantage long range
long rests)
-1 Investigation (Int) 81 to 320 ft. Must be used two-handed,
+8 Medicine (Wis) * reloading limits to only one attack per • Channel Divinity: Radiance of the Dawn
round regardless of extra attacks.) (radiant blast ends magical darkness
-1 Nature (Int)
WIS in 30 ft.; hostile creatures take 2d10+8
+5 Perception (Wis) radiant damage, CON save for half)
+5 +2 Performance (Cha)
Sacred Flame Cantrip. Ranged Spell Attack:
• Channel Divinity: Turn Undead (within 30
ft., Wisdom save or turned 1 min. or
20 +5 Persuasion (Cha) * Targets creature within 60 feet that you
until damaged)
+2 Religion (Int) * can see. That creature makes a DC 16
+0 Sleight of Hand (Dex) Dexterity saving throw or takes 2d8 • Destroy Undead (CR 1 or lower)
radiant damage. (No damage if made • Potent Spellcasting (+5 damage on
+0 Stealth (Dex) (Disadv.) cantrips)
CHA save.)
+5 Survival (Wis)
14 * Prof. bonus added
Magic Items [DMG p. 135]
• +1 magic mace
• 2 potions of healing (2d4+2 hp)

(a) Item attuned to character.

Armor: light armor, medium armor, shields Coins & Gems: 661 gold pieces (gp); 48 silver
pieces (sp); 79 copper pieces (cp); 3 gems
Weapons: simple weapons (worth 50 gp each)
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: History, Insight, Medicine,
Persuasion, Religion
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Orc,

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Spellcasting [PHB p. 201] Carried Gear [PHB, p. 143]: scale mail (AC
14), shield (AC +2), set of common
clothes, holy symbol: amulet, prayer
Spell Attack Modifier +8
book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments.
Spell Save DC 16
(This load is about 110 lbs.; add 1 lb.
per 50 coins carried.)
Cantrips Known: Guidance, Light,
Resistance, Sacred Flame ENCUMBRANCE
Lifting & Carrying: 195 lbs. max. carrying
Prepared Spells capacity; 390 lbs. pushing or dragging
1st Level (4 slots): Burning Hands*, Faerie (speed -5 ft.); 390 lbs. max. lift.
Fire*, Bane, Detect Magic, Bless, Cure
2nd Level (3 slots): Flaming Sphere*,
Scorching Ray*, Lesser Restoration,
Enhance Ability, Hold Person
3rd Level (3 slots): Daylight*, Fireball*,
Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Remove
4th Level (2 slots): Guardian Of Faith*,
Wall Of Fire*, Divination, Banishment,
Control Water

PLAYING THE GAME ACTIONS (1 per turn) MOVEMENTS (limited by Speed)

• The Dungeon Master (DM) describes a • Attack: Roll to hit, melee or ranged. • Move: Distance equal to Speed.
scene and players take turns Some classes and creatures make • Crawl, Climb, Swim, Squeeze, Move
describing their characters' extra attacks at higher levels with this Across Difficult Terrain or Move While
responses. action. Grappling: "Half speed," uses up 10 ft.
• For ability checks, saving throws, and • Cast Spell: If casting time 1 action. of Speed per 5 ft. distance.
attack rolls, roll 1d20 + one ability • Dash: Double Speed this turn. • Drop Prone: No cost to Speed.
modifier + proficiency bonus (if • Disengage: Avoiding all opportunity • Stand Up: From Prone
proficient in task). The higher the attacks while moving; "defensive position/condition, costs half Speed
total, the better the effort. The DM retreat." that turn.
tracks minimum totals needed for • Dodge: Give attackers disadvantage. • Take Cover: At end of move, half cover
successful results. • Escape: Try to break free from grapple. gives +2 to Armor Class and Dexterity
• For initiative rolls, roll 1d20 + Initiative • Grapple: Special melee attack. saving throws; three-quarter cover
(Dex) modifier. Higher totals act before • Help: Give an ally advantage on one gives +5 AC and Dex saves.
lower totals in the same 6-second ability check or attack roll.
round. • Hide: Stealth allowed only if REACTIONS (1 between turns)
• During a turn, a character or creature unobserved. • Cast Spell: If casting time 1 reaction.
may do 1 movement, 1 action and up • Ready: Plan to take action as reaction • Opportunity Attack: May make one
to 1 bonus action. Between turns, do when trigger occurs. attack if enemy moves out of reach.
up to 1 reaction. • Search: Perception or Investigation • Readied Action: After trigger occurs, else
• Advantage: Roll two d20s and use the check. action wasted.
higher result. Disadvantage: Roll two • Shove: Special melee attack.
d20s and use the lower result. • Stabilze: DC 10 Medicine check to aid 0
• On attack rolls only, a "natural 20" is h.p. dying creature; automatic success • Concentration (Maintain A Spell): Ends if
always a critical hit, while a "natural if using healer's kit. caster starts another concentration
spell, or the caster is incapacitated,
1" is always a miss. • Use Object: Pick a lock, activate magical
stunned, unconscious, or killed. If
• Saving throws are rolled as needed at item, cover a hooded lantern, etc.
caster takes damage, a Constitution
any time due to attacks, spells, or • Use Potion: Drink or administer.
hazzards. • Use Shield: Equip or drop a shield. saving throw is needed to avoid
• A character may die if failing three immediately ending spell. DC is equal
BONUS ACTIONS (up to 1 per turn) to 10 or half damage taken, whichever
death saves while at 0 hit points,
• Offhand Attack: If doing Attack as action, is greater. Each hit needs a separate
gaining 6 levels of exhaustion, or
may make one attack this turn if light saving throw check.
suffering certain deadly spells and
hazzards. weapon in other hand. • Interacting With An Object: Generally
• Specific traits, features, spells, and • Cast Spell: If casting time 1 bonus action. part of another Movement or Action.
Examples: Draw one weapon, drop a
magic items may create exceptions to
held object, or open an unlocked door.
any rules.

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Page num be r re fe re nce s...

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W izards of the C oast (ISBN-10: 0786965606; ISBN-13: 978-0786965601).

[DMG] = Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide (5th edition) by Mik e Me arls and Je re m y C rawford, publishe d De c. 9, 2014, by
W izards of the C oast (ISBN-10: 9780786965625; ISBN-13: 978-0786965625).

[MM] = Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual (5th edition) by Mik e Me arls and Je re m y C rawford, publishe d Se pt. 30 2014, by W izards
of the C oast (ISBN-10: 0786965614; ISBN-13: 978-0786965618).

[ERftLW] = Eberron: Rising from the Last War by Je re m y C rawford, Jam e s W yatt and Ke ith Bak e r, publishe d Nov. 19, 2019, by
W izards of the C oast (ISBN-10: 0786966890; ISBN-13: 978-0786966899).

[GGtR] = Guildmasters' Guide To Ravnica by Jam e s W yatt, Je re m y C rawford, publishe d Nov. 20, 2018, by W izards of the C oast
(ISBN-10: 0786966599; ISBN-13: 978-0786966592).

[MOoT] = Mythic Odysseys of Theros by F. W e sle y Schne ide r, Jam e s W yatt, publishe d July 21, 2020, by W izards of the C oast (ISBN-
10: 0786967013; ISBN-13: 978-0786967018).

[MToF] = Mordenkainen's Tome Of Foes by Mik e Me arls and Je re m y C rawford, publishe d May 29, 2018, by W izards of the C oast
(ISBN-10: 0786966246; ISBN-13: 978-0786966240).

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[SJA iS] = Spelljammer: Adventures in Space by Je re m y C rawford and te am , publishe d Aug. 16, 2022, by W izards of the C oast
(ISBN-10: 0786968168; ISBN-13: 978-0786968169).

[TCoE] = Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, publishe d Nov. 17, 2020, by W izards of the C oast (ISBN-10: 0786967021; ISBN-13: 978-

[VRGtR] = Van Richten's Guide To Ravenloft by F. W e sle y Schne ide r and othe rs, publishe d May 18, 2021, by W izards of the C oast
(ISBN-10: 0786967250; ISBN-13: 978-0786967254).

[VGtM] = Volo's Guide To Monsters by Mik e Me arls, publishe d Nov. 15, 2016, by W izards of the C oast (ISBN-10: 0786966017;
ISBN-13: 978-0786966011).

[WBtW] = The Wild Beyond The Witchlight by C hris Pe rk ins and te am , publishe d Nov. 15, 2016, by W izards of the C oast (ISBN-13:

[XGtE] = Xanathar's Guide to Everything by Mik e Me arls and Je re m y C rawford, publishe d Nov. 21, 2017, by W izards of the C oast
(ISBN-10: 0786966114; ISBN-13: 978-0786966110).

Book s are available from a gam ing store ne ar you.


[TDCS] = Critical Role: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting by Matthe w Me rce r, publishe d O ct. 17, 2017, by Gre e n R onin Publishing (ISBN-10:
1934547840; ISBN-13: 978-1934547847).
[EGtW] = Explorer's Guide to Wildemount by Matthe w Me rce r, publishe d March 17, 2020, by W izards of the C oast (ISBN-10:
0786966912; ISBN-13: 978-0786966912).
[Gunslinger] = Gunslinger Martial Archetype for Fighters by Matthe w Me rce r, from
https://www.dm sguild.com /product/170778/Gunslinge r-Martial-Arche type -for-Fighte rs

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21/12/23, 17:45 Fast Character | D&D Character Maker | Half-Elf Cleric 8 (Domain of Light)
[Blood Hunter] = Blood Hunter Class for D&D 5e (2020) by Matthe w Me rce r, from https://www.dm sguild.com /product/301641/Blood-
Hunte r-C lass-for-DD-5e -2020
[Maestro] = College of the Maestro - Bard College Option by Matthe w Me rce r, from
https://www.dm sguild.com /product/183630/C olle ge -of-the -Mae stro--Bard-C olle ge -O ption


[Basic Rules] = Dunge ons & Dragons Basic R ule s, available for download from
https://dnd.wizards.com /article s/fe ature s/basicrule s
[EEPG] = Ele m e ntal Evil Playe r's C om panion, available for download from https://dnd.wizards.com /products/table top-gam e s/rpg-
products/playe r's-com panion

[UA Feb. 2015] = Une arthe d Arcana: Ebe rron (v.1), available for download from https://dnd.wizards.com /article s/une arthe d-
arcana/une arthe d-arcana-e be rron

[UA May 2015] = Une arthe d Arcana: W ate rborne Adve nture s, available for download from
https://dnd.wizards.com /article s/une arthe d-arcana/une arthe d-arcana-wate rborne -adve nture s
[UA A ugust 2015] = Une arthe d Arcana: Mode rn Magic, available for download from https://dnd.wizards.com /article s/une arthe d-
arcana/m ode rn-m agic. This site also use s Dan He lm ick 's My Ne w D20 Mode rn C am paign conve rsion note s from his 2015 we bsite
article on W izards.com .
[UA May 2018] = Une arthe d Arcana: C e ntaurs And Minotaurs, available for download from
https://dnd.wizards.com /article s/une arthe d-arcana/ce ntaurs-and-m inotaurs
[UA March 2021] = Une arthe d Arcana: Folk O f The Fe ywild, available for download from
https://dnd.wizards.com /article s/une arthe darcana/folk _fe ywild

[UA Oct. 2021] = Une arthe d Arcana: Trave le rs O f The Multive rse , available for download from
https://dnd.wizards.com /article s/une arthe d-arcana/trave le rs-m ultive rse
[TP] = The Tortle Pack age , se e https://dnd.wizards.com /products/table top-gam e s/digital-only-rpg-products/tortle -pack age

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