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Laboratory Report 1- Stereochemistry

Group number: 2 Section: 1-B

Name Score/Grade Signature

1.Ferrer, Jhonice claire B.
Members: (Listed alphabetized,
separate male from female
1.Canete, Dominic

2.Cielo, Jerick

3.Delima, Jhoner

4.Denzon, Ben

5.Ermita, Vandolf

1. TASKS: Design an activity about the Stereochemistry LINK/S provided in your group
2. The pattern below will guide you to accomplish the stated tasks.

Parts of Laboratory/Simulation Report

Title of Laboratory/Simulation Report: Chirality/Chiral

1. Introduction

2. Objective:

3. Materials:

4. Procedure:

5. Results:

6. Discussions

7. Conclusions:

Prepared by:


Assistant Professor V

1. Introduction
The word "chirality" is derived from the Greek word (kheir), which means "hand" and refers to a
common chiral item. An object or system is chiral if it is distinguishable from its mirror image, which
cannot be superimposed on it.

2. Objective

In the early days of organic chemistry, researchers recognized that molecules were made up of
atoms connected by chemical bonds. However, because molecules could not be directly viewed,
their three-dimensional forms remained uncertain.

To identify and comprehend the distinctions between chiral and achiral, as well as the formula that
will be used. Furthermore, van't Hoff's theory was proven by optical rotation, and while we have the
ability to rotate in order to discover a perfect superimposition, it is still impossible to achieve.

1. Hand
2. Hypothetical molecule

- Chirality does not correspond to the same reflection or is asymmetrical.

- Achiral is identical to its reflection or symmetrically

Chiral - ≠
Achiral - =

We have free license to rotate and translate both of the molecules as we wish. Remarkably though, no matter
how we move the molecules, we find that perfect superposition is impossible to achieve.

Now take a look at your hands. Notice that your two hands have all the same parts: a thumb, fingers, a palm,
etc. Like our two molecules under study, both of your hands are made of the same stuff. Furthermore, the
distances between stuff in both of your hands are the same. The index finger is next to the middle finger, which
is next to the ring finger, etc. The same is true of our hypothetical molecules. All of their internal distances are
the same. Despite the similarities between them, your hands, and our molecules, are certainly not the same. Try
superimposing your hands on one another. Just like our molecules from before, you'll find that it can't be done

3. Materials:

4. Procedure
The first step is to watch the video. Determine the important information.
The second step is to keep notes on essential terms that we used as well as the characteristics that
allow us to distinguish them.

- Chirality does not correspond to the same reflection or is asymmetrical.

- Achiral is identical to its reflection or symmetrically


Chiral - ≠
Achiral - =

The third step is to determine who introduced that. In 1874, scientist Van't Hoff published a
remarkable hypothesis: the four bonds of a saturated carbon atom point to the corners of a
tetrahedron. It would take almost 25 years for the quantum revolution to theoretically justify his
prediction. However, Van't Hoff validated his theory with optical rotation.

5. Results

In our naked eyes, we cannot clearly see that our hands are really the same, but our index finger is
next to the middle finger, which is next to the ring finger, etc. The same is true of our hypothetical
molecules. All of their internal distances are the same. But our hands and molecules aren't the same if
we try to impose our hands on one another.

6. Discussions

Chirality: The property of an object that makes it non-identical to its reflection. Achiral objects: Objects that are
identical to their reflection. Examples include a matchstick and a lighter. Chiral objects: Objects that are not
identical to their reflection. Examples include certain hypothetical molecules, a left hand, and a right hand.
Chirality is an important concept in biochemistry and neurology.

A fascinating theory was reported in 1874 by the chemist Van't Hoff: the four bonds of a saturated
carbon atom point to the corners of a tetrahedron. The quantum revolution would need to occur for
more than 25 years in order to theoretically support his theory. However, Van't Hoff used optical
rotation to support his theory.

Van't Hoff discovered that the only substances that rotated plane-polarized light were those that
have a core carbon bonded to four distinct atoms or groups. There is undoubtedly something special
about this group of chemicals.

7. Conclusions:
Even though we rotate the molecule and our fingers, they remain the same. However, if we look
closely, we can see that some of their parts are different, and if we superimpose them, it becomes
evident that they are different because some of them are asymmetrical and some parts have more
or less tight upward and downward features.

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