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ECED 3300

What is Play?

Name: Bailey Smith

Date Completed: 04/08/2024
Video Choice #: 1
Web Address of YouTube/Website video:

To complete this assignment, you will choose a video from the module assignment page featuring young
children at play.

Then answer the following questions after viewing the video, writing a minimum of one paragraph to each of
the prompts/questions below. Type the paragraph directly beneath each prompt/question; the sections will
expand as you type. No handwritten work will be accepted.

1. Provide an elaborated summary of the video you chose about play. (Please be detailed and specific).
-When watching the video I observed that the teacher was out with her students at recesses on
concrete in the shade so her kids could color on the ground with chalk. While watching the
teacher would communicate with her students and ask them what they are drawing. One little girl
was drawing a heart with red chalk. The Students are talking to each other as they draw.
2. What was the kind of play, based on what you read in the textbook chapter on pages 277-278?
Why does it fit this kind of play? (Please be detailed and specific).
- When watching the video I saw that the children that were at play, were using “ Object play”.
The children were playing with chalk on the ground at recesses. It fits this kind of play because
they are exploring and manipulating objects and materials they are playing with.
3. What theory of play, found in your textbook reading on pages 279-282, do you believe is evident in
the video AND why? (You will relate the video to Parten, Piaget and Smilansky or Vygotsky and
Elkonin from the information in the textbook chapter assigned this week. State the theory, what that
theory is [in your own words], and how it connects to the video specifically).
- I would say by watching the video and going back on the assigned textbook pages. The video is
showing the children in a cooperative play, because they are sharing the chalk so that they can all
achieve the goals they want for their artwork.
4. How is language development promoted through play in the video? (Please be detailed and specific).
- Language development is promoted by the teacher or educator asking the students questions
while they are coloring with the chalk and also because the students are talking to each other. So
therefore they are getting better with their language by communicating to each other.
5. What would you do to increase the development of language during the play in the video? (Please
be detailed and specific. Stating that the language acquisition is great as it is, will not gain you many
points in this area).
- If I were the teacher or educator in this situation I would have the children describe and tell me
the steps they are doing while they are drawing so they get to talk more and be informative to me
so it also helps me understand what they might be drawing with the chalk if it is hard to

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