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1) Hydro –water + cysto –bladder = hydrocele (Circumscribed accumulation of fluid,

especially concerning the tunica vaginalis of the testicle)

2) atellus –imperfect +ectasia -expansion, dilatation = atelectasis (Imperfect
expansion; usually refers to that of the lung)
3) Bronchi -referring to the bronchi + ectasia -expansion, dilatation= bronchiectasis
(Bronchial expansion or dilatation)
4) an -deprivate particle, without + emia –blood = Anemia (Literally bloodless, an
exaggerated term applied in clinical practice to a decrease in blood mass or any of
its components, especially erythrocytes (red blood cells) or hemoglobin)
5) hyper-plus, excessive + emia –blood = hyperemia (Accumulation of blood in an
organ, congestion or plethora)
6) cardio -of the heart + graphy –recording = cardiography (Heart registry)
7) lit –stone + hiasis -condition, formation of = lithiasis = (Presence of stones)
8) ir -referring to the iris + itis –inflammation = iritis = (Inflammation of the iris)
9) polio –gray + myel – marrow = poliomyelitis = poliomyelitis (Inflammation of the
gray marrow)
10) bio –life + logy -study, treatise, science= biology (Science that studies living
11) neuro -referring to nerves + logy -study, treatise, science = neurology (Science that
studies the nervous system and its diseases)
12) encephalon –encephalon + malacia –softening = encephalomalacia (softening of the
13) osteo -referent to bone + malacia –softening = osteomalacia (Bone softening)
14) hepato –liver + megaly –growth = hepatomegaly (Abnormally large liver)
15) splenum –spleen + megaly –growth = splenomegaly (Abnormally large spleen)
16) sphygmo- pulse + mano-held -light, low-density + metry -measurement, meter =
sphygmomanometer (Blood pressure measuring instrument)
17) adeno –gland + oma –tumor = adenoma (glandular tumor)
18) sarc -flesh, connective tissue + oma –tumor = sarcoma (Malignant tumor formed
from embryonic connective tissuelike tissue)
19) derm -referring to the skin + osis -condition, disease = dermatosis (Skin disease)
20) arterio -referring to artery + scler –hardened + osis -condition, disease =
arteriosclerosis (Abnormal hardening and thickening of the arterial walls)

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