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Interpretation is the primary function of the court. Whenever there

is dispute regarding the meaning of a particular provision of a
statute, the courts interpret it with the help of various canons.
Even before applying a particular canon to interpret a provision,
the court must first determine whether the provision is ambiguous
or not.
How to decide that a provision of statute is ambiguous:
A statute is ambiguous when reasonably well informed person
could understand the language in either of two or more senses.
Types of interpretation (Tools/canons of interpretation):
There are several aids to interpretation:
1. Statutory interpretation
2. Non-statutory.
1. Statutory interpretation is the interpretation which is done by
the help of statutes already in existence. Ex. General clauses act
2. Non statutory interpretation is where courts take the help of
various principles for interpretation: ex. Golden rule. literal rule,
mischief rule, beneficial rules etc.
How interpretation is done by courts:

1. Liberal interpretation: It is also called logical interpretation. Here more flexible rules
are applied and intent of legislature is looked at.

2. Strict interpretation: It is the literal or grammatical interpretation, i.e. actual words

used in the statute.

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