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Yearly Thinkers

Sajid Ali Mangi

Yearly Thinkers.

While sociology emerged from the work of three founding

fathers as Emile Durkhaim,Max Weber and Karl Marx.
They called as Holy Trinity, Their theories Laid the
foundations for sociological thoughts.
Sociology was developed in Europ especially France and
German were the hotspot of the sociology.
Sociology was modernised and developed by them in
initial face,They played good rule for sociology that's why
they called the Holy Trinity.
1-Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim was a French Philosopher, His tenure was 1858 to
1917.He was the professor of Physics.

Major works of Emil Durkheim

● The Division of Labour in society (1893).

● The rules of sociological method (1895).
● Suicide (1897).
● The elementary forms of the religious life(1912).

Suicide is the psychology subject, He ,himself proved that what kind of

social factors are for the Suicide by which Suicide practice can be
promoted,incourage or discourage.
Published Posthumously.

● Education and Sociology (1922).

● Sociology and Philosophy (1924).
● Moral Education (1925).
● Socialism (1928).
2-Max Weber .
Max Weber was German nationalist and his work was
written in German language, Most of work translated.
● The Prostestant Ethic and the spirit of
● Max Weber in the Methodology of the social science
(Translation 1049).
● Main theory was about the bureaucracy, that How
bureaucracy and its functions effect our society.
3-Karl Marx
Karl Marx is also from the German and his tenure was
1818 to 1883.He given many theories,there are as ,
● The conflict perspective.
● Historical Materialism.
● Labour.
● Alienation.
● Das capital one of the major work Karl Marx.
Karl Marx is also a celebrated thinkers in Early
Sociology.Das Capital is the famous book of Karl Marx.It’s
a celebrated and count as one of the best book. Sociology
as a subject developed by his theory because by the one
way Karl Marx also gave the theory about socialism.
Sociolism is the opposite to Capitalism.
USA was the first country who adopt sociolism as Govt.
Syllabus of Max Weber.

● Social Action
● Ideal Types
● Authority
● Bureaucracy
● Protestant ethic and the spirit of Capitalism

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