NEET Mnemonics

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ORELF FEF EF | zon * ‘Some Major Groups of Eubacteria and, 1. Life processes ou Mother Could Rest Categories (i) Donald King Phoenix Chose Olive Greek Salad (ii) Mneconomics Key Protected Documents, g@ Copies & Folders Got Stolen 3. Suffixes used for Taxonomic Categories Doctor Came in OPD and Suggested For Sterilisation : Patient Observed At ICU and Operated 4, Taxonomical Aids g Hey Brother, Mom and Me went to Zoological park and Flat Keys Found 5. Nomenclature Types ec sgn 6. Characteristics of Living Beings GENR.M, inte ACCount Get PRESented 8. Types of Arrangement in Bacterial Flagella AMALP : 0122n Types of Classification System g American Nuclear Power Plant : Let Both Enganged in Show 10. Classification of Kingdom Protista @ Pineapple Cheese Pineapple Dragonfruit Starfruit Cranberry 11. Systems.of Classification of Organisms: @ Tee Thieves Found Fighting : Car 3 Cooled With water a a eee 12. Classification of Kingdom Fungi PASsing By Dam : Looking So Calm and Interesting Prycomycetes Lower fungi : Rhiropus, Mucor, Atuge ‘Ascomycetes : Sac Fungi: Nevrospora, Yeost, esti Basidiomycetes : Clud fungi Agoricus, Ustioge, Powperous Deuteromycetes = Imperfecti fungi = Fusarium , ercospor, Trwhoderme 13. Five Kingdom Classification by Whittaker Monks Pray For Public's Amity. “Monera, Protista, Fungi Plantae, Animalia 14. Kingdom Fungi Mutticelluar decomposers Pay And Book Date ‘Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Deteromycetes 15. Algae g Great Britain Round 26. Animal Kingdom Classification g Prince Charle’s Cousin Assorted Plums. ‘ASchelminthes, Platyheiminthes, 7. ‘Animal Kingdom Classification g Aunt Molly Asked Edwin to Have CHocolates, g Ultra Clean Vehicle Sere cos Class = 11, Unitt 1. Leaf Modiftcation Total Smoke Production Bolstered Pollution. Tends Spine, Phylode, Bub, Pitcher Placentetion Football Club Barcelona Missed Approach Point. Free Central Basak Marginal, ile, Parietal, 3. Animal tissues EMUCON Epithelial, Muscular, Connective, Nervous 4. Loose Connective Tissue g AreA Areolar and Adipose 5. Dense Connective Tissue Rler Regular and Irregular 6. Supportive Connective Tissue g CarBon Cartilage and bone 7. Fluid Connective Tissue @ Live Bolaly Lymph, blood 8 Muscular g SSC ‘Smooth, Skeletal, Cardiac Class = 22, Units Endomembrane system g George Earned Legendary Vehicle. Golgi apparatus, Endoplasmic reticulum, ‘ysosomes, vacuoles MNEMONICS. tr cpt ore seane J. 2. Bacterial Shapes g Battle Construction Vehicle Services ‘Bacillus, Coceus, Vibrio, Sprilum, 3. Classification of Enzymes g HILL Of Tibet Isomerases Ligases, Lyases, Transferases 4, Primary Metabolites g NASAL ‘Nucleic acids, sugars, amino acids, lipids 5. Secondary Metabolites g PATE Pigments, Alkaloids, Terpenoids, Essential oils 6. Cell Cycle And Mitosis @ | Played Myself A Trick Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase 7. Meiosis Lazy Zebra Portrayed Depiction of Death Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene, Diakinesis 1. Facilitated Diffusion @ usa | “Uniport Symport Antiort (2. The Fate of Nitrogen g RAT Pees ee 3. Reductive Amination Red Algae And Kangaroo Arrived after Green Algae ge alae cori ; Or Micronutrient IZCN Might Classify Mammalian Birds. Iron, Zine, copper, nickel, molybdenum, chlorine, manganese, boron 5. Macronutrients HONorable PM Started PC. Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sulphur, Potassium, calcium. 6. Pigments Involved in Photosynthesis Charles Also Booked Xan’s Car Chiorphyil a,b, xanthophyll, Carotenoid 7. Bor Calvin cycle @ Cash Reserve Ratio Carboryation; reduction; regeneration 8. Cyclic Photophosphorylation Cyprus Passed In Arabic ylic Photophosphorylation PS | ATP Chlorophyll a Coronary artery bypass grafting ‘Chlorophyll a bright Or blue green algae - CABG 10. Chlorophyll b @ Collage Based Youth Grant CChloropylb yellow green algae -C8VG 11, Proteins Catabolism @ Para Protein Amino Acids, Pyruvic Acid. AcetyiCoA Glucose Catabolism ginny Gony Fried Dried Garlic Potato Avocado Glucose 6-P, Fructose 1,6 BR, Dihydroxy acetone phosphate, Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. Pyruvic. acid, Acetyl CoA Fats Catabolism Find Files And Go Away Faity Acids, Glycerol, Acetyl CoA as yes nem enne ania itm [MNEMONICS 14. Urine Formation g Grand Trunk Road Time Slot 15. Disorders of the Excretory System g Ultra Rapid Fire Restored Coffee Grouds ‘16. (a) Modes of Excretion OQ vb Mass Transport Agency (b) Modes of Excretion ‘Animals Best Friends Are Always Ideal 16. (c) Modes of Excretion g User Address Book 17. Joints g ‘Skin Cancer Foundation 18. @ Best Sotsier Hid Packed Gun System 19. Axial (80 bones) g Careless Team Learnt Self Care 20. Fore Brain @ Chance To Hit/ Contract To Hire 21. Hind Brain: (PCM) Physics, Chemistry, Maths 3 22. Outer Ear Beene ect 23. Inner Ear : g United States Court 24, Pancreas @ Big AGency 25, Adrenal Cortex g ‘American College of Medical Genetics —e 26. Adrenal Medulla @ AMAN Al missing As Negative Kerala Real Estate Company 1 @ Vegetative Reproduction @ Positive Example Based Learning {(b) Vegetative Reproduction @ see (@ Vegetative Reproduction @ wro : ee Formation of Fruit @ Toomany Fake ‘Acronyms “Tue rut Mango Fae FruteApple 3, (a) Pollination g va Gain (b) Pollination : World association for Visually Handicapped ‘sb (© Pollination @ Integral Yous Insect Pollinated Yucca " 4. Dicot embryo. Personal Care Heals Rare Remorse Pumule, Cotyledon, Hypocotyl Radice, ‘Rootecap | 5. LS. of Monocot Embryo Stem Cell Storage Enable Regenerative Repair of Cancer. 6 (a) Accessory Ducts in Females @ Our United villages “Oviduct Uterus Vagina (b) Accessory Ducts in Females g Infection And Immunity Anfundibulum, Ampulla Isthmus 7. External Genitalia in Females @ Mobile's Light Led Him Crazy cine ‘8. Accessory Glands in Males Simple Play Back / Saint Peters Burg © inememiccoaacanens 9. Accessory Ducts in Males g Revise Via Elementary Volume nana STDs 10. g Haryana Govt. Heads Girl's School Hieraitor BIA ask sOhs We g ‘Swiss National Bank’s Indian Office | 12. Barrier Methods CDC Volunteered Student's Junior © Fellowship Condoms, Diaphragm, Cervical caps, vaults, | Spermicidal creams, jellies, foarns 13. Chromosomal Disorders @ Driver Knowledge Test Down's syndrome, Klinefelter, Turner | 14. Non-Mendeliam Inheirtance | @ can Manage Physics Incomplete dominance, Codiminance, MUItiple alleles, Pleiotropy 15. Genetic Code g Tuesday Night Dinner Club Union ‘Triplet, Non-ambiguous, Degenerate, Commaless, Universal | ; Class = 212, Unit Factors Affecting Grand Mother, Grand Daughter Meet Great Royals Near Society Gene Migration, Genetic Drift, Mutation, Genetic Recombination, Natural Selection 1. Detection & Diagnosis | Q Book Reader Club Manager Biopsy, Radiography, CT, MRI 2. (a) Lymphoid Organs | Q Profit Before Tax | Primary: Bone marrow, Thymus | (b) Lymphoid Organs Sea Surface Level Temperature | __ Secondary: Spleen lymph node, Tonsis 3. Type of Non-communicable or Non- | @ Infectious Diseases _ ¥ 3a2MHD | “Allergic diseases, Addition disorders | Maifunctioning of Organs, Hormonal iseases Deficiency diseases asad pid Kalin AIL ah ntact Raa _ 3. Gene Inserted in Transgenic Animals and g 4. 5. ‘Masking of expression of native gene : Flavr savr Tomato Biological Weapon Agents She Added Questions But Encouraged To Practice Hard ‘Smallpox, Anthrax, Q-fever, Botulinum, Encephalitis, Tularemia, Plague, Haemorrhagic fever Their Benefits Stop Gossiping! Come Prepare Food : IX Tofu Left Broken and Heated : Hot Tomato Chilli Paste Mashed Transgenic animal : Gene inserted : Benefits 1. Sheep : Anti- haemophilic factor IX : Treat ‘haemophilic patient 2 Goat : TPA gene (blood clot dissolving) : Treat coronary thrombosis, 3. Cow: Lactoferrin : Treat eystc fibrosis 4 Pigs: BGH (bovine growth hormone) : Production of leaner pork ‘5. Fish: hGH (human growth hormone): Increased ‘meat production Shape of Pyramid : Population growth type Three Books Used : Eric Stop Daydreaming ‘Triangular shaped : Expanding or Growing , Bell shaped: Stable Um shaped: Declining Population Interaction Competition Always Muffle Politics : Rivalry Has Fabulous Benefits is = 10. Classification of organisms into four temperature groups 3MH : TSTA Group of Organisms : Temperature zone Megatherms : Tropical zones Mesotherms : Sub-tropical zones Microtherms : Temperate Zones Hekistotherms : Artic zones Some Important Laws to Remember 3/2 BAG : Population density of Birds and Mammals in Cooler Area is Abundant 3/2 thinning law : Aspects of growth of population are density related Bergman's law : Birds and mammals of colder areas are larger in size Allen’s law : Animals in cooler areas have shorter extremities Gloger's law: Abundance of melanin pigment in animals from hot areas Measurement of Productivity and Related Ecosystem HALL : Come On And Grab Desert 210.2<0.2 Ecosystem : Example : Net productivity (kg/m2/yr) High productive ecosystem : Coral reef /Ocean/ tropical forest : 2-4 ‘Average productive ecosystem : Agricultural crops 212 Less productive ecosystem : Grassland ecosystem 202-1 Least or Low productive ecosystem : Desert/Deep sea: Less than 0.2 Steps in General Process of Succession Night Candle Rays Shined Nudation, Invasion, Competition, Reaction, Stabilisation Nitrogen Cycle Processes Among Ninety Denominators Nine fixed : ONAM FOR RED ATNAM Steps : Conversion 2 Ammonification : Organic N to ammonia 2 Nitrification : Formation of nitrites and nitrates 3 Denitrification : Reduction of nitrates 4 Nitrogen fixation : Atmospheric Nitrogen to ammonia PHYSICS Physical World Good Workers work for Extended Session. Strength wise arrangement of fundamental forces in ascending order : Gravitation < Weak Nuclear force SF = 9C + 160 Glass - 11, Unit-Vill Thermodynamics Temperature, Volume, Pressure No Heat is transferred ‘Constant temperature — Isothermal process Constant volume — Isochoric process Constant pressure —» Isobaric process No heat transferred —» Adiabatic process 7 etass - 11, unit-1x Behaviour of Perfect Gas & Kinetic Theory Degrees of freedom Baa Baa Black Sheep Have you any wool? Yes sir, Mom has 3 bags full. Dadi needs 5 bags normally cool Papa keeps 6 bags normal rule. Papa, Dadi each needs 2 bags more High cold whenever, be very sure. Mom has 3 bags full > Degrees of freedom of Monoatomic gas is 3. Dadi needs 5 bags normally cool Degrees of freedom of diatomic gas at normal > (room) temperature is 5. Papa keeps 6 bags normal rule —> Degrees of freedom of Polyatomic gas at normal (room) temperature is 6. Papa, Dadi each needs 2 bags more > Degrees of freedom of Polyatomic gas at high temperature is 6+2=8. High cold whenever, be very sure > Degrees of freedom of Diatomic gas at high temperature is 5+2=7. NEN 3 | Moving Charge And Magnetism. g@ mae Punished Lazy Dog. | @ Fleming's left and right hand rule: Particle oscillation in Transverse wave > Force Perpendicular to the direction of propagation of Thumb wave | First Particle oscillation in Longitudinal wave -» In the i direction of propagation of wave | Second ‘inger 00 tam, uate igs : | Thumb | Electric Charge & Field | Motion @ Equally divide cost per annum. | | “ef slacrc etd) divide thelehenge (Enclosed) | a cieren srime Fecacklt by the free space permittivity and area of the Teer fee Gaussian | Thumb | Motion SECRETLY se | Finger Resistor colour code : | Bs est see! 7 Fie BB ROY GOES BERLIN VIA GOA WALTAR. Pa 4 | | Thumb Violet | A ae Green. Gre | see a ae ib indicates Yellow Blue White | a tg In Fleming's right hand tule, Thumb indicates Orange | MOTION. Red | In both rules, first finger indicates Magnetic ME te. FIELD and second finger indicates CURRENT | | Caw Alternating Current g Calcutta City Very Lovely and Very |@ Russian Magician showed an Interesting Very Unusual X-ray eye Game Electromagnetic waves with increasing frequency (decreasing wavelength) is in the order of: (@) Radio wave (b) Microwave (© Infrared (d) Visible light (©) Uttraviolet (X-Rays y (@) Gamma Rays (2). Ray Optics & Optical instruments @ Mmmeans MORE ie Mirror Formula M means MORE ie+ oad Setay Magnification will be of opposite sign : v So, m =-= Ray Optics & Optical Instruments L means LESS ie Lens Formula ). L means LESS ie— sobs Magnification will be of opposite sign : So,m att g Einstein's equation of Photoelectric effect : WE Unite to form People | 4 Photon energy Add Energy of electron emitted Work Function Energy of emitted electron + Work function = Energy of incident Photon Interpretation : E+o=hf OL E=hf=9 EPs - 22, unie-vin (b). ©. Atom : Hydrogen Spectra Papa brings Pastry for Babu and Lal ‘When n, = 1, the series is Lyman the series is Balmer 3, the series is Paschen the series is Brackett the series is p-fund Atom : Hydrogen Spectra Lis Unimportant, 2 is Very important and rest are Important lfn,= Le. Lyman series is in UV range. Le. Balmer series is in VISIBLE range. 3, 4 and 5, ie. Paschen series, Brackett series and p-fund series are in IR range Isotope, Isobar, Isotone ISO Tope Bar Tone TOPE (Die numbers of PROTONS are same and numbers of NEUTRONS different ISO-BAR No®NoWie. both PROTONS and NEUTRONS ‘ differ in number (Total remains same.) TONE @ie. numbers of NEUTRONS ‘are same and numbers of PROTONS different CHEMISTRY MNEMONICS, 1. Metric System The Great Morning King Henry Doesn't Usually Drink chocolate Milk Mixed with Natural Powder ‘The — Tera («10%) Giga (+107, | Mega (*10") Kilo (10) “Henry — Hecto (x10) ‘Doesn't —+ Deca (x10) ‘Usually —> Unit (x1) Drink —» Deci (x10) 2 - Chocolate > Centi (x10) , “Milk > Milli (107) ‘Mixed with — Micro (x10) “Natural -> Nano (x10) Powder —» Pico (x10) 8: fy 2. Pure Substance : Fixed Composition (Cu, Ag) v. Pray Dear sere Mass-Lets(Lavoiser) Gas Law's Ox. (letters that touches are directly proportional & letter don't are indirectly proportional) = 1 [P= VT [rt] 2. Constant terms in Gas Laws g Paid TV Can Be Good Eee Boyle's (Gay-Lussac’s) x 3. Ideal Gas Behavior g PLIGHT Kinetic Theory of Gas Mother SPEAKS 'M_-+ Motion (Gas Particle are in Random Motion) 'S—+Size (negligible size of particle to total volume) P > Pressure (Pressure exerted due to Collision with walls of container) E> Elastic Collision ‘A> Attractive forces are not present K KE Temp, § —> Speed (Distribution of speed of particles remain const) Crystal System Cu Te MOTHe R 3224 Unit Cell = Cubic, Tetragonal, Monociinic, ‘Orthorhombic, Triclinic, Hexagonal, Rhombohedrat Edge : ‘azbec, azbec, abec, azbec a=bec, ‘Axial Length - ar Biay oer No. of Bravias Lattics Edge Length TOM Handpicked Tag (HT) of Class Representative (CR) 3.2.24%11 ‘Tielinic, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic (a#b40) Hexagonal, Tetragonal (a=b=c) Cubic, Rhombohedral ( Axial Angles TORC Has More (HM) Twists (T) Jetragonal, Orthorhombic, Rhombohedral, Cubic (a=8=) Henna Monoclinic (==B#1) ‘Triclinic (4B) ‘Atomic No & Mass No ‘APEMAN ‘Atomic No. = No. of Protons = No. of Electrons ‘Mass No. = Atomic No. + No. of neutrons Isotopes, Isobars & Isotones Bring Top Talented MAN (BTT MAN) ‘Atoms having same Isobars -> Mass Number Isotopes > Atomic Number _ Isotones -» Neutrons tae . Electromagnetic Spectrum Roman Men Invented Very Unusual X-ray Gun Roman -» Radiowaves Men — Microwaves Invented — IR waves Very > Visible rays ‘Unusual —> UV waves X-ray — X-rays ‘Gun > -rays (Gamma rays) Visible Region of EMR VIBGYOR Visible inde {Bue (d) Green ) Yellow ‘Orange {g) Red Planck's Quantum theory Employee's Provident Fund (EPF) Energy = Planck's constant x Frequency AE = hv H-atom spectral lines Myan Mer Pasta Bread Fund Lyman (n,=1) Balmer (n,=2) Paschen (n,=3) Brackett (n,=4) fund (n,=5) Bohr Model of an atom Electronic video Recording (EVR) Energy (€) «e 9. Sequence of orbitals @® Sober Physicists Don't Fin, In Kitchen @ Giraffes Hiding Spd fighik "Chemical Bonding & Motecular Structure 1. Formal Charge For Very Lovely Son! . [Formal Charge (F.C) = Valence €-in free st = Lone pair (Lp) -1/2 x Shared e (SE) 2. H-bonding ) H-bonding is FON (Fun)! . Fluorine, Oxygen, Nitrogen Diatomic Molecules Have No Fear of Ice Cold Beer HAN, 0, |, Cl, Br, 4. Chemical Bond Strength I can't Handle Dirty Vans onic > Covalent > H-bonds > Dipole > van Der Waat 5. Bond Polarity SNAP Symmetrical > Non Polar Asymmetrical —» Polar 6. Hybridisation (vMcaA) Steric No. = 1/2 [V+M-C+A] V— Valence e° of central atom M— Monovalent atoms (H/X) C-> Cationic Charge ‘A Anionic Charge | Chemical Thermodynamics Process Boring ACT @ Peer's Hard Verified Test jc |S Choric ISO Therm Bar Adiabati Process 50 Bar Adiabatic 50 Cro ip Const — Pressure (P) Hea 2. State Function (10) —_ MNEMONICS @ THs = La memes Redox Reaction Pr ime, Temp, Enthal lawome gt" 3. First law of Thermodynamics | Loss of e° is oxidation ° 1 Work Hard | Gain of e is reduction | Redox Reaction | Q rece 4. Heat Capacity | Reduction at Cathode @ PRciremas | 3. Redox Reaction i: Salk | g@ An Ox 5. Criteria of Spontaneity ‘Anode for Oxidation e Good Physicists Have Studied Under Very Ambitious Teachers (dH),,<0 <0 <0 (aA), <0 20 (esto Gibb’s Free Energy Get High Test Scores “AG = AH-TAS g Ideal & Non ideal Solutions HIV Ideal Non-ldeal : (OH) ‘AH=0 ‘AHO fecee AABBBis A-AKB-Bisnot “For same as A-B same as A-B ‘ine ‘Av=0 Aveo Bronsted Acid-Base Concept Strong Army, Lost to Carelessly Weak Bandits Conjugate Base Metal Activity Series Please Stop Calling Me A Zebra Crab. I Like Calling Her Smart Goat Potassium > Sodium > Calcium > Magnesium > ‘Aluminium > Zinc > Chromium > Iron > Lead > Copper > Mercury (Hg) > Silver > Gold Metal activity series FAT CAT Flow of e- from anode to cathode Metal activity series Amount of Hundred Coins Balancing Half Cell, Steps : (1) Atoms (2) Oxygen (3) Hydrogen (@) Charge Electro Chemical Series Priyanka Chopra Sees Movie About Zebra In The Libya Hiring Cobra Studying Algebra Potassium < Calcium < Sodium < Magnesium < ‘Aluminium < Zinc < lron < Tin < Lead < Hydrogen < Copper < Silver < Gold (Au) For Galvanic Cell LOAN Loss of e~ 9 Ladies Can't Put Needles Properly in Slot- machines. Every Girl Tries Daily However, Every Time You'd be lose * ‘ 1. Process of Metallurgy eestor) 2. Concentration of Ore ye Feeling Low (HMFL) 4. Ores MISH Prime Minister Going China 2. H-Bonding eat “Fluorine, Oxygen, Nitrogen 3. Hardness of Water CM is temporarily hard with Head Clerks (HO) but Go 4. Group | Elements iz Little Nasty Kids Ruts Cats Far Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Rubidium i (Cs), Francium (Fr) 5. Group Il Elements Beat Mug Can Snape Bar's Reputation f (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), (51, Barium (Ba), Radium (Ra) 6. Castner Kellnar Cell Onc Modified Soil (CMS) Oxidised 7. Properties of Birch Reagent @ Roman People Can Commute (RPC) 9. Group 14 Elements en” simple Germans Surprise Public (23) D«< MNEMONiCS ——— — i rae 15 : = at sess | AS Pairing of e Octahedral Complexes 5. Types of Organic Reaction @ Common League People win Hearts EARS: Vice-Versa g CFSE (/ Energy (PE) (a) Elimination gore bese Complex (©) Rearrangement chores Energy (PE) (6) Substitution 2 SOR tay 6. Structural Isomerism g Picturesque SNow @ Poor Farmer Managing Crops (PFMC) Primary valency — lonisable ie, Cha | ge_on {@) Position “lonisation sphere (Picturesque) (b) Functional Group Secondary valency >» Non lonisable ie, saan Coordination number (SNow) | (a) Chair ASALCHERRNNNNN | % Onset tomer 1. Gases air Pollutants @° @ osx (a) Geometrical Hydrocarbons, Oxides of Sulphur (SO, $0), eres rE tien NO "Hydrocarbons and Halogen Derivatives Components of Photochemical Smog ‘OFAN PAN 1. Functional group preference order g [ASEHA NAKAA Delhi Training Camp | | | | lea |@ (ene Formaldehyde, Acrolein, Nic oxde, PAN | | onic Acid > Ester > Acid ote ae >Nitrile > Aldehyde > a ‘Alcohol > Amines = > = 2. No Preference Functional Group g g NAHE | (Nitro Aly Ary, Halo, Ethers 3. Carbon Chain Monkey Eat Peeled Bananas (5) m-directing Group Queen Elizabeth Second’s Navy Commands, Controls Quarternary amino (-NR,) Ester (-COOR) Sulphonic acid (-SO,4) Nitro (-NO,) Carbonyl (CHO) Carbonyl (COOH) Cyano (-CN) ©, p-directing AHA AHA P Alkyl CR) Halogen (0) Alkoxyl -OR) ‘Amino (-NH., NHR, NR) Hydroxyl (-OH) Amide (-CONH,) Phenyl (CH) SN1 reaction CURT Carbocation Intermediate ‘Unimolecular Reaction mixture obtained process kinetics a fepipmwoes eel. tana ‘ bacon 2. Common Names of Carboxylic Acid g Frog Are Polite, Being Very Courteous 3. Dicarboxylic Acid ‘(Oh My, Such Good Apple Pie, Sweet As Sugar 4 Clemmenson and wolf Reaction @ ‘Can Zebra Woo Nightingale 2 Coupling Reaction g DSPO DAY (Say, DeSPO DAY) g x aoe Crip yen enema Disaccharides Non-reducing SGF Sucrose ~> Glucose + Fructose Non-Reducing Sugar Essential Amino Acids PVT TIM HALL (Phenylalanine, Valine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Isoleucine, Methionine, Histidine, Arginine Leucine, Lysine) Fat soluble Vitamins — Vitamin K, E, D, A KEDA Rest all Vitamins are water Soluble DNA & RNA G3Cinema AT 22M “DNA A=T, GaC (2 H-bonds b/w Adenine & Thymine 2 H-bonds b/w Guanine & Cytesine) Artificial Sweetening Agents SN Aspartame, Saccharin, Sucrolose, Alitame Also, Assac Sue Ali Antiseptic & Disinfectants Bitter Chlor Bithionot , Terpineol Chioroxylenot Antacids His Interaction Presented by lime Ran (S49 Simran) Interaction of Histamine prevented by latins Ranitidine a |

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