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Quarter I – Module 3
Making Connections Between Information
Viewed and Personal Experiences

Compiled and Repackaged by:

Teacher III

Teacher III
Schools Division of the City of Batac

English – Grade 6
Compiled and Repackaged Module
Quarter 1 – Module 3: Making Connections Between Information Viewed and
Personal Experiences
Second Edition, 2021

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
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Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from
their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim
ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Compiler and Layout Artist: Regie P. Lizardo and Filipinas F. Sibucao

Editors: Jonarex L. Morella, EdD, Zoe L. Puyot, Edaline T. Reyes

Reviewers: Jenelyn B. Asuncion, Joycelyn P. Perdido, Lovely Jane L. Durante,

Aubrhey Marie R. Oasay, PhD, Mary Jane B. Silao

Illustrator: Angelito C. Tapaoan

Management Team: Joel B. Lopez, EdD Marilou B. Sales, EdD

Annie D. Pagdilao, EdD Aubrhey Marie R. Oasay, PhD
Jhon Rey D. Ortal, EdD
Joycelyn P. Perdido

Printed by the Schools Division of the City of Batac

Department of Education – Region I

Office Address: 16S Quiling Sur, City of Batac, 2906 Ilocos Norte, Philippines
Telephone No: (077) 677-1993

Introductory Message
Welcome to the English 6 Compiled and Repackaged Module on Making
Connections Between Information Viewed and Personal Experiences!

This module was collaboratively compiled, repackaged, and reviewed by the

educators of the Department of Education Schools Division of the City of Batac to
assist learners and teachers or facilitators meet the standards of the K to 12
Curriculum amidst this difficult situation.

Particularly, this module hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent fun-filled learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21 st century skills and the four livelihood
skills for survival – the 4As (agtagibalay, agtaraken, agmula, agliwliwa), which are
considered very vital in surviving any crisis.

To achieve the above objectives, the facilitators and learners need to be guided
by the following reminders:

For the facilitator:

As a facilitator, you are expected to:
1. orient the learners on how to use this module;
2. keep track of the learners’ progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning; and
3. encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in this

For the learner:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in this module.
3. Read the direction/s carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher or facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will become an active learner and you will
experience meaningful learning and gain deeper understanding of the relevant
competencies. You can do it

What I Need To Know
To thoroughly appreciate what you are watching, it is important that
you make some connections between the information presented to you
and your personal experiences. This module will allow you to learn to
connect information viewed to personal experiences through visual
media. (EN6VC-IVd-1.4)

In this module, you will learn to:

 identify the elements of the story as a prerequisite in interpreting
information viewed;
 relate personal experiences to the information viewed;
 identify the values depicted from the information viewed; and
 compose a reflective essay that revolve on Filipino values.

What I Know

Directions: Give different Filipino values that are unique. Draw a semantic map in
your notebook and write your ideas on it.


Justify your answers and share some of your personal experiences in

showing or practicing such Filipino values.

Lesson Making Connections Between
Information Viewed and Personal
1 Experiences

What’s In

Directions: Watch the video clip about Filipino values and answer the following

Source: ________________. BT: Paggamit ng “opo” at “po” at pagmamano, hindi na raw

nagagawa ng ilang kabataan. 2018,

1. What can you say about the news?


2. What values were shown or discussed in the video?

3. Is this the way you respect your elders like mother, father, grandfather, and

4. Do you think it is still important to practice Filipino values?


5. What are the other Filipino values that you practice today?

What’s New

Activity 1
Directions: Give the meaning of the italicized words before reading the selection on the
next page.
1. Every town has its own colloquial origin of its name.
A. hearsay B. gossip C. rumor D. spoken

2. The man struggled so hard in order to come out from the hole.
A. effort B. fight C. jumps out D. resist

3. He was trapped long hours inside the deep hole.

A. ambush B. catch C. deceives D. tangle

4. Father is digging the soil for our vegetable garden.

A. breaking B. burrowin C.loosening D. snapping

5. The stranger translates the message to another language.

A. inform B. interpret C notify D. transmit

Do you know where the famous Empanada came from? Of course, you should
be proud to say that it is found in our locality, the Home of Great Leaders: City of
Batac! Do you know how the city got its name? This legend will tell you how it came
to be.


(Photo Courtesy of Mr. Lloyd Ryan Lastimosa)

Batac has an interesting colloquial origin of its name. According to a legend,

long before, a man accidentally fell into a deep hole while he was digging for the root
crop “camangeg”. He struggled to get out but could not despite his best efforts.

He cried for help but nobody was around. He waited for hours and had given
up hope of being saved. Unexpectedly, two men from the neighboring town of Paoay
happened to passby. They heard the man shouting for help.They traced it to where he
was trapped. Upon seeing him, they heard the man said “Batakennak! Batakennak!”
The two men did not understand until the man explained that he was saying, “Pull me
up! Pull me up!” They did just that.

When the two men reached their hometown, they told the story to their
friends.Since then, the town has been called “Batac” which is derived from the word

The word Batac translates as “pull” in the Ilocano language. It refers to “the
people pulling their efforts together.”

Source: __________, Batac: Etymology, 2021,

Activity 2
Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper.
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Where and when did the story happen?
3. Why did the man fall into the deep hole?
4. Was he able to get out from the deep hole? How?
5. How did the two men know that somebody is crying for help?
6. What did the two men do after the incident?
7. What does the word Batac mean?
8. What traits do the two men possess?
9. Do you believe in this story? Why?
10. Is there any unforgettable incident that happened to you which
is related to the story read? Tell your personal experience.

Activity 3
Directions: Match Column A to its corresponding element in Column B. Write the
letter only.
1. Two men happened to passby. A. character

2. Long before, a man was digging a root crop. B. climax

3. The man was shouting for help but C. denouement

nobody was around.
D. plot
4. The two men pulled him out from the deep hole
E. setting
5. People are pulling their efforts together.
F. theme

What Is It
To better appreciate what you are watching, it is important that you make
some connections between the information presented to you and your personal
experiences. If you have a similar experience as the story shown or feel that you have
similar traits as one of the characters in the movie you are watching, you are likely to
respond more positively to the film. It is important that you remain critical in
distinguishing how your own experiences are the same with or different from what is
shown to you by media.

Making Connections
This means connecting what you read or viewed to your life experiences. It may
have happened to you, to a friend, or you may have read or viewed it somewhere else.

Why do we make connections?

 use our schema
 help you understand the text or help you know how it feels like
 give you better understanding of the meaning
 clarify the situation
 help you relate to a text because good readers are good thinkers

What makes a Connection Meaningful?

 It adds to someone’s mental image.
 It helps you understand how the character is feeling
 It helps you feel that you are part of the story.
 It does not distract you or make you forget what you are reading.
 It boosts your thinking.

Types of Connections

Text to Text Connection means that you are connecting the characters,
setting, or events from one story to another. Readers gain insight during reading by
thinking about how the information they are reading connects to other familiar text.

These are some examples of connecting statements for you to use as a reference.

 The character in this story is like the character in…….

 The setting in this story is the same as the setting in……..
 This event is like when………
 These two stories are alike…………

Text to Self Connection means that you are connecting the story to your own life
experiences and feelings. They are higly personal connections that a reader makes
between a piece of reading materials and the reader’s own experiences or life. An
example of a text-to-self connection might be, “This story reminds me of a vacation we
took to my grand father’s farm”.

These are some examples of connecting statements for you to use as a reference.

 This reminds me of ……………..

 I understand how the character feels because………..
 The setting makes me think about another place……………
 I experienced this myself……………….

Text to World Connection means that you are connecting the story to world
history and events. They are the larger connections that a reader brings to a reading
situation. We learn about things through television, movies, magazines, and

These are some examples of connecting statements for you to use as a reference.

 This happened in real life……

 This is like something I heard on the news…….
 This happened when ……….
 This story is similar to……..

What’s More

Activity 1
Directions: During the community quarantine, you had enough time to do worthy
activities necessary to protect your well-being like agmula (plant), agtaraken (raise
animals), agliwliwa (unwind), and agtagibalay (do household chores).

The following photographs are still images that speak a thousand words while
capturing significant or relevant emotions and actions. Study each and answer the
questions that follow.

Plant Raise Animals

Unwind Do Household Chores


1. Describe what you see in each picture.
2. Tell the feeling of happiness and thankfulness which are evoked in each
3. Which one do you usually do at home and how do you feel while doing it?
4. Which one do you enjoy doing with your parents and how do you do it?
5. In your own experience, which is the hardest thing to do. Why?

Activity 2

Directions: Storylines presented in different media are mimetic (or imitative) in nature.
They mirror our own experiences, making us, as viewers easily relate and connect
either with the characters or the plot. Watch an episode of May Bukas Pa on Youtube
or recall the scenes you have watched in the said video and answer the following

Source: _________. May Bukas Pa Recap/Week 53, 2019,


1. What was the video all about?

2. How does watching this make you feel?
3. In what way do you see yourself in any of the characters in the video.
4. Did you have the same or almost the same experience or story as the video
you have watched? Recount and share.


Activity 3
Directions: Read the passage and give some insights reflecting different types of
The Best Seed

There once was a farmer who grew the most excellent wheat. Every season,
he won the award for the best wheat in his country. A wise woman came to him to ask
him about his success. He told her that the key was sharing his best seed with his
neighbors so they could plant the seed as well. “How can you share your best wheat
seed with your neighbors when they compete with you every year?” the wise woman
asked. “That’s simple,” the farmer replied.

“The wind spread the pollen from everyone’s wheat and carries it from field to
field. If my neighbors grew inferior wheat, cross-pollination would degrade everyone’s
wheat, including mine. If I’m to grow the best wheat, I must help my neighbors grow
the best wheat as well,” he said.
This is not only excellent advice for growing the best crops, but also great
advice for how to live your life. If you want to live a meaningful and happy life, help
others find happiness.
Remember: The value of your life is measured by the lives you touch with love,
kindness, respect, and hope.
Source: _____________. The Best Seed: A Short Story about Sharing

Text to Text Text to Self

Text to World


What I Have Learned

Directions: In your own point of view, why do we make connections? Fill up the

K-W-L Chart.

Topic: Making Connections between Information Viewed and Personal
What I Know What I Want to Know What I learned


What I Can Do

Activity 1
Directions: Watch a values-oriented movie on TV or Youtube. Relate your personal
experience to the movie by completing the activity.

Text to Self
This reminds me of __________________________________________.
I understand how the character feels because
The setting makes me think about another place which is ____________.
I experienced this myself when ________________________________.

Text to Text

The character in this story is like the character of _________________.

The setting in this story is the same as the setting in_______________.
This event is like when _____________________________________.
These two stories are alike in terms of _________________________.

Text to World
This happened in real life ____________________________________.
This is like something I heard on the news ______________________.
This happened when _______________________________________.
This story is similar to ___________________________________________.


Activity 2
Directions: Recall an unforgettable experience during the COVID- 19 pandemic and
relate it to the image below. Compose an essay by organizing your ideas about the
events that have happened and the problem or conflict that you have encountered.
Look at the attached analytic scoring rubric and aim for the highest score.


Scoring Rubric for the Reflective Essay
Traits 4 3 2 1
There is one There is one There is one The topic and
clear, well clear, well topic. Main main ideas are
focused topic. focused topic. ideas are not clear.
Main ideas Main ideas are somewhat
Focus and are clear and clear but are clear.
Details are well not well
supported by supported by
detailed and detailed
accurate information.
The The The There is no
introduction is introduction introduction clear
inviting, states the main states the main introduction,
states the topic and topic. A structure, or
main topic, provides an conclusion is conclusion.
and provides overview of the included.
and overview paper. A
Organization of the paper. conclusion is
Information is included.
relevant and
presented in
a logical
order. The
conclusion is
The author’s The author’s The author’s The author’s
purpose of purpose of purpose of purpose of
writing is very writing is writing is writing is
clear, and somewhat somewhat unclear.
there is a clear, and there clear, and there
strong is some is evidence of
evidence of evidence of attention to
attention to attention to audience. The
audience. audience. The author’s
Voice/Purpose The author’s author’s knowledge
extensive knowledge and/or
knowledge and/or experience with
and/or experience with the topic is/are
experience the topic is/are limited.
with the topic evident.



The author The author The author The writer uses

uses vivid uses vivid uses words a limited
Word Choice words and words and that vocabulary.
phrases. The phrases. The communicate Jargon or
choice and choice and clearly, but the clinches maybe
placement of placement of writing lacks present and
words seems words is variety. detract from
accurate, inaccurate at the meaning.
natural and times and/or
not forced. seems
All sentences Most Most Sentences
are well sentences are sentences are sound
constructed well well awkward, are
and have constructed constructed distractingly
Sentence varied and have and have a repetitive, or
Structure, structure and varied structure similar are difficult to
Grammar, length. The and length. The structure understand.
Mechanics, author makes author makes a and/or length. The author
and Spelling no errors in few errors in The author makes
grammar, grammar, makes a numerous
mechanics, mechanics, several errors errors in
and/or and/or spelling, in grammar, grammar,
spelling. but they do not mechanics, mechanics
interfere with and/or spelling and/or spelling
understanding. that interfere that interfere
with with
understanding. understanding.



Directions: The following TV commercials revolve on the value of happiness and

thankfulness. Choose one commercial from the choices and write a 6-paragraph
reflective essay that tells how to show happiness and thankfulness. Be sure to relate
your own experiences to make your output authentic. Do this activity on a sheet of
paper. Your output will be graded using an analytic scoring rubric.

Source: _____________. Fita Sports Car: Balikan ang Sarap!, 2020,

Source: _____________. NIDO Advanced Protectus 3+ Love That Protects: Part

3|Nestle PH, 2018,


Scoring Rubric for the Reflective Essay

Traits 4 3 2 1
There is one There is one There is one The topic and
clear, well clear, well topic. Main main ideas are
focused topic. focused topic. ideas are not clear.
Focus & Main ideas Main ideas are somewhat
Details are clear and clear but are clear.
are well not well
supported by supported by
detailed and detailed
accurate information.
The The The There is no
introduction is introduction introduction clear
inviting, states the main states the main introduction,
states the topic and topic. A structure, or
main topic, provides an conclusion is conclusion.
and provides overview of the included.
Organization and overview paper. A
of the paper. conclusion is
Information is included.
relevant and
presented in
a logical
order. The
conclusion is
The author’s The author’s The author’s The author’s
purpose of purpose of purpose of purpose of
writing is very writing is writing is writing is
clear, and somewhat somewhat unclear.
there is a clear, and there clear, and there
strong is some is evidence of
evidence of evidence of attention to
attention to attention to audience. The
Voice/Purpose audience. audience. The author’s
The author’s author’s knowledge
extensive knowledge and/or
knowledge and/or experience with
and/or experience with the topic is/are
experience the topic is/are limited.
with the topic evident.


The author The author The author The writer uses
uses vivid uses vivid uses words a limited
Word Choice words and words and that vocabulary.
phrases. The phrases. The communicate Jargon or
choice and choice and clearly, but the clinches maybe
placement of placement of writing lacks present and
words seems words is variety. detract from
accurate, inaccurate at the meaning.
natural and times and/or
not forced. seems
All sentences Most Most Sentences
are well sentences are sentences are sound
constructed well well awkward, are
Sentence and have constructed constructed distractingly
Structure, varied and have and have a repetitive, or
Grammar, structure and varied structure similar are difficult to
Mechanics, length. The and length. The structure understand.
and Spelling author makes author makes a and/or length. The author
no errors in few errors in The author makes
grammar, grammar, makes a numerous
mechanics, mechanics, several errors errors in
and/or and/or spelling, in grammar, grammar,
spelling. but they do not mechanics, mechanics
interfere with and/or spelling and/or spelling
understanding. that interfere that interfere
with with
understanding. understanding.


Additional Activities

Directions: Pick two (2) movies from the choices. Then, write a short reflection
describing how one of your own experiences is relevant to an element of the story.
You may relate your experience to the theme, lesson, plot, or characters in the story.
Your output will be graded based on the attached analytic scoring rubric.

Source: 3 Idiots, Source: Every Child is Special,
5UArx2oY N5UArx2oY

Source: The Life of Pi, Source: Journey,
m3FD1NUIbE&t=3724s RqrkEto&t=6s

Source: Dora, 2019, Source: Ah Boy: Short Film, 2013,
5RJ5-o8eQ 6MHuh1sU


Which part of the film can you best relate to?
What personal experience can you connect with this element of the story?

Which part of the film can you best relate to?

What personal experience can you connect with this element of the story?


Scoring Rubric for Learner’s Reflections
Category 4 3 2 1
The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection
explains the explains the attempts to does not
learner’s own learner’s own demonstrate address the
thinking and thinking about thinking about learner’s
Reflective learning his/her own learning but is thinking and/or
Thinking processes, as learning vague and/or learning.
well as process. unclear about
implications the personal
for future learning
learning. process.
The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection
is an in –depth is an analysis attempts to does not move
analysis of the of the learning analyze the beyond a
learning experience learning description of
experience, and the value experience but the learning
the value of of the derived the value of experience.
Analysis the derived learning to self the learning to
learning to self or others. the student or
or others, and others is
the vague and/or
enhancement unclear.
of the learner’s
for the
The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection
articulates articulates attempts to does not
multiple connections articulate articulate any
connections between this connections connection to
between this learning between other learning
learning experience learning or
Making experience and content experience experiences.
Connections and content from other and content
from other courses, past from past
courses, past learning learning
learning, life experiences, experiences,
experiences, and/or future or personal
and/or future goals. goals, but the
goals. connection is
vague and/or


Answer Key

 What I Know

 What’s In

Answers may vary.

 What’s new
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

1. D 1. The characters in the story were 1. A

the three men.
2. B 2. E
2. Long time ago, in the farm
3. B 3. B
3. He was accidentally fell into the
4. C 4. A
deep hole.
5. B 5. F
4. Yes, two men helped him.
5. Two men heard the man
shouting “batakennak! batakennak’.
6. The two men told the incident
upon they reached their home town.
7. Batac means pull.
8. Helpful (other good traits are
accepted that are related to the act
of the two men)
9. Answers may vary.

10. Answers may vary.


 What’s More
Activity 1,2 and 3

Answers may vary.

 What I Have Learned

Answers may vary.

 What I Can I Do
Activity 1

Answers may vary.

Activity 2

Refer to the analytic scoring rubric.

 Assessment

Refer to the analytic scoring rubric .

 Additional Activities

Refer to the analytic scoring rubric.


Tenedero, Pia Patricia P. English encounters: Reading. Rex Bookstore, Rex
Department of Education Curriculum and Instruction Strand. 2020. K to 12 Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELC). Pp. 136
Schools Division of the City of Batac/ Learning Resource Management Section Image Bank.


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education –
Schools Division of the City of Batac

16S Quiling Sur, City of Batac,

2906 Ilocos Norte, Philippines
Telephone No: (077) 677-1993

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