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Fundamentals of discrete-time signal Discrete-time signals:

processing • Signals: physical quantities that change as a function

of time, space, or some other dependent variable.
Objective of this chapter: • Analysis of signals require mathematical signal
models that allow one to choose the appropriate
To focus attention on some important issues of
mathematical approach for analysis.
discrete-time signal processing that are of fundamental
importance to signal processing. • Signal characteristics and the classification of signals
based upon either such characteristics or the
associated mathematical models are the subject of
this Section.

Continuous-time, discrete-time and digital signals

• real-valued / complex-valued signal : depends on the

value of the dependent variable

• continuous / discrete : every signal variable may take

on values from either a continuous set of values or a
discrete set of values:
Dependent Independent
variable variable
Continuous- Continuous Continuous
time signal
Digital signal Discrete Discrete
Discrete signal Don't care Discrete

• Discrete signal is our concern in this class.

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Mathematical description of signals • Energy signal vs. Power signal:

Energy Power
• The mathematical analysis of a signal requires the Energy Finite, 0 < E x < ∞ =0
availability of a mathematical description for the signal (def)
signal itself.
Power = ∞ Finite, 0 < Px < ∞
• The description is usually referred to as a signal signal (def)

model. • Energy of a signal : E x = ∑ x (n) 2 ≥ 0
• In the book, the term signal is used to refer to either 1 N
the signal itself or its model. • Power of a signal : Px = lim ∑ x ( n) ≥ 0
N →∞ 2N +1 − N

Deterministic signals • A discrete-time signal x(n) is periodic with

fundamental period N if x(n+N)=x(n) for all N.
• Any signal that can be described by an explicit Otherwise it is called aperiodic.
mathematical relationship is called deterministic.
• A periodic signal is a power signal.
• Some basic signals:
• Unit impulse sequence: δ(n) =1 if n=0; δ(n) =0 else • A signal x(n) has finite duration if x(n)=0 for n<N1
• Unit step sequence: u(n)=0 if n<0; u(n)=1 else and n>N2, where N1 and N2 are finite integer
• Exponential sequence of the form: x(n)= a n numbers and N1 ≤ N2. If N1=- ∞ and/or N2= ∞ , it has
infinite duration.
• Signal classification: • A signal x(n) is said to be causal if x(n)=0 for n<0.
Deterministic signals can be classified as (1) energy Otherwise it is noncausal.
or power, (2) periodic or periodic, (3) of finite or
infinite duration, (4) causal or non-causal, and (5) • A real-valued signal x(n) is even if x(-n)=x(n) and
even or odd signals. odd if x(-n)=-x(n).

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Transform-domain representation of deterministic
Random signals signals

• Signals that can't be described to any reasonable • Deterministic signals are assumed to be explicity
accuracy by explicit mathematical relationships are known for all time, so the simplest description of any
called random signals. signal is an amplitude-versus-time plot.
• Though random signals are evolving in time in an • Frequency analysis is the process of decomposing a
unpredictable manner, their average properties can
signal into frequency components.
often be assumed to be deterministic.

• Random signals are thus mathematically described by • Two characteristics that specifies the analysis tools:
stochastic processes and can be analyzed by using (1) The nature of time: continuous-time or discrete-
statistical methods instead of explicit equations. time signals.
(2) The existence of harmony: periodic or aperiodic
• The theory of probability, random variables, and signals
stochastic processes provides the mathematical
framework for the theoretical study of random
signals. Periodic Aperiodic
Continuous- Fourier series Fourier Transform
time 1T ∞
Real-world signals: X (k ) = ∫ x(t )e
− j 2 πkt / T
dt X ( f ) = ∫ x (t )e − j 2 πft dt
T 0 t = −∞
∞ ∞
• In practical terms, the decision as to whether physical x(t ) = ∑ X (k )e j 2 πkt / T x (t ) = ∫ X ( f )e
j 2 πft
k = −∞ f = −∞
data are deterministic or random is usually based
Discrete- Fourier series (c.w. DFT) Fourier transform
upon the ability to reproduce the data by controlled time 1 N −1 − j ( 2 π / N ) kn

Xk = ∑ x ( n)e X (e jω ) = ∑ x(n)e − jωn
experiments. N n =0 n = −∞
N −1 1 π
x(n) = ∑ X k e j ( 2 π / N ) kn x(n) = jω j ωn
∫ X ( e ) e dω
k =0 2π −π

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• Spectral classification:

Sampling of continuous-time signals

• In most practical applications, discrete-time signals

are obtained by sampling continuous-time signals • Sampling theorem:
periodically in time. In order to avoid aliasing, the sampling rate
must be at least equal to twice the bandwidth of a
• Sampling frequency/rate: the number of samples band-limited, real-valued, continuous-time signal.
taken per unit of time (= Fs )
• The minimum sampling rate of Fs = 2 B is called
• Sampling period: 1/ Fs Nyquist rate.

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The discrete Fourier transfrom • The contour of integration in the inverse z-transform
can be any counterclockwise closed path that
• The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a sequence encloses the origin and is inside the ROC.
x(n) and the corresponding inverse discrete Fourier
transform (IDFT) are, respectively, given by: • Connection between z-transform & DFT:
N −1
X ( z ) | jω = X (e jω )
X k = ∑ x(n)e − j ( 2 π / N ) kn
1 N −1 j ( 2 π / N ) kn • Properties of z-transform
x ( n) = ∑ X ke
N k =0
(c.w. the analysis tool for discrete-time periodic
deterministic signal.)

The z-transform

• The z-transform of a sequence x(n) and the

corresponding inverse z-transform are, respectively,
given by:

X ( z ) ≡ Ζ[ x (n)] = ∑ x (n) z − n (2.2.29)
n = −∞
1 n −1
x ( n) = ∫ X ( z ) z dz
2πj C

• The set of values of z for which (2.2.29) converges is

called the region of convergence (ROC) of X(z).

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Discrete-time systems Time-domain analysis

• In this section, we review the basics of linear, time- • The output of a linear, time invariant system can
invariant systems. always be expressed as the convolution summation
between the input sequence x(n) and the impulse
• A system is defined to be any physical device or response sequence h(n) of the system.
algorithm that transform a signal, called the input or ∞
excitation, into another signal, called the output or y ( n) = h( n) * x ( n) = ∑ x ( k ) h( n − k )
k = −∞
• In matrix form, we've
• The mathematical relationships between the input and
 x(0) 0  0
output signals of a system is referred to as a system  
 y (0)      
model.  
    0 
     h(0) 
 y ( M − 1)  x( M − 1)   x(0)  
x(n) H(z) y(n)    h(1) 
  =    
  
 y ( N − 1)   x( N − 1)   x( N − M )  
Block diagram representation of a discrete-time system     h ( M − 1) 
    0  

 y ( L − 1)       
 
 0
  0 x( N − 1) 
Analysis of linear, time-invariant (LTI) systems
h(0) 0  0 
 y (0)     x(0) 
• The systems we deal with are linear and time-   h (1) h ( 0)  0
  x(1) 
invariant and are always assumed to be initially at or  y (1)  =       
rest.        
 y ( L − 1)   0 0  h( M − 2)   
   x ( N − 1)
 0 0  h( M − 1) 
Toeplitz matrix: all the elements along any
diagonal are equal.

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• A system is called causal if the present value of the Transform domain analysis
output signal depends only on the present and/or past
values of the input signal. (i.e. h(n)=0 for n<0) • y ( n) = h( n) * x ( n) ⇔ Y(z)=H(z)X(z)

• A system is called stable if every bounded input • A causal discrete-time system can also be described
produces a bounded output. with a linear difference equation.
(i.e. x(n) < ∞ ⇒ y ( n) < ∞ for all n) P Q
y ( n) = − ∑ a k y ( n − k ) + ∑ d k x ( n − k )
∞ k =1 k =0
• An LTI system is stable iff ∑ | h(n) |< ∞ .
n = −∞ • If system parameters { ak , d k } depend on time, the
system is time-varying. Otherwise, it's time-invariant.
• A system has an impulse response with finite duration
is called a finite impulse response (FIR) system. • If system parameters { ak , d k }depend on either the
Otherwise, it's called an infinite impulse response
input or output signals, the system is nonlinear.
(IIR) system.
Otherwise, it's linear.

• With z-transform, we've

∑ dk z
Y ( z) D( z )
H ( z) = = k = 0P ≡
X (z) 1 + a z − k A( z )
∑ k
k =1

It can be rewritten as
∏ (1 − z k z )
D( z ) k =1
H ( z) = =G P
A( z ) −1
∏ (1 − pk z )
k =1

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• The roots of D(z) and A(z) are, respectively, referred All-pole (AP) system: (Q=0)
to as zeros and poles of the system.
• y ( n ) = − ∑ a k y ( n − k ) + x ( n)
k =1
1 P Ak
• H ( z) = = ∑
1 + ∑ ak z − k k =11 − pk z − k
k =1
• h(n) = ∑ Ak ( p k ) n u (n)
k =1

• Any nontrivial pole in a system implies an infinite

• The system is stable if its poles are all inside the unit duration impulse response.

All-zero (AZ) system: (P=0)

• y ( n) = ∑ d k x ( n − k )
k =0
• H ( z ) = ∑ d k z −k
k =0
d 0≤n≤Q
• h( n ) =  n
0 elsewhere

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Pole-zero (PZ) system: (P>0 & Q>0)

• y ( n) = − ∑ a k y ( n − k ) + ∑ d k x ( n − k )
k =1 k =0
∑ dk z
k =0
• H ( z) = P
1 + ∑ ak z − k
k =1

Correlation analysis and spectral density

• The investigation of system responses to specific

input signals requires either
(1) the explicit computation of the output signal or
(2) measurements to relate characteristic properties
of the output signal to corresponding
• Summary: characteristics of the system and the input signal.
Model AZ AP PZ • Correlation between two signals provides a
Condition P=0 Q=0 P,Q>0 quantitative measure of similarity between two
Property FIR IIR IIR signals.

• Connection between correlation & convolution:

Convolution x(n) ∗ y (n)
Correlation x ( n ) ∗ y ( − n)

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• Correlation between two discrete-time signals x(n)

and y(n): (crosscorrelation) • Connection between rx (l ) and r y (l ) :
 ∞ x ( n) y * ( n − l ) ry (l ) = y (l ) ∗ y * (−l ) = h(l ) ∗ x(l ) ∗ h* (−l ) ∗ x* (−l )
 ∑ : energy signal
rxy (l ) =  n = −∞ = h(l ) ∗ h* (−l ) ∗ x(l ) ∗ x* (−l )
1 N
 lim ∑ x(n) y (n − l ) : power signal
= rh (l ) ∗ rx (l )
 N →∞ 2 N + 1 n = − N

where rh (l ) = ∑ h( n) h* (n − l ) = h(l ) * h(−l )
n = −∞
• Correlation between signal x(n) and its shifted
version (i.e.x(n)=y(n)) (autocorrelation) • In z-transform domain, we have
 ∞ x ( n) x * ( n − l ) R y ( z ) = Y ( z )Y * ( 1z ) = H ( z ) X ( z ) H * ( 1z ) X * ( 1z )
 ∑ : energy signal
= H ( z ) H * ( 1z ) X ( z ) X * ( 1z ) = Rh ( z ) R x ( z )
rx (l ) =  n = −∞
1 N
 lim ∑ x(n) x ( n − l ) : power signal
where Rh ( z ) = H ( z ) H * ( 1z )
 N →∞ 2 N + 1 n = − N
(c.w. R x ( z ) = X ( z ) X * ( 1z ) )

• The autocorrelation sequence rx (l ) and the energy • Some other direct results: Rxy ( z ) = H ( z ) Rx ( z )
spectrum of a signal x(n) form a Fourier transform
rx (l ) ←→
R x ( e jω )

• The energy of a signal can be determined:

(1) E x = rx (0)
(2) E x = ∫ Rx (e jω )dω

• Summary of the usage of correlation:

(1) Tell the similarity between 2 signals
(2) Estimate the spectral density of a signal

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Minimum phase and system invertibility:

• This section introduces the concept of minimum

phase and shows how it is related to the invertibility
of LTI systems.

System invertibility and minimum-phase systems

• A system H(z) with input x(n) and output y(n) is

called invertible if one can uniquely determine its
input signal from the output signal. (i.e. A(z)=1/H(z)
exists s.t. A(z)H(z)=H(z)A(z)=1)

• A discrete-time, linear, time-invariant system with

impulse response h(n) is called minimum-phase if
both the system and its inverse system are causal and
stable. (i.e. All poles and zeros of H(z) are inside the
unit circle.)

• A maximum-phase system is one in which both the

system and its inverse are noncausal and stable. (i.e.
All poles and zeros are outside the unit circle.)

• If H(z) is minimum-phase, then 1/H(z) is also


• If H(z) is minimum-phase, then H(1/z) is maximum-


• A system that is neither minimum-phase nor

maximum-phase is called a mixed-phase system.

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All-pass systems

• A linear, time-invariant system is all-pass if

| H (e jω ) |= 1 for − π < ω ≤ π .

• Typical transfer function:

a ∗p + a ∗p −1 z −1 +  + z − P z − p A* (1 / z )
H ( z) = =
1 + a1 z −1 +  + a p z − p A( z )
p ( pk∗ − z −1 )
or H ( z) = ∏ −1
k =1(1 − p k z )

• The poles and zeros of an all-pass system are

conjugate reciprocals of one another.

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Minimum-phase and all-pass decomposition

• Any causal PZ system that has no poles or zeros on

the unit circle can be expressed as
H ( z ) = H min ( z ) H ap ( z ) ,
where H min ( z ) and H ap (z ) are, respectively, a
minimum-phase system and an all-pass system.

Spectral factorization

• The process of obtaining the minimum-phase system

that produces the signal y(n) with autocorrelation
ry (l ) is called spectral factorization.

• Example 2.4.5


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