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YouTube is a social media from Google which facilitate the users to upload and watch the

videos around the world for free. In 2015, YouTube develop YouTube kids app which
provides a special platform for kids. The application has been promoted as “ a world of
learning and fun, made just for kids” (Youtube Kids, 2008). The developer claimed that
Youtube kids is aimed to provide safer and simpler content for kids. In addition, YouTube
kids ease parents to control their watching options, thus it will provide safer viewing
experience for children (Maheswari, 2018). The use of Youtube approptiately and
intentionally can enhance and help children’s learning (NAEYC & Fred Rogers Center,
2012). However, parents also hold an important role in using Youtube for their children.
Parental monitoring is needed to prevent children in accepting inapproproate content or
language which limited in educational value. It also important to always monitor their
children when using Youtube kids to prevent some negative effects do to their psychological
condition. The joint media engagement holds a crucial key for parents in controling and
prevent some negative effects in children. It is related to the prior research by ...... who
revealed that joint media engagement can be an effective way in preventing some negative
impacts and maximize childrens’ learning through Youtube.

The use of Youtube is believed as a media that can influence vocabulary acquisition. Some

previous studies researched the relationship between the use of media on childrens’

vocabulary acquisition. Kabooha and Elyas (2015) revealed that the use of Youtube gives

positive impacts in enhancing their vocabulary acquisition. In addition, he also revealed that

video in youtube can attract the students’ attention and focus. Another study by Akbulut

(2007) revealed that the vocabulary scores in which the text along with video, picture and

graphic are higher than those assifned to the definition only group. Furthermore, the earlier

research shows that the use video makes it much easier children to remember the words. In

line with Hu and Deng (2007), he found that multimeda which combines audio and video can

enhance someone’s ability to memorize words. The multimodality which contains in the video

in youtube will attract childrens’ attention and accordingly can improve their word retention.

However, there is a amid research in examine the influence of youtube video in enhancing

children’s vocabulary. Prior studies focus on the relation between the effect of youtuve or

video in improving students; vocabularies. The previous research mostly disscussed about

enhancing vocabularies in students The research which discover the vocabulary acquisition

still limited. Therefore, the current study addresses this gap in investigating the influence of
youtube kids channel in the children’s vocabulary acquisition. a research question what is the

influence of youtube kids to children vocabulary acquisition. The use of xx channel

considered as the focus of the research because the rank of popularity is the highest.

Moreover, the subject of the research often wacthed it. So the researcher would discover

whether the video can influence or enhancing childrens’ vocabulary acquistion or its jus null

in effect.

In sumarry all, the current study addreses a research question:

1. What is the influence of youtube kids video in improving childrens’ vocabulary


We hypoteses that the use of video will improve childrens’ language acquisition, since

the stimulus from video can be received because it can attract and focus on childrens’


YouTube media

YouTube is a social media from Google which facilitate the users to upload and watch

the videos around the world for free. In 2015, YouTube develop YouTube kids app which

provides a special platform for kids. The application has been promoted as “ a world of

learning and fun, made just for kids” (Youtube Kids, 2008). The developer claimed that

Youtube kids is aimed to provide safer and simpler content for kids. In addition, YouTube

kids ease parents to control their watching options, thus it will provide safer viewing

experience for children (Maheswari, 2018). The use of Youtube approptiately and

intentionally can enhance and help children’s learning (NAEYC & Fred Rogers Center,

2012). However, parents also hold an important role in using Youtube for their children.

Parental monitoring is needed to prevent children in accepting inapproproate content or

language which limited in educational value. It also important to always monitor their

children when using Youtube kids to prevent some negative effects do to their psychological
condition. The joint media engagement holds a crucial key for parents in controling and

prevent some negative effects in children. It is related to the prior research by ...... who

revealed that joint media engagement can be an effective way in preventing some negative

impacts and maximize childrens’ learning through Youtube.

Vocabulary Acquisition in Children

In the language acquistion, vocabulary plays an important role for learners (Cameron,

2001). The mastery of vocabulary will help learners in mastering other language skillss,

especially in reading. Thus, vocabulary acquisition will determine learner’s language

development (Harmon, Wood & Keser. 2009). It can be said that the more someone acquire

the vocabualaries, the more he will master the language competence. This idea is supported

by Schmitt (2000) who revealed that the lexical knowledge is viewed as a critical tool in

having communicative competence and acquiring the second language.

The vocabulary acquistion in children related to their language acquisition which

happens since children are in theirs womb. This related to the theory of Chomsky and Skinny

which opined that the language acquistion acquire through nature and nurture. According to

Chomsky, child is born with language acquisition device (LAD) that permit him/her to

acquire the language. On the other hand, Skinny argued that a child acquires the language by

extracting all the linguistic components from the environment. It can be said that nurture is

the result of exterior influences after child is born, e.g exposure and experience in learning.

Due to the theories, a vocabulary acquisition is influenced by some factors, including from

the external factor. This study focus on how youtube kids can influence children’s vocabulary


The proses of vocabulary acquisition can be influenced by the internal and external

factors. It can be influenced by their parents, peer, teachers and other environment. According

to syamsuddin citized in Yusuf (2012) in the early childhoo children can master about 2000
words meanwhile in the month of 11-12 years old children can master 5000 words. Children

around 4-6 already can mention name, gender, his/her personal information, using a simple

sentence and can answer how what why and etcc. In this range of old 4-5 children will enrich

their vocabularies through repetition (owens in Dhieni (2008:3).

The acquistion of vocabulary in children will depend on the input and stimulus which

is received by children. Dardjowidjojo, (2000) highlighted in his research which revealed that

the mastery of vocabulary on his subject is influenced by the input that the children received.

Thus, the result of the research about vocabulary acquisition may have different result

(variative) depend on the stimulus and input which received by the subject of the research. It

is because each children has different frequency, stimulus and situation. Meanwhile, a

research by (Barrett, 1995) revealed that children in europe start to use words in 1;0.

Furthermore, in the age od 1;7 a child can acquire 50 word and in the age of 2;0 children can

master around 200-300 word. Whereas, indonesian child starts to use word in age 1;5

(Dardjowidjojo, 2000).

Children will acquire common words first instead of functional words. Thus, children

will master noun, verb and adjective in the early vocabulary acquisition. However, there is a

different perception related to which class of words will acquire first. Bloom (1975) and

Tardif (1995) stated that children will master verb earlier than noun. Constrastly, Gentner

(1982) found that nomina will be acquired foremost than verb. A research by Djowidjojo

(2000) in indonesian child revealed that children master more noun than verb. This result

confirms the theory of Genter (1982).

The Influence of YouTube Kids Channel and vocabulary acquisition in children

The use of Youtube is believed as a media that can influence vocabulary acquisition.

Some previous studies researched the relationship between the use of media on childrens’

vocabulary acquisition. Kabooha and Elyas (2015) revealed that the use of Youtube gives
positive impacts in enhancing their vocabulary acquisition. In addition, he also revealed that

video in youtube can attract the students’ attention and focus. Another study by Akbulut

(2007) revealed that the vocabulary scores in which the text along with video, picture and

graphic are higher than those assifned to the definition only group. Furthermore, the earlier

research shows that the use video makes it much easier children to remember the words. In

line with Hu and Deng (2007), he found that multimeda which combines audio and video can

enhance someone’s ability to memorize words. The multimodality which contains in the video

in youtube will attract childrens’ attention and accordingly can improve their word retention.

However, there is a amid research in examine the influence of youtube video in enhancing

children’s vocabulary. Prior studies focus on the relation between the effect of youtuve or

video in improving students; vocabularies. The previous research mostly disscussed about

enhancing vocabularies in students The research which discover the vocabulary acquisition

still limited. Therefore, the current study addresses this gap in investigating the influence of

youtube kids channel in the children’s vocabulary acquisition. a research question what is the

influence of youtube kids to children vocabulary acquisition. The use of xx channel

considered as the focus of the research because the rank of popularity is the highest.

Moreover, the subject of the research often wacthed it. So the researcher would discover

whether the video can influence or enhancing childrens’ vocabulary acquistion or its jus null

in effect.

In sumarry all, the current study addreses a research question:

1. What is the influence of youtube kids video in improving childrens’ vocabulary


We hypoteses that the use of video will improve childrens’ language acquisition, since

the stimulus from video can be received because it can attract and focus on childrens’


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