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I. Week 3.1: The Nature and Kinds of Variables

II. TOPIC: The Nature and Types of Random Variables
III. OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
a. demonstrate understanding of the nature of variables and its major types.
b. decide on suitable quantitative research in different areas of interest.
c. differentiate kinds of variables and their uses.


Recall what you did yesterday.

Did you do something today which you also did yesterday?

What year-level were you last school year?

Is it the same this year?
Why? What happened?


Discrete Continuous
________ ___________

Break down the words to unlock the meaning of the terms given above. Match the set of
words below to the term you think is related.
a. Distinct, specific, finite
b. Able to vary, changes
c. Nonstop, unspecific, infinite

Concept Notes No. 6 The Nature and Kinds of Variables

Variables – a variable is a central concept in research. It is a measurable characteristic

that changes in value. It may vary from one group to another group, one person to another
or even with the same person over time.

Random Variables

1. Continuous Variables – a variable that can take infinite number on the value that
can occur within a population.

2. Discrete Variables – also known as categorical variable. Is any variable that has a
limited number of distinct values and which cannot be divided into fractions like sex,
blood group, and number of children in the family.

Complete the table using the variables or expressions given below. 5pts each column
Discrete Continuous



I. Week 3.2: The Nature and Kinds of Variables

II. TOPIC: The Subtypes of Discrete and Continuous Variables
III. OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
a. demonstrate understanding of discrete and continuous subtypes.
b. differentiate types of variables and their uses.
c. apply variables to real-life research usage.


Recall Discrete and Continuous Variables.

Discrete Continuous
________ ________

Nominal Ordinal Ratio Interval

_____________ ______________ _____________ ______________
Break down the new words to unlock its literal meaning. Match the words below to its
corresponding term.
a. rate, percentage, decimal
b. order, arrangement, scale, level
c. name, categories, kind
d. position, integers, degrees

Concept Note No. 6

Continuous Variables

 Interval Variable – is a measurement where the difference between two values

does have meaning.
 Ratio Variable – possesses the properties of interval variable and has a clear
definition of zero, indication that there is none of that variable.
Discrete Variables

 Nominal Variable – is a variable with no quantitative value. It has two or more

categories but does not imply ordering of cases.
 Ordinal Variable – is a variable that has two or more categories which can be


Tell whether the given variable is Interval, Ratio, Nominal or Ordinal. Write your answer before
the number.

1. military title 6. hat, shirt, shoes

2. temperature in Celsius 7. score in 5 item quiz
3. birthplace 8. feeling for today
4. year level 9. means of transportation
5. favorite type of music 10. time-length of internet usage


I. Week 3.3: The Nature and Kinds of Variables

II. TOPIC: The Dependent and Independent Variables
III. OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
a. demonstrate understanding of discrete and continuous
b. differentiate types of variables and their uses.
c. generalize the concept of variables in research context.


Are you living with your parents? Or are you living on your own?
Does anyone provide your food and allowance? Or do you
provide on your own?
Are you honestly learning and answering this module? Or
somebody is helping you?

Why do you think Independence Day every June 12 th is


Use the words or descriptions on the box to unlock the meaning of the terms
on the table.

cannot stand alone manipulated because of the other controllable

outcome variable cause

effect uncontrollable causal variable can stand alone

manipulated by the researcher

Concept Note No. 7

Independent Dependent
Independent Variables – it is a common practice that the
researcher starts with an effect and investigates on its possible
causes. The cause variable or the one responsible for the
conditions that act on something else to bring about changes.

Dependent Variables – also called outcome variable, the result of

the changes brought about by another variable (independent

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