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Marie Antoinette

At 14 Marie Antoinette was thrown into one of the

cruelest courts in Europe. Chosen on the basis of
her beauty and political reasons, she was meant to
give birth to the future kind of France. Her every
move scrutinized and discussed. It did not sit well
with her that for the first seven years of marriage
with the king, they were never intimate.
Biography Marie Antoinette
loved flowers

Full name: Marie Antonia Josepha Johanna

Parents: Maria Theresa and Francis I
Birthplace: Vienna, Austria
Born: November 2nd, 1755
Died: October 16th, 1793
Spouse: Luis XVI
Children: Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte, Louis-Joseph,
Louis XVII, and Sophie
Organization founded: Théâtre de la Porte
Early Life
Marie Antoinette was born on November 2nd,
1755 in Vienna, Austria. She was the youngest
daughter of Maria Theresa and Francis I. Marie
Antoinette was raised in a religious and structured
household. She was educated as an aristocratic
girl. Her home was located in the vibrant court of
Vienna, Austria. During her free time Marie
Antoinette loved to sing, dance, and play
instruments such as the harp, flute, and the
Life in the Palace
On April 21st, 1770, Marie Antoinette was forced
to leave her home in Vienna, Austria to come and
live in the Palace of Versailles located in the South
of France. Although she received both hate and
love at the palace she was always a fascination to
people. She was always lavishly styled and had
enthusiasm for her future marriage to Louis XVI.
Marie Antoinette spent heavily on fashion, luxury,
and fun disregarding ehr countries financial crisis.
Marieś Marriage
Marie Antoinette survived a lot through her
marriage with Louis XVI. her family connections
made her the final candidate for the political
marriage to Louis XVI. They married on May 16,
1770 in the Royal Chapel at the Palace of
Versailles. Their first seven years of marriage went
without any consummation leading to an
abandoned bond between them and no children.
The failure to produce an heir put a strain on their
marriage and led to the mocking of the public on
this issue.
Marie and her Children
Marie Antoinette had four children during her marriage with Louis XVI. Her
marriage with Louis XVI absolutely depended on her producing a male heir. Marieś
first child was born on December 7th, 1778. She was named¨Maria Theresa¨, after her
late mother who passed after her marriage. It was reported that after she gave birth to
her lovely child she said ¨“Poor little girl, you are not what was desired, but you are
no less dear to me on that account. A son would have been property of the state. You
shall be mine. (what-happened-marie-antoinette's-children)” Marieś second child was
born in 1781, and named Louis Joseph Dauphin. He was meant to be the king's heir,
however suffered from tuberculosis leading him to a young life as he died in June of
1789. Maries third child was born on March 1785, and was named Louis Charles. He
was set to be the heir of the throne and the Dauphine of France. Maries fourth child
was born on 1786, and was named Sophie. Sadly she passed a month before her first
birthday, living a very short lived life as well as her brother.
Marieś Downfall
When the revolution broke out Marie was truly done for as she was taken by captors
and imprisoned with her children. Marie Antoinette was trialed for treason and
executed on October 16th, 1793 at the age of 37. Her sister began to develop hatred for
France and the people who failed her and promised to avenge her death by caring for
her children. During Marie's last letter to her sister she worried of her children by
saying ¨It grieves me very sensibly to leave my poor children; you know that I existed
only for them and you, my kind and affectionate sister. Let them both reflect on what I
have unceasingly taught them, that virtuous principles and the exact performance of
every duty, are the first basis of life; that their happiness will depend on their mutual
affection and confidence. Let them never seek to revenge our death.
(princess-to-queen-to-guillotine-the-tragic-fate-of-marie-antoinette)¨ Marie wished
her children to remember her maternal affection and loving words.

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