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Camille Hernandez and Brooklyn Swearingen
Name, pronouns, what was your main
takeaway from your sex education?

*Content Warning*
Sip N’ Bitch House
One speaker, one mic
Be respectful of others opinions
Arizona schools are not required to teach sex ed
if they do, it is necessary to stress abstinence
If there is a curriculum in place...
There is not requirement to teach sexual orientation or gender identity
There is no requirement to teach consent
Parents must provide written approval to opt in for their child
If there is a curriculum in place, it must be approved by the local governing board
Dangers of having no sex
education program in place,
or abstinance only curriculums
Less use of condoms
Increased risk of sexually transmitted infections
Higher risk of unplanned pregnancies
Countries with comprehensive sexual education policies have lower rates of teenage pregnancies.
Lack of understanding of sex and consent
increased cases of sexual violence
sex education can be “effective in addressing discriminatory attitudes” towards such groups, improve
gender-equitable attitudes and help prevent physical, sexual and emotional violence in relationships
Programs promoting abstinence encourage the youth to hold shame about sexuality, misunderstand
consent, and may result in delayed reporting of inappropriate behaviors
Students with access to affirming education relating to gender and sexuality had 26% lower
odds of attempting suicide compared to others without these programs in place
Arizona schools with Abstinence Plus programming, which covers any information other than
abstinence only, reduced the pregnancy rate from 47 live births per 1000 down to 30 per 1000
of the same demographic (students aged 15-19 who can give birth)
Promotes a safe and positive view on sexuality
Opens up room for discussion of otherwise uncomfortable topics, leaving room for self
advocacy and reporting
Teaches about different identities, allowing for both reflection, and teaching about the gender
and sexuality spectrum
The majority of LGBTQ+ students (66.9%) who were taught an inclusive curriculum reported
that their classmates were somewhat or very accepting of their identities, as compared to
37.9% of LGBTQ+ students who were not taught an inclusive curriculum
Disparities within
sexual education
57% of white men receive some form of sexual education, compared to 45%
of black men and 47% of Hispanic men
9 states have policies that include affirming sexual orientation instruction on
LGBTQ identities or discussion of sexual health for LGBTQ youth.
6 states explicitly require instruction that discriminates against LGBTQ
Schools lacking sexual education surrounding LGBTQIA+ relationships can
leave these students unsure of how to engage in safe sex in same sex
relationships and uneducated on the risks of STDs
CSE Initiatives in
Planned Parenthood - SHARE
UA - SW Institute for Research on Women: Bridges to
Wellness, Sex University Pilot Study, Spectrum+
AZ Coalition to End Sexual + Domestic Violence -
Youth Specific Resources

How did your What other barriers do

experience with sex ed you think are in the way of
in your previous having a comprehensive
curriculum in place?
educational institutions
shape your view on sex How would you improve
and sexuality? sexual education?

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