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University of Chester

Student’s commencing study under the age of 18

Parent/Legal Guardian Acknowledgement

The University of Chester has developed a Support for Students Aged Under 18: Code of
Practice to formally acknowledge and take appropriate responsibility for any student
who commences study at the University under the age of 18.

The University of Chester also asks parents and/or legal guardians to confirm
acknowledgement of their particular responsibilities for their children while they are
under the age of 18 and studying in the UK. As per the Code of Practice, parents and/or
legal guardians can be assured that the University of Chester intends to comply with all
the legal requirements.

As a parent/legal guardian of a student commencing undergraduate study under the age

of 18, we kindly request that you complete and sign this form and return it to
International Admissions at the University of Chester as soon as possible, and no later
than the 30th June 2022.

We require your signature as parent/legal guardian, and the details of an Emergency

Contact who is resident in the UK.

For any queries, please contact:


Yumi Maira Litiho Buzi

Student’s name: UCAS
Application ID:

27.12.2006 BEng Chemical Engine

Student’s Date Course: ering with Foundation
of Birth: Year

Does your son/daughter intend to reside in University Accommodation?

YES / NO (Please delete as appropriate)

If NO, please give details of the accommodation arrangements you will

be putting in place:

University of Chester, Parkgate Road, Chester CH1 4BJ • Tel 01244 511000 • Fax 01244 511300 •
Founded in 1839 by the Church of England • Registered Charity No 525938 • ‘Working towards Equality of Opportunity • Extending Opportunities through Education
Emergency Contact Details
Please provide emergency contact details for a parent, guardian or carer who is resident
in the UK. Failure to provide the name and address of a UK resident who the University
can contact in case of emergency will mean that we cannot register you as a student for

Julieta Ofelia Litiho Mother

Name: Relationship
to student:

Non UK resident - Internatio +258873016760

Address in the UK: nal Telephone
Email address:

This must be signed by the parent or legal guardian. The Emergency Contact may not
sign this declaration unless they are also the parent/legal guardian.

Please confirm by signing below that:

a. You recognize that the University is not in loco parentis (assuming parental
b. You guarantee that you will honour any contracts your son/daughter enters into
with the University (EG. Agreements to pay tuition fees, accommodation fees

c. You have advised your son/daughter that he/she may not enter licensed premises
or hold office while under the age of 18.

Julieta Ofelia Litiho Mother

Your Name: Relationship to
(Please print) student:
(EG. Mother,
Guardian etc)

Signature: Date:

University of Chester, Parkgate Road, Chester CH1 4BJ • Tel 01244 511000 • Fax 01244 511300 •
Founded in 1839 by the Church of England • Registered Charity No 525938 • ‘Working towards Equality of Opportunity • Extending Opportunities through Education’

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