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Lesson File

Unit04: Keep Cool !

Target Overall Competency: Interactive
Sequence: Listen And Consider
Main skill :Listening
Activity 1: Answer these questions
Who is /are your favorite comedian(s)?
Why do you like him/them?
Is your favorite actor funny or Mr Bean? Why?
Do you think that comedy/humor can teach us lessons/moral values?How ?
Activity 2: Listen to the first part and say if the statements are true or false.(Justify whenever
possible )
a- Humor is the best medicament . .................
b-Humor has no effect on humans .................
c- Humor can help us tolerate pain. ....................
d- Laughter is bad for the heart. .....................
e-Laughter weakens our immune system. .....................
Activity 2: Listen to the second part and answer this question
What is the lecturer talking about in the 2nd part ?
Is it bad or good ? Justify
Who practises such humor?
The author gave us some advice .List them
Activity 3 :‘’In Algerian culture black humour is rejected by most people for religious and
educational reasons.’’Can you laugh at any situation ?Or Can you enjoy a comedy /sitcom/stand up
performance based on black humor ? Or Give examples that we , Algerian people , can’t laugh at .
justify (oral +in case learners find it difficult to express themselves orally, they should write their
answer and read it )
Follow Up
Activity1 : A)-Consider these two words used by the author
a-Lighten b- lessen c- lengthen d-darken e-shorten
1-What are they ? ........................................................................
2-How are they formed ? .......................................................................
3-Do you know other words? .........................................................................
B)-Re-write the passage turning the words in bold type into verbs
Comedy makes our life brighter and our emotions deeper.Moreover, it a soft existence and turns
it into a joyful journey.Without comedy, hardship makes our lives rough and our future darker. So,
don’t let black humor make you sick and as we say in Algerian context “ make your heart white ‘’
Start like this:
Comedy brightens ...................................................................................................................................
Activity 2: Consider the word (bold type) in the author statement .Then, answer the questions
’’ Black humor is practised by self-centered comedians’’
a-What part of speech is it?
b-How is it formed?
c- What does the prefix mean ?
Note : Most of the time ,The adjectives starting with self indicate that the action has been / will be
done without anyone’s assistance (alone)
Activity 3: Match each word with its definition
Self conscious : The act of fooling one’s self /not accepting the obvious willfully
Self fulfilling : Aware of one’s self / socially ill at ease
Self sacrifice : Caring about one’s self without the assistance of others
Self deception : The giving up of one’s self for the good of others
Self supporting : Having confidence in one’s self / full control of one’s abilities
Self -possession : Satisfied that he achieved what he wanted
Activity4: Form adjectives and nouns by adding the prefix self to these verbs and nouns
-educate -satisfy -rely -make -confidence -discipline -esteem -pity - deny -assert -assure -
help -control - defence - efface
Noun Adjective

Activity 4: Peter is describing his family using their most pertinent personality traits.Read the
sentences and Fill in the blanks with the right word from the table
My father is a.....self educated .............1..... businessman. He didn’t go to school. My grand-father is
a tolerant person. He is so patient that he never loses his...self the worst situations
.He always says that unless you have some .self esteem...... , people will disrespect you .Concerning
my brother, he is a....self reliable.....person as he never asks for the help of others . As for my sister,
she has a strict sense of...self discipline...... She is punctual and never absent.
My mother is a .self assertive .... woman. She always imposes her ideas and opinions on the other
members of the family. She sometimes wallows in .self pity . as a result of our carelessness and
Key (many possibilities)
1-self -made /” self -educated” 2-Self-control 3-self -esteem 4-self -reliant 5-self-discipline 6-self-
assertive 7-self -pity
Lesson File
Unit04: Keep Cool !
Target Overall Competency: Interpretive
Sequence: Read And Consider
Main skill :Reading
Main Objective: SWAB To express preferences , likes and dislikes
A-Have a look at the pictures and answer the questions

1-What are the adults doing?

2-When do we have such attitude(s)?
3-Do you feel ashamed to cry in public? Why?
4-Do you feel embarrassed if you see someone crying in fron of people?
5-How do you describe yourself? Are you self- controlled or emotional?
Girls ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Boys …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Read the ext and do the activities that follow
British and American people are similar in many ways, but in expressing feelings they haven’t got
much in common. (§1)
Nearly all Americans believe that it is better to share what they think or feel than hide it. A few of
them will even share ideas with foreign visitors the first time they see them. When some of them
are upset they prefer to cry rather than retain tears. Few Americans consider it bad to show anger
in public. The great majority of them would rather let all of it out and say what they feel than bottle
it up inside and make matters worse. (§2)

Unlike Americans, British people are reserved. They like to keep a stiff upper lip. In other words,
they don’t like showing their feelings. They rather prefer hiding them because people who reveal
their emotions are thought to be weak and rude. For example, showing anger in public is considered
to be a sign that the person hasn’t much character. So few British people hate revealing their anger
in public places.They give little attention to people who complain in public They may pretend not to
hear them in order to avoid getting involved. (§3)

Most British men and women are embarrassed when they see somebody crying in public ,and
are more embarrassed when they cry in front of people .Mot of them ignore the person in such
situation but few may try to comfort him. Women are more likely to respond than men and will put
their arm round the person or touch their shoulder. (§4)
Many British youths now enjoy showing feeelings in public but many eledely don’t like to see
this. Women sometimes kiss each other on the cheek and people may greet or say goodbye to each
other with a hug. However, when British People are part of a crowd they are less worried about
expressing their emotions. Football crowds sing and cheer when their side scores. Players now hug
one another when they score.( (§5)
1-Skim through the text and and give the genearl idea of the text.
2- Answer these questions according to the text
a-Do the Americans and the British express their feelings and emotions in the same way? Justify
b- Though the British people are reserved, they occasionally express their feelings in pubic . When
do they do that ?
3- Read the following phrase in the text and choose the best answer to guess their meanings
a- let all of it out : a- let sthing fly b- show one’s feelings c- hide one’s feelings
b-bottle it up inside a- put it in a bottle b- conceal one’s feelings over time c- express their fee.
c- keep a stiff upper lip a-be emotioneless/ unemotional – b- happy c- excited
4-Go back to the last paragraph and underline “each other “and “one another”.
a-What is the difference between them?
Each other is used when w refer to two people and one another is used when we refer to more
than two people (team-group-crowd…)
b- What is their function?
They are reciprocal pronouns ie indicate reciprocity .Each of the subjects is acting the same way
towards the other (mutual exchange of…)
c- Examples
1- Mohamed respects Ahmed and Ahmed respects Mohamed
Mohamed and Ahmed (the boys) respect each other
2- Nadia hates Fatima , Fatima hates zohra and zohra hates Nadia
The girls hate one another
5- Fill in the blanks in the passage with the appropriate words from the list that follows:emotions
introvert - feelings - stereotype – extrovert
Americans are different from the British in expressing their..............and ……........ differently .
Americans are .....................because they reveal their emotions in public without being embarrassed
while the British are …………. people as they prefer hiding them .Is it a proven fact or just an
emotional ………………… like any other one ? I guess we have to test both of them to find out .
Post Reading: Pick out from the text (§2, §3 §5) sentences expressing prefernces , likes and
dislikes.Then , answer the questions that follow
a-Sentences expressing likes and dislikes:
1- ……now enjoy showing feelings
2-The British like to keep a stiff upper lip.
3-Many elderly people do not like to do this

b-Sentences expressing preferences:

1-When some of them are upset they prefer to cry rather than retain their tears.
2-The great majority of them would rather let all of it out than bottle it up inside and make…worse
3-They prefer hiding them .
Answer :
A. The form of the verbs are: -ing , the infinitive with to or the infinitive without to.
B The verbs enjoy, dislike, don’t mind and avoid are always followed by a gerund whereas like,
love, hate and can’t stand, prefer can be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive.
C. woud rather is followed by an infinitive without to.
Neg form: woud rather not +stem
I would rather not go to work today .i’m exhausted .
Do you want a coffee? I would rather not .it would give me insomnia
Note : would ratheer +simple past ( present / future mean)
Sall we tell James ? I would rather you didn’t .He might turn down the invitation
Activity 1 :Choose(circle or undeline) the correct form of the verb
a-I ‘d rather a-make b- to make c-making any friend than stay alone .
b-They don’t like a- to listen b- listen c- listening to black humor
c-I am upset today.I’d prefer a- stayed b- to stay c-staying at home and watch a comedy.
d-Ca we use this CD ? I woud rather you a- don’t b-didn’t -do .It’s my Dad’s personal movie.

Activity 2: Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form so that the dialogue makes sense
A: What do you like (do) ........................................on week-ends, Ahmed?
B:I prefer (recite) .................... .......................some holy Quran and gardening
A:Do you like (go) .................................................. out?
B Not a lot.I enjoy (spend) spare time with family.
A: we’re going to see a movie.Would you like( accompany).............................................. us?
B:Thanks so much I’ve got a homework to do
A :Do you want us to come and see you
B: I’d rather you(not/ do) .........................................................the police are everywhere here.
A: All right.Bye.
Activity 3:You certainly have preferences, likes and dislikes.Write meaningful sentences describing
them .
The sentences :

irls .........................................staying at home these days

Lesson File
Unit04: Keep Cool !
Target Overall Competency: Interpretive
Sequence: Reading And Writing
Main skill :Reading
A-Listen to your teacher’s introduction and answer these questions

1-Are (your) friends important in (your) life ? How?

3-Do you treat them the same way ?justify
2-Here are the degrees of friendship .Classify them according to their importance in your
culture : close friend- acquaintance -stranger -good friend -best / closest friend
3-What personality features influences/ed your choice when selecting /you selected your
friends ?
4- Is easy or difficult for you to make friends ? Explain
Text: Read the text and do the activities that follow
Do you know that you can accurately predict where you'll be five years from now? You can
easily know where you'll be going, what you'll be doing .If you want to know how, the
answer is simple: by the company you keep

The people you associate with have a major impact and influence on your personal success.
It is likely that your income level is in the same range as that of your closest friends. You talk
about the same topics and you usually hang out at the same places. In many cases, you may
discover that you're reading the same books... or none of you are reading at all.

Although your five closest friends are your best buds, you have to evaluate your relationships
when you are ready to make a change for the better. Relationships are like elevators; they
are either bringing you up or taking you down. Every connection isn't meant for the long haul
This is why it is so important to make the right relationship choices. For your long-term
success, you simply must choose the right friends.

Take some time to evaluate your relationships. Do your friends meet your selection criteria
? If so, then great! If not, then you’d better branch out and start establishing some new
relationships.But , just remember that friendships need love, time, attention and trust if they
are to survive.
1-Skim the text and match each idea with its corresponding paragraph.
a-the incertainty of relationships . …………………………………
b-The author’s advice . …………………………………
c-the common charcteristics shared by friends . ………………………………..
d-Predictiong one’s future through his/her relationships ………………………………..
2- Answer these questions according to the text
a- The writer compares relationships to “an elevator”. Paraaprase his idea in few lines .
- Do you agree or disagree with the author’s advice ?jusstify
3- Consider these words in context and choose the best anwer
-Branch out : a- stop making friends b- look for other possibilities c- reject new friendship
-Hang out a- to spend the night out b- to lean out c- to spend time with friends
-Criteria a-stage – b- standard c- solution
Activity 3: a) Derive all possible adjectives from the word in red .Then,answer the questions
Words Adjectives


a-How did you form the new words?

b-What do you notice about their ending?
c-Do you know other adjective suffixes ? State them
d-Put some of the adjectives in sentences of your own
Activity 4: Fom nouns from the underlined words in the text.then, answer the questions

Words Nouns

1-What did you do to form the new words?

2-What do you notice about the ending?
3-Do you know other noun suffixes ? State them
4-Make meaningful sentences using some of the new words you obtained
Activity 5: it said that “ keeping friends is more difficult than making them?”
Situation : Your best friend shocked you with his strange behaviour by making a terrible mistake
that hurt your feelings and caused you some pain. Write a short paragraph answering one of these
two questions: Will you forgive him/her Or will you end your relationship with him/her ? Justify
The paragraph : (just few line to express their opinions etc....)

Writing Development (if time allows)

“Choosing a friend is certainly one the most diffcult and decisive steps in the life of a teenager and
personality features play an important in that choice . ‘’ Select three qualities from Act1 or
Act2(positive or negative) and write a composition about the features you like/hate to find in a
friend / partner. Provide justification for each one of them.
Note : Use cause and effect - concession link words.. / preference verbs etc….
OR Yould choose the pictures’ messages and and paraphrase one of them
Activity1: Match each word with its definition
Positive He/she always provides help and assistance
Honest He thinks about the feelings of others
Reliable People can count on him/ her
Considerate He is always ready and present for his friends
Available Having an optimistic attitude towards life
Supportive People can trust him/her
Activity 2: Classify the words in the table below
Personable - attractive-suspectful-pretty -handsome-vulgar sociable-careless-amiable
courteous -friendly -bad reputation- - liar- -good character -unreliable-generous- selfish-
helpful -egocentric -rude -mean
Features of lik(e)able people Features of dislik(e)able


Choosing a friend is important in my life especially nowadays because it can affect me

positively or negatively.
First of all, my friend must be reliable because I feel more comfortable and serene when I
know that I can count on him/her whenever I need help Someone who will not ask me for
justification or a reward before reaching out .
Moreover , a friend of mine must be honest as he will become the safe treasure box that will
keep my secrets far from the inquisitive eyes and minds .Not only does he/she truly and
sincerely advise me when I wrong , but he / she also lifts me up and give me wings to
achieve my dreams.
In addition too this, a friend of mine has to be smart and funny so that he / she can help me
in my studies or my personal events and bring moments of joy in my daily life .
To conclude , selecting the good personality features of a friends should be done with care
and intelligence because he/ she will be part of your life for a log time .So, you ‘d better take
your time to win the big priceless prize.

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