Kelas Daring Bahasa Inggris - Quizizz

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Kelas Daring Bahasa Inggris

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Disusun oleh Cita Verina

1. Soal no 1 - 7 adalah materi tentang Simple Present Tense

She..... in Surabaya

a) worked b) works

c) has worked d) work

2. Hendrik … football every Saturday with his friends..

a) played b) playing

c) plays d) is

3. Mary and Anna sometimes … to the nearest cinema to watch their favorite movie.

a) went b) goes

c) go d) has going

4. The train to Jakarta … at 19.50 this evening.

a) left b) leaves

c) leave d) will levave

5. … she go to the same college as Nanda?

a) Is b) Did

c) Do d) Does

6. … Andrea and Martha work on the weekend?

a) Did b) Does

c) Will d) Do 27/03/24, 02.01

Halaman 1 dari 3
7. I ... novel everyday

a) reads b) will reading

c) read d) reading

8. Soal no 7 - 10 adalah pertanyaan Present Continuous Tense

It is now 11.00 p.m Riana ... sleeping in her bedroom

a) Am b) Were

c) is d) Are

9. ... listening to me now?

a) does you b) are you

c) Was you d) is you

10. The children are ... by the river

a) fish b) fished

c) fishing d) fishes

11. They ... a cup of coffee, but chocolate

a) is not drinking b) not drinking

c) am not drinking d) are not drinking

12. She is ... now

a) danced b) dance

c) does not d) dancing

13. I need an umbrella because it's .... right now

a) Rains b) Rained

c) Raining d) Rain 27/03/24, 02.01

Halaman 2 dari 3
14. ... Mary reading a book in the library?

a) was b) are

c) am d) Is

15. What ... you doing in this place?

a) Are b) Can

c) Is d) Will 27/03/24, 02.01

Halaman 3 dari 3

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