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My Reconciliation Plan

As an artist who lives and creates on stolen land, it is important for me to have my own
personalized Reconciliation plan. The focus of my plan is to broaden my understanding of
Indigenous issues and learn how I can be an artist who creates with a mindset of openness and

Calls To Action that speak to me:

We call on the federal government to draft new Aboriginal education legislation with the full
participation and informed consent of Aboriginal peoples. The new legislation would include a
commitment to sufficient funding and would incorporate the following principles:
- Developing culturally appropriate curricula.
- Enabling parents to fully participate in the education of their children.
- Respecting and honouring Treaty relationships

Language and Culture

We call upon the federal government to acknowledge that Aboriginal rights include Aboriginal
language rights.

Aboriginal language rights are reinforced by the Treaties.

The federal government has a responsibility to provide sufficient funds for Aboriginal-language
revitalization and preservation.

The two actions my Reconciliation Plan focus on are:


- I want to continue to grow my understanding of Indigenous histories and experiences by
doing more informed reading and research
- I want to attend more local art that is created, performed, or presented by Indigenous

These goals give me tangible ways to meet my Reconciliation Plan and put it into play in a real
way. My aim is to not just let this plan live on paper but in my life, my relationships, and my work

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