Palate Morphology Sleep Bruxism Children

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Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2008 35; 353–360

Palate morphology of bruxist children with mixed dentition.

A pilot study
C . C . R E S T R E P O * , C . S F O R Z A †, A . C O L O M B O †, A . P E L Á E Z - V A R G A S * & V . F .
F E R R A R I O † *CES-LPH Research Group, Medellı́n, CES University, Colombia and †Laboratory of Functional Anatomy of the
Stomatognathic Apparatus, Department of Human Morphology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

SUMMARY The objective of the study was to analyse shape differed especially in correspondence of the
quantitatively palatal morphology in bruxist and third, fourth and fifth teeth, bruxist children show-
non-bruxist children with mixed dentition. Twenty- ing a relatively higher palate than control children.
three children with mixed dentition were classified In this pilot study, sagittal plane differences in the
as bruxist according to their anxiety level, audible palate between bruxist and non-bruxist children
occlusal sounds related by the parents and signs of matched for age and gender were found. Further
temporomandibular disorders; 23 children were investigations are needed to understand better the
control subjects matched for gender, age, and dental clinical implications of the findings. Results should
formula. The maxillary dental arches of all subjects be taken into account in the diagnosis of the occlusal
were reproduced from alginate impressions cast in development in children with parafunctions to
dental stone with a standardized technique. The prevent future abnormalities: a bruxist child may
casts were digitalized and mathematical equations have bigger dental arches than a normal child.
were used to obtain the form of the palate in the KEYWORDS: palate, bruxism, growth and develop-
sagittal, frontal and horizontal planes. Bruxist chil- ment, morphometry
dren had a statistically significant longer palate in
the sagittal plane than control children; palatal Accepted for publication December 9 2007

of the upper maxilla or jaw has not been reported in

children, although alterations in the hard palate of
The aetiology of bruxism has been defined as multi- adult bruxists, such as torus palatinus have been
factorial (1). It is mainly regulated centrally, but reported (21).
influenced peripherally (2). Oral habits (3), temporo- In particular, the analysis of palatal normal mor-
mandibular disorders (TMD) (4–7), malocclusions (8, phology in bruxist children appears to have been
9), hypopnoea (10), high anxiety levels (11) and stress neglected so far. Quantitative investigations of normal
(12) among others (13) could influence the peripheral palatal size and shape are infrequent. As reviewed
occurrence of bruxism. These factors act as a motion elsewhere (22, 23), the main shortcoming seems to be
stimulus to the central nervous system, which reacts technical: direct techniques in which several standard-
with an alteration in the neurotransmission of dopa- ized landmarks are used as endpoints for caliper
mine (14, 15) and the answer is the clenching or measurements are time-consuming and prone to error
grinding of the teeth. and cannot be used with the current computerized
The effects of bruxism on teeth (16, 17) as well as on methods of treatment planning. Indirect analyses with
facial morphology (18–20) have been widely studied, the use of two-dimensional projections (radiographs,
but its relationship with the function and ⁄ or the shape photographs or photocopies) are insufficient for the

ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2008.01848.x
354 C . C . R E S T R E P O et al.

palate, while the loss of the third dimension does not were fully explained to the participating patients and
significantly influence dental arch form in the hori- their parents and the informed consent from the
zontal plane; it hinders most investigations of palatal parents was obtained prior to the investigation. Insti-
morphology. tutional Ethics Committee of the CES University
Currently, technology provides three-dimensional approved the study.
digitizers that can be directly used on dental casts to
supply the metric coordinates of selected landmarks.
The coordinates can be used for any kind of mathe-
matical modelling. Optical devices, electromechanical Participating children were Colombian (mean age
instruments, electromagnetic digitizers have all been bruxist children 9Æ3 years, s.d. 0Æ8; control children
used to collect three-dimensional data on the human 9Æ4 years, s.d. 0Æ7) and they were required to be healthy
palate in both normal individuals and patients with with normal facial morphology, complete primary
alterations in craniofacial structures (22–25). In con- teeth, presence of dental wear, no history of trauma
trast, quantitative three-dimensional methods have present and absence of other types of oral habits, such
never been used for the assessment of palatal charac- as mouth breathing, tongue thrusting or sucking habits.
teristics in bruxist children. The sample size was calculated with a confidence of
The quality and hardness of the food had become 95% and a statistical power of 80%. The number of
more processed and soft from time to time. The dietary subjects required in each group to make comparisons
consistency affects craniofacial growth (26). When the was 19.
food is not hard enough, the teeth do not wear
naturally, with a resulting insufficient growth of the
Inclusion criteria
alveolar base in children. Lacking the adequate stimuli,
arch size is not sufficient for teeth eruption (27). When An evaluation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
bruxism occurs, the dental wear is higher, so the was performed on all the children together with a
contacts between the upper and the lower teeth are questionnaire and a clinical examination according to
bigger and flatter than with natural chewing. Those Bernal and Tsamtsouris (31).
contacts allow the horizontal movements of the man- Children’s anxiety was measured using the Con-
dible against the upper jaw and the stimuli to the ners’ Parents Rating Scales (CPRS; 32). Both instru-
alveolar bone is higher (27, 28). ments, the Tsamtsouris and Bernal and CPRS tests
The aim of this investigation was to analyse quanti- had been previously used to diagnose bruxism in
tatively palatal morphology in bruxist and non-bruxist children.
children with mixed dentition. Bruxism involves a Children were included in the bruxist group (n = 23)
higher activity of the masticatory muscles in the when their anxiety level was above 0Æ75% according to
affected children (1) and higher size of dental wear the CPRS, presented two or more signs of TMD
(29), and this may provoke alterations in hard tissue according to Bernal and Tsamtsouris and they accom-
structures, which could lead to higher size of palate in plished the classification criteria proposed by the
the bruxist children. American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM; 33) for
This study was developed as a first approach to bruxism. The AASM criteria for bruxism are the
accomplish the hypothesis that a higher activity of the following:
muscles previously reported in animal models (30) 1. The parents of the children indicated the occurrence
could modulate the sagittal growth of the maxillary of tooth-grinding or tooth-clenching during sleep.
arch. The reason is that the palatine raphe acts as a 2. No other medical or mental disorders (e.g., sleep-
fulcrum and produces an expansion of the arch when a related epilepsy, accounts for the abnormal movements
labialization of the alveolar process occurs. during sleep).
3. Other sleep disorders (e.g., obstructive sleep apnea
syndrome) were absent.
Materials and methods
All the parents were required to sleep close to their
A case–control study was performed. The procedures, children for at least 2 weeks before the beginning of the
possible discomforts or risks, as well as possible benefits study.

ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd


Fig. 1. Digitized points on the stone

cast of each palate. IP: incisive
papilla; RP: posterior-most raphe
point; 6R, 6L: right and left first
permanent molars; 5R, 5L: right and
left fifth teeth; 4R, 4L: right and left
fourth teeth; 3R, 3L: right and left
third teeth; M: sagittal ‘molar’ point.

The children in the control group (n = 23) accom-

Digitization of palates and mathematical equation
plished the second and third criteria of the AASM, but
not the first one. The method has been described elsewhere (22, 23, 34,
One hundred and eighty eight Colombian children 35). In brief, on each cast, the intersections of the
aged 8 to 11 years were initially evaluated. Forty-six palatal sulci of the right and left sixth (first permanent
individuals were finally selected and included in the molars in all occasions), fifth, fourth and third teeth
study. Standardizations of the examiners and calibra- with the gingival margin (landmarks 6R, 6L, 5R, 5L,
tion of the techniques were made in 10 subjects. The 4R, 4L, 3R, 3L in Fig. 1), the incisive papilla (IP) and
methods were highly reproducible without statistically the most posterior limit of the palatal raphe (RP) were
significant intra-tester and inter-tester errors (ICC* identified and marked. The intermolar 6R-6L line and
>0Æ9, and Kappa >0Æ7). its perpendicular starting from IP were traced and
their intersection point was marked as M. On the
IP-M, 6R-6L, 5R-5L, 4R-4L and 3R-3L lines, approx-
imately 12–20 nearly equidistant points were then
The maxillary dental arches of all subjects were repro- marked. The x, y, z coordinates of the landmarks were
duced from alginate impressions cast in dental stone. obtained with an electromagnetic three-dimensional
The models were stored for a week to avoid dimen- digitizer (3Draw)† interfaced with a computer (15).
sional changes. For technical reasons, the models of two Digitization of landmarks was performed by a single
bruxist and seven control children were discarded, thus operator.
leaving a total of 23 children for each group. Computer programs devised and written by one of
All subjects had a mixed dentition in their maxillary the authors were used for all the following calculations.
arch, with permanent first molars, central and lateral A common orientation for all palates was obtained by
incisors. In the control group, two children had second mathematically setting the plane described by IP, 6R,
premolars, 12 children had first premolars and five and 6L as horizontal (x-axis, corresponding to the 6R-
children had permanent canines. In the bruxist group, 6L line, right-left; y-axis, anterior-posterior; and z-axis,
one child had second premolars and six children had caudo-cranial). Actually, this plane is tilted forward, no
first premolars. assessment of the spatial relationships between palate

*Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. Polhemus Inc., Colchester, VT, USA.

ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

356 C . C . R E S T R E P O et al.

and craniofacial structures was performed. For each test. In all cases, two-tailed tests were used with a level
palate, the following measurements were obtained: of significance set at 5%.
Sagittal plane:
Palatal length, horizontal projection of the IP-M line
Error of method
(unit: mm).
Palatal slope, slope of the maximum palatal height The intra-operator repeatability of the measurements
versus the horizontal axis (degrees). was assessed by Ferrario et al. (13) by repeated tracings
Maximum palatal height (mm). (landmark identification) and digitizations of the same
Horizontal plane: casts. For each variable, the error of the method (error
Angle between the IP-RP and the IP-M lines (RP, percentage) was calculated as the percentage ratio
degrees). between the variance of the method error (squared
Frontal plane: Dahlberg’s error) and the population variance of that
Palatal widths and maximum palatal heights at the first measurement (squared standard deviation). For land-
permanent molars, fifth, fourth and third teeth (6R-6L, mark identification, the error percentage was always
5R-5L, 4R-4L and 3R-3L distances in mm). less than 10% of the total biological variance. For
All coordinates were then standardized in the frontal landmark digitization, the error percentage ranged
plane as percentages of the intermolar distance 6R-6L (x between 1Æ76% and 8Æ26%.
coordinate) and in the sagittal plane as percentages of
the horizontal projection of the IP-M distance (y
The curve of the palatal surface was fitted to a fourth- The two groups of children (bruxist and control
degree polynomial (13, 21): y = a x + bx2 + cx3 + dx4, children) were matched for age (mean age bruxist
separately for the sagittal and the frontal (four curves children 9Æ3 years, s.d. 0Æ8; control children 9Æ4 years,
corresponding to 6R-6L, 5R-5L, 4R-4L and 3R-3L) s.d. = 0Æ7, P > 0Æ05, Student’s t-test for paired samples)
plane projections of the three-dimensional standardized and sex (no differences in the sex distribution, P > 0Æ05,
(i.e., size-independent) coordinates of the digitized Chi-square test).
landmarks. In the frontal plane projection, the origin The sagittal length (IP-M in mm) and the raphe
of axes was set at 6R, the x-axis corresponded to the angle (angle between the IP-RP and the IP-M lines)
right-left transverse line, and the y-axis to its vertical were somewhat higher in the palate of the bruxist
perpendicular. In the sagittal plane projection, the children than in the non-bruxist children (Table 1).
origin of axes was set at IP, the x-axis corresponded to Both measurements showed statistically significant
the horizontal projection of the IP-M distance, and the differences when comparisons were performed includ-
y-axis to its vertical perpendicular. The four coefficients ing only the children with primary deciduous canines
of the polynomial equation were computed using the (five control children excluded). In contrast, when the
least-square method, and the correlation coefficient r of children with permanent canines (late mixed denti-
the curve was also assessed (21). tion) were included in the analysis, only sagittal
palatal height remained significantly longer in bruxist
Statistical analyses
All palatal heights (in both the sagittal and frontal
For each palatal measurement, descriptive statistics for planes) were somewhat higher in bruxist than in
each group (bruxists, control children) were calculated. control children, but the differences did not reach
Statistics for angular variables were computed using the statistical significance.
rectangular components of the angles. In both groups, Palatal shape independently from size in both the
male and female data did not differ (Student’s t-test for sagittal and frontal planes was well reconstructed by the
independent samples) and pooled values were consid- four-order polynomials, with coefficients of correlation
ered. r ranging between 0Æ92 and 0Æ99.
The values obtained in the two groups were com- In both groups, palatal shape independently from size
pared by Student’s t-test for independent samples; peaked in correspondence of the fifth teeth, and it
categorical variables were compared by Chi-squared decreased progressively in the fourth and third teeth

ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd


Table 1. Descriptive statistics of palatal size in 46 Colombian children with mixed dentition

Bruxists (n = 23) Controls (n = 23) T Controls (n = 18)* T

Plane Measure Mean s.d. Mean s.d. P-value Mean s.d. P-value

Sagittal IP-M 32Æ92 1Æ79 31Æ69 1Æ75 0Æ025 31Æ47* 1Æ82* 0Æ01*
Slope 18Æ40 0Æ65 18Æ60 0Æ37 NS 18Æ55* 0Æ42* NS*
Height 12Æ58 1Æ61 12Æ09 1Æ11 NS 12Æ00* 1Æ13* NS*
Horizontal Raphe 2Æ10 0Æ39 2Æ00 0Æ28 NS 1Æ89* 0Æ28* 0Æ05*
6R-6L Width 33Æ19 2Æ25 33Æ69 2Æ50 NS 33Æ58* 2Æ61* NS*
Height 11Æ32 1Æ83 11Æ01 1Æ12 NS 10Æ94* 1Æ15* NS*
5R-5L Width 30Æ03 2Æ26 30Æ37 2Æ43 NS 30Æ31* 2Æ59* NS*
Height 13Æ02 1Æ73 12Æ46 1Æ18 NS 12Æ40* 1Æ26* NS*
4R-4L Width 26Æ64 2Æ09 25Æ87 2Æ23 NS 25Æ89* 2Æ28* NS*
Height 10Æ26 1Æ85 9Æ48 1Æ61 NS 9Æ48* 1Æ65* NS*
3R-3L Width 24Æ64 1Æ91 23Æ84 1Æ97 NS 23Æ78* 2Æ15* NS*
Height 4Æ98 1Æ50 4Æ05 1Æ64 NS 4Æ19* 1Æ76* NS*

IP, incisive papilla; NS: not significant.

*Control children with deciduous canines only (excluding the children with permanent canines).
All values are mm, except slope and raphe (degrees).
Comparison: Student’s t-test for independent samples; P > 0Æ05.

area (Fig. 2). In the first permanent molar area, palatal nent first molars); the same pattern of differences
shape was somewhat lower than in correspondence of observed in the complete groups was found (data not
the deciduous molar ⁄ premolar teeth. No differences shown).
between the two groups of children were observed in
the sagittal plane. Overall, bruxist children had higher
palate in the frontal plane than control children,
especially in correspondence of the thrid, fourth and It is difficult to compare the present findings with those
fifth teeth. of literature reports, because quantitative investigations
Analyses were also performed separately for the 15 of normal palatal size and shape are uncommon. Only
control and 14 bruxist children who had no perma- three-dimensional computerized analyses can correctly
nent teeth apart from the first molars (deciduous assess palatal morphology (22, 36). Both surface-based
central and lateral incisors, canines, molars, perma- and landmark-based methods have been used. Indeed,
most surface-based approaches are time-consuming,
requiring several scans for each cast, and they seem best
Non bruxist Bruxist suited for the analysis of selected patients (for instance,
cleft-palate children), they are of difficult application
for a wide-scale collection of data.
The major limitation of landmark-based methods
seems to be the reduced number of digitized land-
marks, which approximates the analysed structure
4R-4L 5R-5L 4R-4L 5R-5L neglecting most information (22, 24). In this investi-
6R-6L 6R-6L
gation, palatal morphology was analysed along four
3R-3L 3R-3L
6R 6L 6R 6L left-right curves (third, fourth, fifth and sixth teeth)
and one anterior-posterior curve (approximately cor-
Fig. 2. Palatal shape independently from size in bruxist and
control children. Upper panel: sagittal plane projection; lower
responding to the palatal midline), thus supplying a
panel: frontal plane projection (all four curves are drawn). x-axis sufficient approximation of its size and shape charac-
unit: % of 6R-6L distance; y-axis unit: % of IP-M distance. teristics (23, 24).

ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

358 C . C . R E S T R E P O et al.

The width of the upper arch had been previously age. When boys and girls were separately analysed, no
estimated with single measurements like the interca- gender-related patterns were found. Indeed, Slaj et al.
nine distance (37), and correlated to habits and some (53) showed that in the early mixed dentition, longi-
para-functions, such as dummy-sucking, finger-sucking tudinal comparisons of width, depth and dental arch
habit, oral breathing (38), breast and bottle sucking segment–length changes between male and female
(37), but not with bruxism. In the sucking cases, the subjects did not yield any statistically significant differ-
intercanine distance was reduced in the children who ence in a 2-year period. Also, no effect of the exfoliation
practiced parafunctional activities. According to the of deciduous molars ⁄ eruption of premolars was
present research, bruxism seems to have no effect on observed.
the palatal width when the bruxist children were
compared with the control children.
In contrast, this para-function had some effect on
both the length and the raphe angle of the palate when This investigation showed sagittal plane differences in
comparisons between the bruxist and the control group the palate between bruxist and non-bruxist children
included in the analysis only the children with primary matched for age and gender. In bruxist children, the
deciduous canines. Also, palatal shape modified with a higher muscular activity (19, 20, 54, 55) and the
relatively higher palate in bruxist than in non-bruxist dental wear may have accelerated the normal devel-
children. opmental modifications in the palatal shape. This
Both intercanine and interfourth teeth width were finding has to be taken into account in the diagnosis
slightly larger in the bruxist children than in the control of the occlusal development in children with para-
children, with mean differences of 0Æ8–0Æ9 mm. It is well functions, because if a child has bruxism, then his ⁄ her
known that the intercanine distance of the upper arch arches could be bigger than the ones of a child without
increases when primary canines exfoliate and the per- bruxism.
manent canines erupt (39). It is possible that the higher This was a pilot study, and accordingly, data inter-
muscular activity (40), the increased movements of the pretation and conclusions should be judicious until
mandible (41, 42) and the higher bite force (43) through further studies are conducted. The differences in palatal
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