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Beloved One, I do so adore you, me, us! There really is no separate you and I any longer.

We are a blend so complete and whole, truly consummate we are! This is our voice, our expression, and when I say "I", or "we", or "our", or even "you" it is simply the English words expressing, carrying the energy that we are. For words are truly the carriers of energies, and even more so when a conscious being is allowing them to flow in expression. So it is for you to pay close heed to the words others speak, and your own words also. It is to go beyond the surface of the words and to feel the energies the words convey and for you to trust those feelings. It is for you to trust your Divine Sense that comes upon the breath of the words, from whatever source the words come, be it yours, another human, or a disembodied entity. For words are an expression of the breath, the expression of the fullness of you. Breath is used to create words, in the Earth dimension that is, and this Earth dimension as you well know is but a picture of reality, a play of what is truly going on in your real dimension. Your real dimension is much deeper, larger, and more expansive than the Earth realm, but the Earth realm is a marvelous place to be, in fact it is the only place as of this moment to truly experience your own real and sacred dimension. Without the Earth realm there would be no experience of all that you are, there would be no experience of your true reality. That is how vital the Earth realm is, and it is all done for you and by you. You are experiencing the realm of Earth for you! For no one or nothing else are you here in experience. Breathe this in my Beloved, feel this as the energies of the words sink within your being. Your truth lies within you - within your breath expressed in words, unfiltered by the old mind. Words are indeed an important thing in your realm of Earth, words are one mode of expression, and it is vital to you to heed your words, and words of others, either spoken or written, for they are the carriers of the energies of the one who is speaking or writing. Again, the expression of the breath is in the words. I do not speak of 'intention' here, for intention is merely a mind game. Feel this with me a moment. Feel the energy of the word 'intend' - breathe in deeply and sense the energy of 'intend'. Truly you may not be able to put in 'words' the feeling and that is perfect for if it can not be put in words it is indeed that you have gone beyond the 'need' to linearize and define a concept. The word 'intend' carries a bit of agenda, a bit of doubt. It is as if one 'intends' a thing yet leaves room for not being quite sure it is really going to occur. This is due to the old programming of the mind. The concept of intention is old energy, mind produced, simply an overlay on mass consciousness that will not work for the new human with a reprogrammed mind. Intention is a tool whose time has come and gone. The point being here is to feel into your words - they are your expression - they carry your energies. As you well know whatever you express, what you put out, what you radiate will return to you. If you express doubt, confusion, or fear in your words it is simply what is coming from old programming, yet those energies will return to you by natural process. You can also see your gift in this, there is nothing 'wrong', nothing that needs to be fixed, it is only for you to take a moment to notice and breathe deeply into the doubt, fear, confusion, or anything else you happen to be expressing. It is for you to accept, and then love it into transformation with your deep and conscious breath. And I would stress here that this is not a technique coming from the mind, this is no old energy technique to help you reach evolution or ascension - it is a natural process, a process of love directly from your Heart. The expression of your Heart, the true voice

of your Soul, your core godself is the transformation catalyst, and the energies of transformation are carried upon your words and upon your breath alone. There are times when all that is needed to be done is simply to sit and breathe consciously, for you have gone beyond the 'need' for words, you have gone beyond the need of a carrier of your energy and can simply and consciously breathe to radiate your energy with no agenda, no intention, just pure and simple you breath by breath. Transmitted expansionally on your conscious breath this is all that is needed to express. Note this is an expansional transmission, nothing being carried, it is a natural new energy process. In your expression is your expansion. I do not mean to confuse here, but this is beyond the mind. I could leave the page blank and your consciousness would still receive the energies - for we are in a space beyond duality where no words are needed to convey energies. Yet I will put the energies into these written words for the benefit of those who believe they are not 'there' yet and still believe they need words to fully understand. In fact it is the old mind that 'needs' the words. The more you allow that old mind to transform the fewer words it will need. But for now, as all are on their own level with their ascension experience I will use the words to convey the energies. I place within these words the breath of transformation, which when you breathe in those energies it acts as a catalyst if you so choose, to put your transformation into its natural process of experience, or to facilitate your ongoing process. The mind will not understand this and will try to take the words and define them to put the experience in a box it knows and is familiar and comfortable with. An important point here is that definitions are old mind based programming also. I don't care what the definition is - if its a defining characteristic it is merely a limit. Feel this Beloved, sense into definition - a defining characteristic, borders, limits within which energy is held. We have no need of definitions - we only need feel the energy in a word, then your Divine Intelligence will interpret the energy with no mind filter involved. So it is vital to feel the energy of any word, just feel, pass no judgment, only discern the sense, for the sense is the truth. Whatever comes from the mind is ultimately a lie. So with that being the case, that anything from the mind is a lie - any definition the mind gives you is a lie - feel this. Don't think about it, only feel. A definition is a lie for it comes from the mind. So which would you rather believe - a lie, or truth? Would you rather believe a mind definition or you own Divine Sense? Do you feel how important it is to feel into words? To discern between a lie and truth, to experience what comes from the mind and what comes from your true Heart is the concept here. The feeling, the sense that comes from your true Heart is your truth. It is for you to become aware of the energies words carry, for the mask some intentionally put upon their words are nothing more than an old energy manipulation tactic. Indeed some do this, put a mask upon their words, and that is why it is so important for you to be aware of this subterfuge. All you need do is be aware of the disguise, and you become aware of it by feeling the energies. Notice I said these masks are put upon intentionally. When one does a thing intentionally it is merely a form of manipulation - an agenda, an old energy based tactic, very Atlantean, and that time has passed. The time of old Atlantean ways of coercion, manipulation and control are gone. Humanity has grown past the 'need' to be directed by an outside source. The thing is that the old mind still has the old Atlantean programming, for the most part, of "I need direction from an outside source." And this is where the reprogramming of mind comes in. When you are aware of the old programming simply breathe into it with your conscious breath and it will transform that program, it will overwrite it with the new unlimited 'program'. I use the

word program here for lack of a more appropriate term, and this is where your own feeling into the energy comes in, take a moment to breathe and feel..... When you find the mind trying to conceptualize or linearize, simply feel into the energy of the word and trust your Divine Sense. The thing to really experience here is the feeling of the energy words carry. This cannot be stressed too much, for there are those as I have said that still do intentionally and consciously put the energies of manipulation and control into their words. This is not said to produce fear but only to increase your awareness. When others use words in attempt to manipulate and control it is not done for dark and ominous reasons, it is truly all appropriate, they are simply acting from their own level of understanding and evolution. They are not at the same place on the evolution spiral as you, therefore they are not aware of their own potential to expand beyond the need to use this tactic of manipulation. Be assured they will eventually become aware of it, but be aware also that each works on their own level from what they know, and from their own experience base. It is also for you to be aware that old energy cannot influence you unless you allow it. You cannot be controlled or manipulated or influenced by outside sources when you are aware of what they are doing, unless you choose to be, of course. Its up to you as a Divine Human whether to allow yourself to be influenced by something other than your own godself. The awareness of the energies words carry is a foundational concept for the new human. So it is for you to simply be aware of the energies, feel them, trust yourself and know you need do nothing about it. When you sense old energy manipulation, control, or agenda, simply be aware of it, breathe and love yourself enough to believe and follow your own voice. The discernment is essential here, for words can be 'sugar coated' and if you stay upon the surface of a word only, all you will feel is the 'sugar' which feeds the old mind and causes it to feel good so that it believes what it is hearing is 'right'. Notice here the concept of 'right' - feel into 'right' - breathe deeply and be aware of the energies this word carries. It indeed carries energy of duality, for if there is a right there must be a wrong to balance. But you are indeed beyond this concept of right and wrong. You need no dualistic concepts to balance each other. You are your own balance - feel this. So the concept of right and wrong is another old energy concept the mind tries to hang on to. Simply breathe into it to get past the artificial sugar coating into the reality. Many words and concepts carry that coat of false 'sweetness' simply to appeal to the mind and to get it addicted, to keep it wanting more and more and more of this false 'feeling'. So if you find yourself 'wanting more' whatever it may be, whether it be information, money, relationships, there is most likely some 'sugar' involved. That 'sugar' will keep you coming back in order to continue the cycle of energy feeding. Its important to be aware of this sugar coating, for it truly will keep the old energy mind it its delusional cycle. It is a trap of addiction, just because it feels good on the surface the mind hangs on to it, but just because it tastes good on the surface does not mean it goes all the way through. Many times there is pure bullshit under the sugar! When you dissolve the sugar with your breath then you can see what it is covering, you can see the imbalance for what it is. There can be no true balance in duality, any seeming 'balance' in duality is only a false balance. You have moved from the false to the true and that is why you are becoming aware of the false. Only when you are living and breathing in the light of your true balance and trust, and your love of Self will you really see the imbalance of duality. Your true balance will show up in your biology also, for it too is but a picture of your true

reality. If you do not trust your biology to balance itself, if you do not trust your body to heal itself and are always looking to outside sources to do it for you, then you simply do not trust your true Self, your Soul. Your biology is your creation and under direction of no one but you. Your biology is not subject to 3D germs, etc. unless you have given over the responsibility to another and still carry the belief that you have to be subject to 3D intrusions such as germs, viruses, etc. It comes down to trust of Self, and then further down to love of Self. If you do not love yourself fully you will not trust yourself fully, therefore you will not trust your biology to balance and heal if you do not trust yourself. Do you feel the cycle here? Indeed the bottom line is to love yourself totally and wholly. Don't think about it, only feel it. Breathe in your love for yourself, for it is truly within you. Only feel it, and with the feeling of your love for you, your experience expands. So with that Beloved Ones I leave you with much energy to feel, potentials to expand into as you choose and nothing to think about! I am Breath by breath....eternal as are you!

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