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Answer the following questions with True (T) or False (F)

R Answer the following questions with True (T) or False (F) T OR F

1 The plural of car is "cares" F

2 The plural of book is "books" T

3 The plural of house is "houses" T

4 The singular of cities is "city" T

5 The plural of box is "bocces" F

6 The plural of guy is "guys" T

7 The plural of hero is "heroes" T

8 The plural of giraffe is "giraffs" F

9 The plural of man is "men" T

10 The plural of life is "lives" T

11 The plural of country is "countries" T

12 The singular of fish is "fishes" F

13 The plural of potato is "potatoes" T

14 The plural of boy is "boys" T

15 The singular of feet is "fut" F

16 A month of the year is May T

17 A month of the year is June T

18 A month or the year is July T

19 A month of the year is Monday F

20 "Gris" in english is gray T

21 "Azul" in english is gold F

22 "Negro" in english is brown F

23 "Amarillo" in english is yellow T

24 "Naranja" in english is orange T

25 "Verde" in english is White F

26 "Morado" in english is purple T

27 "Blanco" in english is pink F

28 "Azul" in english is blue T

29 The cardinal number 8 is written (eighteen) F

30 The cardinal number 19 is written (nineteen) T

31 The cardinal number 10 is written (ten) T

32 The cardinal 46 number is written (forty six) T

33 The cardinal number 57 is written (thirty seven) F

34 The cardinal number 12 is written (twenty) F

35 The cardinal number 95 is written (ninety five) T

36 The cardinal number 83 is written (eighty three) T

37 The cardinal number 16 is written (thirteen) F

38 The cardinal number 32 is written (thirty twelve) F

39 The possessive adjective of (I) is (me) F

40 The possessive adjective of (you) is (your) T

41 The possessive adjective of (he) is (his) T

42 The possessive adjective of (she) is (his) F

43 The possessive adjective of (we) is (your) F

44 The possessive adjective of (they) is (their) T

45 The nationality of Brazil is Brazilian T

46 The nationality of Argentina is Argentin F

47 The nationality of France is Greek F

48 The nationality of Norway is Norwegian T

49 The nationality of Spain is Spanian F

50 The nationality of Ireland is Irish T

51 The nationality of Turkey is Turkian F

52 The nationality of Ukraine is Ucranian T

53 The nationality of Egypt is Egyptian T

54 The nationality of South Africa is North African F

55 The nationality of Iran is Iranian T

56 The nationality of Japan is Japanese T

57 The nationality of India is Indianese F

58 The ordinal number 60th is written (sixtieth) T

59 The ordinal number 22nd is written (twenty second) T

60 The ordinal number 46th is written (fory six) F

61 The ordinal number 58th is written (fifty eight) T

62 The ordinal number 33rd is written (thirty third) T

63 The ordinal number 50th is written (fifteenth) F

64 The ordinal number 20th is written (twelfth) F

65 The ordinal number 19th is written (nineteenth) T

66 The ordinal number 32nd is written (thirty second) T

67 The ordinal number 3rd is written (third) T

68 The past simple of the verb (bet) is (bet) T

69 The past simple of the verb (break) is (broke) T

70 The past participle of the verb (come) is (come) T

71 The past participle of the verb (choose) is (chose) F

72 The past participle of the verb (dig) is (dug) T

73 The past participle of the verb (take) is (taken) T

74 The past simple of the verb (swim) is (swam) T

75 The past simple of the verb (drive) is (drove) T

76 The past simple of the verb (throw) is (thrown) F

77 The past simple of the verb (sing) is (sung) F

78 The past simple of the verb (win) is (won) T

In the following sentence the "to be verb" is correct? "Marco is from

79 Argentina" T

80 In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Maria are a doctor" F

In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Lorena and Ruth are
81 friends" T

In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Chantal and Karen are
82 police officers"? T

83 In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "I am a fireman"? T

84 In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? “Ines are from Miami"? F

85 In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are she at home?" F

86 In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is Nicole your sister?" T

In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are Bruno and Bryan
87 brothers?" T

88 In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are you sad?" T

89 In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is she old?" T

90 In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are you busy?" T

91 In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are she wrong?" F

92 In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are they crazy?" T

93 In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are we lost?" T

In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do you work
94 every day?" T

In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does she
95 usually jump?" T
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does he
96 often swim in the mornings?" T

In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? Do he walk to

97 work every day?" F

In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do Marco
98 drive the car?" F

99 The teeths of a person are in the chest F

100 The nose of a person is in the face T

101 The mouth of a person is in the face T

102 A Nail of a person is on the hand T

103 The hair of a person is on the head T

In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Lucas
104 was walking to school" T

In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Karmen
105 and Marcia was playing all the day" F

In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "You
106 was running at school" F

In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Juan
107 was reading a book" T

In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Joel
108 were singing" F

In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "You
109 was going to the swimming pool" F

In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "He was
110 taking photos" T

In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "She
111 was talking to him" T

In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct?

112 "Romario were playing video games" F

In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Tamara
113 and Rita were dancing in the club" T
Read this text, then answer the following questions using the text. Use True
(T) or False (F)

114 Carolina writes an email to Cristina T

115 Carolina was very relaxed at her work F

116 Carolina is in the phone all day T

117 At the end of the Day Carolina have to write a summary T

118 Carolina doesn’t listen customer complaints F

119 Carolina doesn’t need a vacation F

120 Carolina needs another job T

121 Carolina will call Cristina the next month F

122 Carolina needs a vacation T

123 Carolina will call Cristina T

Read this text, then answer the following questions using the text. Use True
(T) or False (F)
124 The bank teller counts the money in front of George T

125 George lost his job a year ago F

126 George found a new job F

127 George is living with his relatives T

128 George puts his money into a box F

129 George puts his money in his coat pocket T

130 Four masked men entered to the bank F

131 One of the masked men fire a shot in the air T

132 George lost his job a month ago T

133 George was evicted from his apartment T

Read this text, then answer the following questions using the text. Use True
(T) or False (F)
134 Miguel is on the airport T

135 The lady at he counter asked him for his ID T

136 He is confirmed on flight 301 F

137 He is going to take a flight from Los Angeles to Dubai F

138 He is going to take a flight at morning F

139 The airport security officers have a big dog T

140 The airport security officer didn’t say anything to Miguel F

141 The dog didn’t sniff anything at the airport F

142 The security officer looked at Miguel T

143 The dog didn’t sniff any bag F

Choose the correct answer


Read the sentence in Spanish and fill the blank using

the correct adjective

1 Este lápiz es rojo/ pencil is red This That Those

2 Esta es mi comida favorita/ is my favorite food This That Those

3 Este helado es dulce/ ice cream is sweet This That Those

4 Aquel caballo es muy rápido/ horse is very fast That This These

5 Conozco a aquel hombre/ I kwow man That This These

6 Esa es la mujer de Carlos/ ’s Carlo’s wife That This These

7 Estos niños están corriendo/ children are running These That This

Estos perros parecen amistosos/ dogs look

8 friendly These That This

Estas manzanas están deliciosas/ apples are

9 Delicious These That This

Quiero comprar estos video juegos/ I want to buy

10 video games These That This

11 Aquellos son sus zapatos/ are your shoes Those This That

Aquellos perros son peligrosos/ dogs are

12 dangerous Those This That

13 Aquellas aguilas vuelan alto/ eagles fly very high Those This That

Aquellos son mis compañeros de escuela/ are my

14 classmates Those This That

Aquellos conejos son bonitos/ rabbits are

15 beautiful Those This That

16 Este restaurante es bueno/ restaurant is good This That Those

Este es el último mes del año/ is the last month

17 of the year This That Those
18 Aquel es mi gato/ is my cat That This These

19 Esa película es mi favorita/ movie is my favorite That This These

20 Estas ventanas están limpias/ windows are clean These That This

Fill the blank using the correct preposition

21 There are many people Rome. In on At

22 I met Ruben the East Coast. in on At

23 My room is the third floor. on in At

24 The movie is 7:30. at in On

25 What do you do weekends? on in At

26 We often go to the beach the summer. in on At

27 My birthday is the 31st of May. on in At

28 Dorian's birthday is June. in on At

29 We are getting married the spring. in on At

30 My birthday is July. in on At

Fill the blank using the correct "TO BE VERB"

31 You my friend are is Am

32 Marco a doctor. (negative) isn't aren't Are

33 I a student. am is Are

34 you happy? are is Am

35 Camilo and Giorgina at home. (negative) aren't isn't Am

36 Cristiano and Luca soccer players. are is Am

37 My dog in my room. is are Am

38 It a beautiful day. is are Am

39 I 31 years old. (negative) am not isn't aren't

40 It time to go to sleep. Is are Am

Fill the blank using the verb in parenthesis in simple

41 I (love) watching series in the past loved live loves

42 Shakespeare (write) many plays wrote written writed

43 Aristotle (is) a Greek philosopher was were weren’t

My favorite band (give) a great concert last

44 month gave given gaved

45 I (play) with my friends when I was a child played plays plaid

46 Tom (lose) his passport lost loose losen

47 It (take) me age to complete this task took take taken

48 The pandemic (break) out in 2019 broke broken breaken

49 Ben (look) worried looked like look

50 Peter (do) the test did were was

Fill the blank using (do or does) or if the requirement

is the negative form use (don't or doesn't), in the
following sentences

51 you like this painting? (USE AFFIRMATIVE FORM) do does doesn’t

he enjoy classical music? (USE AFFIRMATIVE

52 FORM) does do don't

Who you know in the school? (USE

53 AFFIRMATIVE FORM) do doesn't does

54 Sheldon smoke. (USE NEGATIVE FORM) doesn't don't do

she come to the party? (USE AFFIRMATIVE

55 FORM) does do don't

56 it have a name? (USE AFFIRMATIVE FORM) does do don't

you work as a police officer? (USE AFFIRMATIVE

57 FORM) do doesn't do

58 Hilary ride a horse? (USE AFFIRMATIVE FORM) does do don't

59 Lewis paint his hair (USE AFFIRMATIVE FORM) does do don't

60 They speak Spanish (USE NEGATIVE FORM) don't doesn't does
Read the sentence in Spanish and fill the blank using the
correct possesive adjetives

61 Mi gato esta durmiendo./ cat is sleeping. my his our

62 Tu perro esta ladrando./ dog is barking. your their his

63 Es mi turno./ It’s turn. my your their

Camila lucirá su vestido nuevo./ Camila will wear

64 new dress her his our

Javier vive con sus padres/ Javier lives with

65 parents. his their my

66 Gloria vive con su hijo/ Gloria lives with son. her our their

Nuestra mayor preocupación es el dinero. / main

67 concern is the money. our theri my

Cuéntame sobre tu sueño. / Tell me about

68 dream. your his her

69 ¿Estos son tus hermanos? / Are these brothers? your his my

Nuestra compañía está creciendo/ company is

70 growing. our his my

Fill the blank using (was or were) or if the

requirement is the negative form use (wasn’t or
weren’t) in the following sentences

71 We very happy during my childhood were was wasn't

72 He sick in the school. was were weren't

73 We married. weren't was wasn't

74 The game very funny. was were weren't

75 My mother a teacher. was were weren't

76 The weather amazing was were weren't

77 We happy with our hotel. weren't was wasn't

78 Andrea angry. wasn't were weren't

79 Where he? was were weren't

80 Edgar asleep when we arrived. wasn't were weren't

Read the word (parts of the human body) in
Spanish and fill the blank using the correct
english word

81 rostro in english is face Nose neck

82 cejas in english are eyebrows waist fingers

83 pelo in english is hair foot leg

84 pestañas in english are eyelashes lips head

85 labios in english are Lips arm neck

86 lengua in english is tongue eye foot

87 mejillas in english are cheeks neck tooth

88 cuello in english is neck eye knee

89 Dientes in english are teeth arm mouth

90 Cabeza in english is head chest lips

Read the word (profession) in Spanish and fill the

blank using the correct english word

91 panadero in english is baker lawyer surgeon

92 político in english is politician t musician

93 químico in english is chemist scientist teacher

94 Filósofo in english is er vet politician

95 modista in english is er writer nurse

96 cirujano in english is surgeon manager engineer

97 Camarero in english is waiter porter dentist

98 Modelo in english is model nurse teacher

99 Bombero in english is fireman surgeon journalist

100 Abogado in english is lawyer pilot police

Read the word (color) in Spanish and fill the blank using
the correct english word

101 Blanco in english is white silver golden

102 Rojo in english is red silver grey

103 Verde in english is green pink silver

104 dorado in english is golden silver white

105 plateado in english is silver golden purple

106 mostaza in english is mustard white black

107 cafe in english is brown golden purple

108 morado in english is purple silver golden

109 naranja in english is orange beige silver

110 rosado in english is pink beige yellow

Read the word in Spanish and fill the blank using the
correct english word

111 Enero in english is January June July

112 Junio in english is June January July

113 Julio in english is July June January

114 Mayo in english is May March Monday

115 Domingo in english is Sunday er Saturday

116 sábado in english is Saturday Sunday r

117 miercoles in english is y March Tuesday
Select the correct time

It's It's ten It's

quarter to quarter to
118 6:15 past six twelve six

It's half quarter It's twelve
119 9:30 past nine to ten past nine

It's It's
It's five twenty quarter
past past past
120 11:05 eleven eleven eleven

It's ten to It's ten It's ten to

121 10:50 eleven past five nine

It's It's quarter
quarter to twelve past
122 12:45 one to eight twelve

It's It's
It's half quarter quarter
123 3:30 past three to four past three

It's ten It's It's half

past quarter past
124 11:10 eleven to eight eleven

It's five to It's half quarter to
125 11:55 twelve past six six

It’s seven It's five past
126 5:07 past five to seven seven

It's ten to It's ten quarter
127 1:50 two past six past one
It's half It's
It's twenty past quarter to
128 8:40 to nine eight eight

It's five to quarter It's half
129 04:55 five to five past five

It's ten It's five quarter
130 2:10 past two past two past ten

It's ten to It's two It's ten to

131 3:50 four past five eight

It's It's ten It's

quarter to to quarter to
132 7:45 eight twelve seven

quarter It's two It's five to
133 5:15 past five past five five

It's one quarter It's half
134 8:01 past eight to eight past one

It's seven It's five past
135 4:53 to five to eight seven

It's half quarter It's twelve
136 10:30 past ten to six past six

It's It's
It's ten to twenty quarter
137 5:50 six past five past five

Select the correct time

138 It's quarter to eight 7:45 08:15 7:15

139 It's twenty three past nine 9:23 9:20 8:23

140 It's twelve past twelve 12:12 10:12 12:48

141 It's quarter past one 01:15 01:10 01:45

142 It's twenty five past eight 08:25 08:20 7:25

143 It's ten to five 4:50 5:10 10:05

144 It's half past five 5:30 6:30 4:30

145 It's twenty to seven 6:40 7:20 5:40

146 It's twenty past eight 8:20 7:20 09:20

147 It's twenty to eight 7:40 08:20 08:40

148 It's eleven past eleven 11:11 11:49 10:11

149 It's five past one 01:05 05:10 05:15

150 It's four past ten 10:04 04:11 04:10

151 It's quarter past three 03:15 04:45 02:15

152 It's twenty past nine 09:20 08:20 09:40

153 It's five o’clock 05:00 06:00 07:00

154 It's half past ten 10:30 11:30 10:10

155 It's one o’clock 01:00 04:00 11:00

156 It's six o’clock 06:00 05:00 08:00

157 It's ten pas two 02:10 10:12 10:10

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