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Republic of the Philippines


College of Engineering and Architecture
Bibingcahan Baribag, Sorsogon City
Tel. No.: (056) 211 0178

"The widespread effect of cultural imperialism

in Sorsoganons lifestyle through Social Media"

Section: BS Civil Engineering 1C

Group Name:Manananggal
Members: Frayna, Casther Troy, J. 23169516
Lotino, John Mark, M. 23172649
Masip, Ashley Joseph, B. 23162712
Villaflor, John Laurence, D. 23168502


 The impact of cultural imperialism on the lifestyle of Sorsoganons.

 The impact of globalization regarding on how cultural imperialism influences the Sorsoganons.

 To determine the actions applied by Sorsoganons to address the issue.


Globalization is one of the factors that created new system, lifestyle, trade, society and the
growth and development. This global phenomenon has influenced how people live, communicate,
political, socioeconomic, environmental development, and especially the advancement of technology.
The advancement of technology is consider as generate by globalization that outcome of great
differences in society. Media is one of the most popular outcomes when it comes to technology.
Media creates changes on the world especially on the cultures, traditions and lifestyle of society and
country as a whole.
In the book edited by Topcu and Dogan Topcu (2015), mass media have an important role in
the globalization of culture that makes a huge change of society and one of this is because of the
mass media, the people with different culture structure was influenced by other cultures that leads to
hegemony (specifically in fashion, music, dialect and etc.). In this study it was also stated that if they
have a hegemony of culture, there is also exploitation or imperialism. The study affirms that media
has an active role in cultural imperialism because of the infiltration of Western values and lifestyle that
is mostly American.
In the literature published by Lanuza (2023), the Philippines is one of the countries most
affected by the globalization of mass media, especially on the cultural aspect that make a comparison
about the past culture of the Philippines. In the report of Data Reportal Digital 2023, in the Philippines
there were 85.16 million internet users at the start of 2023 equating to 72.5% of the total population.
The literature stated that most of the internet users in the Philippines are between the ages of 15 to
25 or usually are the youth. The globalization of mass media affects the culture of Filipinos especially
the youth that liable on using media. The Filipino youth today adapt the different culture from different
geographical regions.
In Bicol Region, particularly in Sorsogon City the globalization of mass media plays a big role on
how the cultures of Sorsoganons change and evolve. So, realizing the condition, the researcher is
interested in conducting a study and interview Sorosoganon to know about how globalization of mass
media affects the culture of the Sorsogon specifically in lifestyle.
The lifestyle of the Sorsoganons have changed due to the influence of other countries such as
South Korea, America, Japan and others. Everywhere you look, there's a mix of their food and
fashion. They can find Korean flavors like kimchi, Japanese ramen and American-style burgers in
markets. People can find Korean traditional clothes with trendy styles such as Korean outfit and
American outfit. Cosplayer have also become common in Sorsogon, wearing they favorite anime
characters and impersonating them which clearly art of the Japanese culture. Sorsoganons enjoy this
mix, making a cool blend of cultures from around the world.
In the study of Matos (2012), stated that the changes of culture were because of the
globalization of mass media that creates of multi-directional. The resistance of media audiences to
American culture and the diversity in the way of media text. The globalization of media creates of
inequalities of power and wealth between the different countries. In American Hollywood film and the
export of the US television is one of the examples of globalization in media that affecting on
homogenization of culture or cultural synchronization The globalization of mass media has led to
cultural homogenization or global cultural convergence, which tends to emphasize world tourism,
homogeneous consumption patterns, and cosmopolitanism, as described by Ritzer's
McDonaldization. In the study of Sultana, cultural globalization is primarily attributed to international
media such as satellite television and the Internet.These media generate a steady stream of
transnational images that connect audiences around the world.The globalization of mass media has
brought about challenges to cultural identity or created hybrid cultures, which refer to the mixing of
different cultures.
In the study of Siochr (2004)The media and communications industry is a leading sector
driving overall globalization.This means that there is a role for telecommunications in the production
strategy that maintains the pace and depth of globalization, despite the increasing lack of networks
for television, music, video, film, etc. With the development of technology and globalization, mass
media has become one of the platforms for promoting products through individual consumption and
lifestyle, creating opportunities to develop new markets as a result of a wide variety of products and
their changes.
In the study of Tomlinson (1991),the technological capabilities and influence of the mass
media are undoubtedly growing rapidly and encompassing a wider range of representations of public
and private life in the Western world. It is tempting to see the media as the primary cultural focus of
contemporary Western capitalism. As a result, cultural imperialism could revolve around the media in
two ways. Either the media of one culture dominates the media of another culture, or the global
spread of ``mass-mediated culture'' itself.
According to Mialiawati (2020), the developments in the field of telecommunications and
technology is the one reason for changing the system and social conditions of the people in the world.
The developments of the technology created various changes in marketing, communication and also
in the culture. One of the examples is how people sell their product from traditional buying to online
selling automatically. In addition, the development of technology was eliminating their own culture for
the reason they want to copy what they saw in the media like movie and film and they want to apply in
their own life. In that particularly situation, they tend to change the society like norms, values and
even the culture and traditions of one community or country and because of discovering the
technology they result on new cultural elements and lifestyle of people.
“Internet access has evolved over the years, more than 70% of Filipinos today connect to the
Internet regularly. The lifestyle of Filipinos, especially those living in metropolitan areas and suburbs,
has been greatly changed by the Internet in countless aspects". This good-sized connectivity has had
a profound effect on the life of Filipinos, especially the ones dwelling in metropolis and suburban
areas. The Internet has converted several factors of their lives in limitless methods. (Jazbec, 2020)
According to Drysén (2021), there are several steps that can be implemented to lessen cultural
imperialism's consequences in Sorsogon. Firstly, Promote neighborhood cultural concerns. It will help
to encourage the preservation and gathering of neighborhood traditions, customs, and language. The
educational programs, community activities and media campaigns can assist foster a feel of delight
and identification the various local populace. Secondly, Supporting nearby content material creators.
Providing systems and sources for nearby artists, musicians, filmmakers and writers to exhibit their
paintings can assist counter balance the dominance of foreign cultural content and promote the range
of Sorsogon's cultural expressions. Lastly, Media Literacy Programs. Implementing educational tasks
that promote important questioning and media literacy competencies for people to figure out among
different cultural impacts and make informed picks approximately the content they consume and
share on social media.


 Ünalan, D., & Doğan, Ş. (2019, October 14). Globalization and Media - Dissemination of Culture
Through Media. Researchgate.

 Matos, C. (2012). Globalization and the mass media. In: Encyclopedia of Globalization. . Oxford: Wiley-
Blackwell. Doi: 10.1002/9780470670590.wbeog369

 Peer Review: Articles list. Global Media Journal. (2021).

 Palarch’s journals. PalArch’s Journals. (n.d.).

 Kraidy, M. M. (n.d.). Globalization of culture through the media. Encyclopedia of Communication and

 Raju, T. (2022, October 6). Social Media and globalization. Legacy Marketing.
 Google. (n.d.). Cultural imperialism. Google Books.

 Jazbec, A. (2020, April 20). Philippines in the Digital age. Major Online Business and Marketing.

 Drysén, E. A. (2021, February 6). A Critical Examination of Cultural Imperialism and its Impact on Global
Communication Today.

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