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Department of Mathematics


Baguio City, Philippines

Learning Reinforcement 1
Preliminary Term
Second Semester, 2023 - 2024

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As a college student of Saint Louis University in the path of Civil Engineering, I believe that
Mathematics in my field is as important as an engineer’s pencil. One cannot start their work
without it. It’s not only important in Civil Engineering, I believe that Mathematics is the backbone
of engineering itself. It governs the engineering process from inception to completion.

In Civil Engineering, Mathematics during the design phase are the compass guiding us through the
complexities of load analysis, structural integrity, and material strength. These calculations lay the
foundations (pun intended) of ensuring that the structural design not only meets aesthetic
expectations but, more crucially, adheres to the principles of safety and stability.

To sum it up, Mathematics in civil engineering is not a theoretical concept limited to textbooks and
classrooms. It is the actual living, breathing force that shapes and validates our projects, ensuring
they’re strong structures in the physical world. Without this mathematical foundation, the fabric of
Civil Engineering would collapse. As a personal statement, knowing that Mathematics runs not
only the Civil Engineering but everything in our universe is incredibly fascinating.

I certify that this is my own work.

John Gabriel S. Mallare

Signature Over Printed Name

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