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The Judgement of Paris

CHARACTERS: Zues- Reniel Bering Aphrodite- Jessa Castelo

Hermes- Brent Iverson Cajayon Helen- John Christian Tamayosa

Hera- Ronalyn Estoy Paris- Rich Aldrin Sales

Athena- Bengie Candelario Narrator- Jharren Tendido

NARRATOR: On the party, Zues refuses to award the apple as the most beautiful goddess to Hera,
Athena and Aphrodite because he was afraid to accused him as biased and his people sulk at him.
ZUES: I can’t honor that apple with one of the three goddesses. What will people say to me? That I
am biased and unfair? I will not gamble my name! Hermes, you better give this apple to Paris. He
is a good and honest judge, let him choose because I can be sure he will make the right decision.
HERMES: Your majesties, let us come to Paris. If you know, he also has royal blood. He is kind,
trustworthy, honest and honorable. Also, hi is the Trojan prince…... and now, here we go, hello
honorable judge Paris (Hera will bow).
NARRATOR: After this the conversation of Hermes to the three goddesses, the judgement for the
most beautiful goddess began.
HERA: Please choose me as the most beautiful goddess and I will promise, if you do that, I will give
you power and riches, I will make you king if you choose me. So please my dear Trojans prince,
grab my offers.
ZUES: Choose wisely Paris, did he pass?
PARIS: Your beautiful, but I think this apple doesn’t suit you.
HERMES: I’m sorry your majesty. Athena, your highness, it’s your turn.
ATHENA: Paris, Trojans prince, choose me and I will give you power that no one can defeat.
PARIS: You deserve praise for your beauty, but this apple is not for you.
APRHRODITE: Judge Paris, I believe I am the most beautiful among goddesses. Apoint me, and I’ll
promise, Helen of Sparta, a very beautiful girl, she was lovely and fascinating woman will be with
HERMES: What can you say dear Paris?
PARIS: After judging the beauty of three goddesses, I have made up my mind. Look at the most
beautiful goddesses, Aphrodite!
NARRATOR: After choosing Aphrodite as the most beautiful goddess, Paris is rewarded with the
love of Helen of Sparta. This elopement leads to the Trojan war, as Helen’s husband Menelaus
gathers Greek forces to reclaim her from Troy, ultimately resulting in the city’s downfall.

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