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There are several factors that contribute to the high rate of student dropouts in

college. One of the main causes is financial struggles. Many students cannot afford
the cost of tuition, housing, and other expenses associated with attending college.
This financial burden often forces students to work long hours to make ends meet,
leaving little time for studying and attending classes. Additionally, students from
low-income families may not have access to the necessary resources and support to
succeed in a college environment.

Another common cause of student dropouts is academic unpreparedness. Some students

enter college without the necessary study skills, time management abilities, or
support systems to succeed in a rigorous academic environment. This can lead to
feelings of inadequacy and overwhelm, causing students to become discouraged and
eventually drop out. Additionally, some students may underestimate the academic
rigor of college and struggle to keep up with the demands of higher education.

Lastly, mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress can also
contribute to student dropouts. The transition to college can be a challenging and
overwhelming time for many students, leading to feelings of isolation and
homesickness. If these mental health issues are not addressed and managed
effectively, they can significantly hinder a student’s ability to succeed
academically and emotionally. Without proper support and resources, students may
feel overwhelmed and unable to continue their education, ultimately leading to
dropping out of college.

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