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One of those is the attendance monitoring system which is developed in

different methods globally to solve student’s absenteeism. Involving technology

inventions is a key to motivate student’s awareness, attention, and interest in

learning to solve their problems, especially in their daily life. Both system had

new technology innovation and some people have embraced the new

technological trend because of its benefits. Students can use the reader to scan

their Identity Barcode, which is then stored in the database and used to send a

text message (SMS) to their parents via the Global System for Mobile

Communications (GSM) network regarding the specific subjects or events. Our

research had a RFID with features of audio-visual notification while Guevarra, et.,

al. had no features and no data security of the system

Related Systems

Presented in this section are related systems that have similarities to the

present study. The cited systems are being discussed to support the bearing of

the problem.


According to Shrivastava, et.,al.31(2023, January 23).In the present

occupied world, time is an indispensable issue which cannot be overseen by

seeing every single wonder with our tight schedule. So, now daily’s automatic

projects are being favored over manual systematic works to make life easier and

simpler in all angles. To make it a great achievement Internet of Things is the

CCREadvancements in today’s world. In many of the educational institute or

business service center, it is essential to maintain a proper attendance records.

This research focuses on replacing the manual attendance recording system into

an automated one and also maintaining the attendance records, i.e., percentage

of attendance with higher accuracy.The proposed methodology in this

undertaking is the improvement of internet of things-based RFID attendance


According to Shah, et.,al.32(2019). This work introduces a new paradigm of

monitoring student attendance using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

based on the Internet of Thing (IoT). Educational institutes are concerned about
student irregular attendance. Truancy can affect a student's overall academic

performance. The traditional method of taking attendance by calling names or

signing on paper is very time consuming and inefficient. RFID based attendance

system using IoT system is one of the solutions to handle the problem. The

proposed work comprises of two most popular trend in technology research; IoT

and RFID.

According to Baballe, et.,al.33(2021, December). This research reviews

some recent designs and implementation of internet of things (IoT) attendance

systems using the concept of the RFID system. The analysis found that the RFID

system is a very advanced technology for an automatic attendance system in an

institution, organization, or university and it provides a very higher performance

and accuracy than the traditional paper-based system that the employees or

students normally used to sign. The use of the RFID technology enables the

institution, authorities, or management to evade attendance documents from

damages such as misplacement, tear, or even got lost. A combination of the model

is needed which will confirm higher security, better performance, and

consistency of the system.

According to Rjeib, et., al.34(2018). Recently, students attendance have

been considered as one of the crucial elements or issues that reflects the

academic achievements and the performance contributed to any university

compared to the traditional methods that impose time-consuming and

inefficiency. Diverse automatic identification technologies have been more in

vogue such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).RFID is a wireless

technology which uses to a purpose of identifying and tracking an object via

radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag, called RFID tag or label to

send data to RFID reader. The current study focuses on proposing an RFID based

Attendance Management System (AMS) and also information service system for

an academic domain by using RFID technology in addition to the programmable

Logic Circuit (such as Arduino), and web-based application.

According to Kurniawan, B.35(2018, August). Technology based on Radio

Frequency Identification (RFID) in the environment industry and in the

environment of education has been widely applied. In, using the RFID system has

penetrated many sectors, from manufacturing, distribution, retail goods storage,

hospitals and education. RFID system in Environmental Education has been

widely used for Student ID Card, library, attendance and for control of the room

automatically. However in the application/usage of RFID system is still

designed/designed separately which can lead to instability of the interbank data

system built. To fix the issue, conducted a study on the use of RFID technology is

integrated to academic and administrative services that are required. System

academic administration and service that will enhance any RFID functions used

in the transaction. With many RFID data from each service, an integrated RFID

information systems needed to manage and monitor any data services.

According to Ula, et., al.36(2021, April). The development of information

technology today has been widely used to provide convenience, speed up, and

streamline work. Presence system that is still applied is the type of precession

using manual presence using paper media and is inefficient when viewed in

terms of time, a recapitulation of data on the existence and accuracy or

authenticity of the data presented. There is still often the habit of leaving a

signature as proof of an employee's presence. This study aims to provide a new

model for conducting of presence, a presence system that uses RFID technology.

RFID will utilize sensors to read data. The use of RFID is to facilitate lecturers and

students in monitoring class attendance. On the RFID card, there is a radio

frequency mounted affixed to the reading machine; the system will automatically

send student data into the database. Thus, students can do it quickly, and data

can also be agreed promptly and adequately. In addition, students and lecturers

are also motivated to arrive early because the system can store and display data


According to Mrabet, et., al.37(2020). Nowadays, the world has known

great changes which accelerated the mode of life. Students, on their part have

become to expect a stimulating and simple learning experience which takes into

consideration this quick pace and helps them solve the stereotypical problems of

learning. The analyses conducted in this paper revealed that the recording of

attendance in classrooms is done at the expense of the teaching- learning time.

Therefore, the article at hand seeks to investigate an effective means to record

attendance in a way which doesn’t hinder learning. Differently put, the

educational and administrative staffs need to find an effective way to record

students’ attendance at presential at the beginning of each learning session

without affecting the time allotted to teaching and learning.

According to Raad, et., al.38(2021). The growing concerns of families about

the safety and security of their children prompted a major interest in developing

robust systems that offer efficient tracking and monitoring of children

commuting between homes and schools. With the emergence of the Internet of

Things (IoT) technology, in addition to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID),

developing such systems became feasible and cost-effective. The system is based

on off-the-shelf passive RFID readers that are installed within buses, next to bus

stations, and pick-up points at school entrances. The system is built to integrate

children monitoring within the buses, the tracking of the buses, and the tracking

of private vehicles transporting children to/from school. The developed system

provides additional security features such as access to safety records of

bus/vehicle drivers and infringements.

According to Mijić, et., al.39(2019, March). Student attendance registration

is one of the routine but time-consuming tasks of teaching staff at higher

education institutions. Various technical solutions are implemented to alleviate

the administrative burden and partly automate this task. Most of them include

the use of one or more of the following - Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

technology, biometric solutions such as fingerprint and face recognition and

mobile devices - mostly smartphones. In this paper, we present an improved

version of our system based on RFID and some results of its use in a real

environment. The main improvements have been made to a hardware

component RFID reader and to a web-based application that is used by the

faculty staff. Besides the usual features of similar systems related to student

attendance, the system also includes features that enable integration with

external systems, recording of necessary data regarding the work of teachers in

class and generating of periodical reports on their work.

According to Qureshi, M.40(2020). Recent trends in Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) embrace several smartphone applications in a

variety of educational and industrial domains in the last several years. The

proposed system will have both web and mobile interfaces. The web interface

will need the Internet to access the proposed system and the mobile interface

will use the Android platform for the testing scenarios. The user will access the

system to generate customized reports to review the status of students for a

particular course. It is anticipated that the proposed system will significantly

improve students’ monitoring mechanisms hence enabling both parents and

teachers in making appropriate decisions.

According to Dandekar, et., al.41(2020, March).Radio Frequency

Identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to uniquely identify and trace

tags attached to things. An RFID tag contains a small radio transponder, a

receiving set and transmitter. the most objective of our project is to style a

student management system using RFID. This method ensures safety of the

scholars by making their parents aware of the varied important status about

their students like in-time, out-time. The project is that the combination of latest

technology using RFID ,Internet of Things(IOT) and web based development

using Php, apache web server and SQL. The Node MCU

ESP8266(Microcontroller) act as an information acquisition System for the

module. The Node MCU ESP8266(Microcontroller) should be connected with

RFID module. By using the RFID Module we are visiting scan our RFID card and

tag which are allow or not. And by using our ESP8266 we are visiting send that

data to our MYSQL Database which is connect through a PHP page.

According to Pavithra, et., al.42(2021)This task is created by utilizing Radio

Frequency Identification system and ID card to get student attendance. Now a

day staff wants to use the paper to get the student attendance. There were many

problems to get student attendance when using the paper such as impostor. This

RFID project can help the lecturer to solve the problem by designing an

automatic attendance management system using RFID and ID card. This project

is run by getting the code of the ID card to compare with the datasheet in Access.

According to Koppikar, et., al.43(2019, July). Most of the institutional

authorities are troubled with the cumbersome method of maintaining manual

attendance of their employees. The manual process of signing on a paper is

prolonged and insecure. An efficient attendance monitoring system needs to be

enforced at such places. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based attendance

system provides us with a solution that caters to issues like proxy attendance.

This makes the mechanism of recording the attendance effortless, quicker and

protected as compared to conventional method. This system is designed to be

used at different educational institutions, corporate offices, government offices

etc. The employees or students just need to place their RFID card or tag on the

reader and their attendance will be recorded for the day. Also, the attendance

recorded will be more accurate as the system is synced with a real-time clock.

According to Tripathy, et., al.44(2021, April). Attendance of students in the

classroom is one of mark representation of total marking after finish the end of

class, some of the students are cheating they are attendance while manual

system by sign in the form of attendance. Furthermore, manual attendance is

ineffective way while digital technology is available and widely used nowadays
and waste of papers. This research discusses on automatic attendance system for

students and lecturers, where every student before entering classroom have to

tap their student card on RFID reader and before out need to tap as well. The

data of students and lecturer attendance with room number is set and send to a

database for student’s attendance and honorarium for lecturer. The system gives

effective and efficiency in administration, while no more manual record as well

as clerk, do not need to summary lecturer attendance at the end of the month for

an honorarium.

According to Choe, et., al.45(2023). Radio frequency identification (RFID)

technology is an eminent wireless system that functions with the help of a reader

and a tag. Implementing this technology could lead to developing a sustainable

student attendance system. Therefore, this paper vividly captures the fact that

the development of student recognition and registration system based on RFID

technology and the embedded system can deliver tangible benefits to

globalisation and environmental sustainability. The design of the attendance

system based on RFID technology verifies the students’ identification, venue,

time and date upon receiving the transmitted information from the respective

RFID tag embedded into the student card.


According to Olipas, 46(2023). Integrating new technologies in schools improves

different processes and increases trust and confidence from various

stakeholders. Advancements in education are a 21st-century goal that every

learning institution should consider. This study aims to conduct sentiment

analysis on the acceptance of Radio Frequency Identification technology-based

solutions among the private and public learning institutions in Nueva Ecija,

Philippines, that have implemented the technology. The researcher thinks that

school administrators and teachers of today are more open to technological

progress and integrating technologies into education to improve the quality of

processes, improve the delivery of instruction, create a safer and more secure

learning environment, and encourage the use of new technologies to raise the

quality of teaching and learning.

According to Mojares, et., al.47(2018). In the advent of technology,

communication becomes faster and easier in a tap of a fingertip. In an academic

institution per se, communication between parents and school is very

challenging and important one. It needs full effort to understand one another.

One of the worries of the parents is that if their children are really attending or

not in the school during their class period. This is one of the challenges that Lipa

City Colleges is confronting, since at present, the school has no way of providing

the immediate information to the parents if their children are in or out of the

school premises in a particular time.

According to Velasco, R. M.48(2023).The study aims to secure computer

laboratories coupled with smart and automated attendance monitoring. It was

designed at Isabela State University Cauayan City Campus, specifically at the

Computer Laboratory of the College of Computing Studies Information and

Communication Technology. The system is web-based and it can be utilized on

any OS platform by specifying the IP Address through a web browser. Its function

is a complete user interface for its target user's attendance monitoring and
management where it can record teachers’ and students’ attendance, classroom

entry logs, and calculation of tardiness and absences. It has the capability to

retain current and previous records which could be used for future educational

reference, entry log history, or for security references.

According to Acasamoso, et., al.49(2021, November). Attendance plays an

important part in education-students who attend classes regularly have a higher

chance of succeeding in school and becoming a valued member of the school

community. It is also important for tracking time and attendance when they are

at school. The researchers developed a tool that is capable of tracking and

recording students’ attendance in school for reference purposes using the

Waterfall Model and is initially implemented in the Polytechnic University of the

Philippines, Ragay, Camarines Sur Branch.

According to Teleron, J. I.50(2022). This paper presented an

implementation of distributed system application on periodic attendance records

of the faculty monitoring of school colleges and universities' frequent class

schedule checking. Hence, the researchers had developed a client RF-ID-based

device installed near the classroom for easy access by the faculty. Also, the HR

department installed the server with a middleware running and database to

store data. Each faculty subject/load will be entered and stored into the server's

database at the beginning of each semester as the basis to compute the salary for

every payoffs.

According to Navarro, et., al.51(2020). Student evaluation is one of the

vital processes during enrollment which usually prone to human error because

there are several factors that must be considered before coming up with a list of
courses for a certain student to enroll such as the total number of units allowed

for every year level, their deficiencies and the pre-requisite. In accordance to this,

a system was developed to lessen the possible human error and to provide an

accurate and efficient list of courses that a particular student should take every

semester.As a result, the researchers developed a system that is secured,

functional, efficiently stores student academic records, and automatically

generates are liable student evaluation(list of courses)through the use

curriculum map. Furthermore, kiosk has been designed, serving an access to the

student records.

According to Raguindin, et., al.52(2019, December). This study is the

development of an automated laboratory asset with an inventory system and

security features using passive Radio Frequency ID (RFID). The RFID, in

combination with bar code, is used to log-in and log- out borrowed equipment

during laboratory and non-laboratory classes or even during research class. With

the automated system, the dispensing process is reduced. A real-time inventory

of equipment, as well as utilization reports, is easily generated and accessed by

the authorized personnel.

According to Go, et., al.53(2018). This study aims to use mobile and cloud-

based notification services to detect truancy in students and notify the concerned

party in a real-time basis. Attendance logs are captured by radio-frequency

identification (RFID) scanners at the entrance and exit gates of the campus.

Students’ identification cards are embedded with a chip that uses radio

frequency to communicate data to a reader. The mobile application pulls data

from the database through a web service to reflect whether or not the student
gets inside the campus. The presence of the students in their respective classes is

further checked by the faculty through a user interface. Parents and sponsors can

check, at real-time, the presence of the students in the campus as well as in their

classes. To handle fresh new information in a timely fashion, the system

implements cloud-based notification services called Google Cloud Messaging for

Android (GCM). Parents get immediate notification about the students’ missed

classes, violations, and class suspensions.

According to DE MESA, et., al.54(2020). In this research, the Radio

Frequency Identification and Quick Response (QR) is being used as the smart

security system. With the help of the smart secured pigeon-hole locker, it has the

ability to ease the operation of compiling the academic paper-works of the

students and avoid late submissions. The design of the system was able to deliver

the aim of the researchers with the use of the Python programming language that

utilizes the operation of the solenoid locks and electromagnetic locks of the

smart pigeonhole locker. This research has been conducted at Malayan Colleges

Laguna and for the benefit of the faculties and students of the college.

According to Antonio, et., al.55(2020). Manual checking of attendance may

not be as effective as automated checking of attendance. The manual attendance

marking is not always effective as one needs to spend extra time for arranging

records and calculating the average attendance of every student. Manual

checking of attendance may be time consuming, inconsistent and prone to errors.

Inasmuch as people aren’t perfect, with manual checking of attendance, there’s a

possibility that they accidentally switch details and end up with inconsistency in

data entry or in hand written orders. RFID based Attendance recorder with SMS
alert System is an application that was developed by the researchers to overcome

the above stated problem that can provide a computerized attendance checking

of SHS students in CVCITC.

According to Guevarra, et., al.56(2023). The new trend of technology is

embraced by many users considering its advantages. One of those is the

attendance monitoring system which is developed in different methods globally

to solve student’s absenteeism. Involving technology inventions is a key to

motivate student’s awareness, attention, and interest in learning to solve their

problems, especially in their daily life. It allows the students to place their

Identity Barcode on the scanner, then it will be saved in the database and directly

send a message to the parents via Short Message Service (SMS) using Global

System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network containing the time and date

when their child enters the class for a particular subjects or events. This system

will also generate an attendance report containing the time-in and time out of the

students by course and section, subject, semester, and even by school event.

According to Serrano, et., al.57(2018).In this paper, the idea of the Internet

of Things (IoT) is any system gadgets that are associated with the web. It is

embedded with equipment, sensors, and programming that has a physical

system which engages the interface and to assemble data. Radio-Frequency

Identification (RFID) is a machine that has electromagnetic fields that

consequently recognize and track a protest that has following labels. The

following tags contain electronically-put away data. The participation of the

board framework utilized an IoT and RFID in checking the involvement of the

customer. The RFID is physically associated with the participation of the

executive's structure. The customer is utilizing distinguishing proof information

with following labels. Using the RFID, we examine it, and the data naturally put

away on participation the executive's framework.

According to Gabatbat, et., al.58(2021). In this study, RFID is one of the best

ways to track the student's in and out. Aside from the convenience, it will benefit

both the school and the parent's side by allowing them to monitor and keep track

of the student's school activities with a single touch. It is applicable to the

employee module. It will reveal their time in and out by tapping the RFID. This

will automatically record their attendance and make it easy to compute their

income based on the sort of work they have, whether full-time or part-time. If

they work full-time, their salary will be determined per day; if they only work

part-time, their salary will be computed per hour. If students are coming to Saint

John Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, the first thing they must do is enroll

and fill out a registration form. Employees must also register if they do not

currently have RFID, and administrators will give them with one. They will also

be held accountable if a student or employee has an issue with their accounts.

Admin may also track their actual time in and out.

According to Reynoso, et., al.59(2020).Attendance monitoring has strategic

importance for every organization. It has shifted from utilizing paper-based

attendance monitoring to biometrics, radio-frequency identification, Bluetooth

and smart technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, or face

recognition technology. Tempus is an automated attendance monitoring system

that uses face recognition technology for input, real-time IoT capabilities for

processing, and portability of mobile platforms for output.

According to Agustin, et. al.60(2021). The guidance service as an integral

part of the education focuses on the programs and services for the students

that might be significant to their optimum achievement in life. The student

records collected by their office are used to enhance the counselling process, and

to know and understand an individual. Hence, guidance and counselling

is important to address the academic, vocational, social, and personal needs of

the students. The Guidance Records Management System with Short Message

Service (SMS) Notification developed to assist their needs in recording, keeping,

and managing the cumulative records of the students, as well as

tendered admission slips of the students to monitor their attendance and

referred incident reports by teachers for their observed behavior inside the


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