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Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, parents, teachers, and, of course, our

incredible graduates, it is with immense pleasure and honor that I stand before you
today to celebrate this momentous occasion.

[Expressing Gratitude]

First and foremost, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the parents and
guardians who have supported these remarkable students throughout their
educational journey. Your unwavering love, guidance, and sacrifices have played an
instrumental role in their success. Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of
shaping their futures.

[Commending the Graduates]

To the graduates, congratulations! Today marks the culmination of years of hard

work, determination, and resilience. You have faced challenges head-on, learned
from every experience, and emerged stronger than ever. Your dedication to your
studies and personal growth is truly commendable.

[Reflecting on the Journey]

As you step out into the world beyond these walls, remember the lessons you've
learned not only from textbooks but also from each other. Cherish the friendships
forged during late-night study sessions and the memories created during school
events. These bonds will be your lifelong treasures.

[Encouraging the Future]

This is just the beginning of your journey. Embrace the opportunities and challenges
that lie ahead. Continue to pursue knowledge, follow your passions, and strive for
excellence. Your potential is boundless, and you have the power to make a positive
impact on the world.

[Inspiring Quotes or Anecdotes]

Consider incorporating an inspiring quote or anecdote relevant to the theme of

graduation or the aspirations of the graduates.

[Closing Remarks]

In closing, I want to emphasize that you are not just graduates of this institution; you
are ambassadors of change, progress, and hope. Your unique talents and
perspectives will shape the future in profound ways.
As you move forward, remember that you are never alone. You carry with you the
support of your loved ones, the knowledge imparted by your teachers, and the
collective dreams of a brighter tomorrow. So, go forth with confidence, embrace the
unknown, and make us proud.

Once again, congratulations to the graduating class of [Year]! May your futures be
filled with success, happiness, and countless achievements.

Thank you.

Opening Remarks]

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, faculty members, proud parents, and,
most importantly, the graduating class of [Year],

It is an absolute honor to stand before you today as we gather to celebrate the

remarkable journey and achievements of these talented individuals who are about to
embark on a new chapter of their lives.

[Acknowledging the Journey]

Looking back at the years we've spent together, it's clear that we've overcome
countless challenges, celebrated numerous victories, and created lifelong memories.
Each of us has grown not only in knowledge but also in character, resilience, and

[The Power of Education]

Education is a powerful tool, one that has the potential to transform lives and shape
the world. It has given us the ability to dream, to aspire, and to reach for the stars.
But with that power comes responsibility.

[Responsibility and Impact]

As we step out into the world beyond these campus walls, let us remember the
responsibility we bear. We are not just graduates; we are future leaders, innovators,
and change-makers. The knowledge we've acquired empowers us to make a positive
impact on society, to address the challenges that lie ahead, and to shape a brighter

[Resilience and Adaptability]

This past year has taught us the importance of resilience and adaptability. We faced
unexpected trials, and yet, we prevailed. We adapted to new ways of learning,
connecting, and living. This resilience will serve us well as we navigate the ever-
changing landscapes of life.


We must also remember those who have supported us on this journey. To our
parents, families, and friends, your unwavering support and encouragement have
been our pillars of strength. We are forever grateful for your sacrifices and love.

[The Future Awaits]

As we stand on the cusp of this new chapter, let us look forward with hope and
optimism. The future is full of possibilities, waiting for us to seize them with open
hearts and open minds. Let us pursue our passions, chase our dreams, and never
stop learning.


In closing, I want to emphasize that today is not just an end but also a new
beginning. We have the power to shape our destinies, to make a difference, and to
leave our mark on the world.

To the graduating class of [Year], I say this: Go forth with confidence, embrace the
unknown, and make us proud. The world is waiting for your brilliance, your creativity,
and your kindness.

Congratulations, graduates! May your futures be filled with success, happiness, and
countless achievements.

Thank you.

Once upon a time, in the vast and diverse archipelago of Indonesia, there lived a man
of extraordinary vision and charisma. His name was Sukarno, and he would become a
symbol of Indonesia's fight for independence and its first President.

Born on June 6, 1901, in Surabaya, East Java, Sukarno grew up during a time when
Indonesia was under Dutch colonial rule. From a young age, he was filled with a
burning desire to see his homeland free from foreign domination.

Sukarno was a brilliant student who excelled in both academics and leadership. He
pursued higher education in civil engineering, and during his time abroad, he was
exposed to the ideas of nationalism and freedom. These ideals would shape his
destiny and the destiny of a nation.
In 1927, Sukarno joined hands with Mohammad Hatta to establish the Indonesian
National Party (Partai Nasional Indonesia or PNI), which aimed to peacefully achieve
independence from Dutch colonial rule. His powerful oratory skills and magnetic
personality made him a natural leader of the movement.

However, the path to independence was not without challenges. The Dutch colonial
authorities cracked down on nationalist movements, and Sukarno found himself
imprisoned multiple times. Yet, his resilience and unwavering commitment to his
cause only fueled the fire of freedom in the hearts of Indonesians.

World War II brought about a shift in the dynamics of the struggle for independence.
When the Japanese occupied Indonesia during the war, Sukarno saw an opportunity
to rally his people. He worked with the Japanese to form a new government, but his
true allegiance remained with the dream of an independent Indonesia.

On August 17, 1945, in the wake of Japan's surrender, Sukarno and Mohammad
Hatta stood before the world and proclaimed Indonesia's independence. Sukarno
was elected as the first President, and he set about the monumental task of building
a nation from the ground up.

Sukarno's presidency was marked by his charismatic leadership and his vision of
"Pancasila," the five principles that would guide the nation: belief in one God,
humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice. He worked tirelessly to unite the
diverse archipelago into a single nation.

However, challenges and tensions arose, leading to a period of political turmoil.

Despite the difficulties, Sukarno remained a beloved figure to many Indonesians who
saw him as the father of their nation.

In 1967, Sukarno stepped down from the presidency, marking the end of an era. His
legacy, though complex, endures in the hearts of Indonesians as a symbol of their
struggle for independence and their nation's journey towards unity and prosperity.

And so, the story of Sukarno serves as a reminder of the indomitable spirit of a
nation, and of one man's dream that ignited the flames of freedom and
independence in the hearts of millions. Sukarno's legacy lives on as a beacon of hope
and a testament to the power of vision and determination.

Judul: Mimpi yang Terlupakan


 Rama
 Ayah Rama
 Ibu Rama
 Guru
 Teman Rama

Setting: Ruang tamu di rumah Rama dan ruang kelas di sekolah.

Naskah Drama:

Bagian 1 - Di rumah Rama

Adegan 1: (Rama duduk di meja belajar dengan buku-buku menumpuk di

sekelilingnya. Ayah Rama berjalan masuk dengan ekspresi serius)

Ayah Rama: (sambil menghampiri Rama) Rama, sudahkah kamu menyelesaikan

semua tugas sekolahmu?

Rama: (dengan lesu) Belum, Ayah. Masih banyak pekerjaan rumah dan ujian yang
harus saya persiapkan.

Ibu Rama: (datang dengan membawa camilan) Ini, Rama. Jangan lupa makan
dengan baik. Kamu harus menjadi yang terbaik di sekolah.

Adegan 2: (Rama sendirian di ruang tidur, menatap gambar masa kecilnya ketika dia
bercita-cita menjadi seorang seniman. Dia tertidur sambil tersenyum)

Rama: (berbicara dalam mimpi) Aku ingin menjadi seniman hebat...

Bagian 2 - Di sekolah

Adegan 3: (Rama dikelilingi oleh teman-temannya di sekolah, sedang membicarakan

rencana karier masa depan mereka)

Teman 1: Kamu sudah tahu mau jadi apa setelah lulus, Rama?

Rama: (dengan ragu) Aku... Aku belum yakin.

Teman 2: Kamu harus memilih karier yang menghasilkan uang, Rama. Itu yang

Adegan 4: (Guru memberikan nasihat pada semua siswa di kelas)

Guru: Anak-anak, kalian harus fokus pada pendidikan kalian. Itu adalah kunci
kesuksesan di masa depan.
Bagian 3 - Di rumah Rama

Adegan 5: (Rama duduk di meja belajar sambil menangis. Ayah dan Ibu Rama

Ayah Rama: (menyentuh bahu Rama) Rama, kamu harus fokus pada pelajaranmu.
Itu yang terbaik untuk masa depanmu.

Rama: (dengan suara tertahan) Tapi Ayah, dulu aku ingin menjadi seniman. Aku lupa
impian masa kecilku.

Ibu Rama: (dengan penuh kasih) Rama, impianmu masih ada di sana. Kamu selalu
bisa mengikutinya.

Bagian 4 - Di ruang seni

Adegan 6: (Rama kembali mengejar passionnya dalam seni, membuat lukisan-

lukisan indah. Teman-temannya datang untuk melihat hasil karyanya)

Teman 1: (kagum) Rama, lukisanmu sungguh luar biasa!

Teman 2: Kamu harus mengikuti passionmu, Rama.

Adegan 7: (Rama menghadiri audisi untuk masuk ke sekolah seni yang bergengsi)

Penguji: (setelah melihat lukisan Rama) Rama, kamu memiliki bakat yang luar biasa.
Selamat, kamu diterima!

Bagian 5 - Di rumah Rama

Adegan 8: (Rama mengumumkan berita gembira pada ayah dan ibunya)

Rama: Ayah, Ibu, saya akan mengikuti passion saya dan belajar seni di sekolah yang
saya impikan!

Ayah Rama: (tersenyum bangga) Kami selalu mendukungmu, Rama.

Ibu Rama: (tersenyum) Kami selalu mendukungmu, nak.

(Rama tersenyum bahagia, mengingat kembali impian masa kecilnya yang kini akan
menjadi kenyataan)

Penutup: Dengan mengejar passionnya, Rama menemukan kembali impian masa

kecilnya dan memulai perjalanan menuju kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan yang sejati.
Cerita ini mengingatkan kita semua akan pentingnya mengikuti impian kita dan tidak
lupa siapa diri kita sejati.

Judul: Hari Pertama Sekolah Baru


 Ani (siswi baru)

 Budi (teman Ani)
 Guru
 Siswa lain
 Orang tua Ani

Setting: Halaman depan sekolah pada hari pertama sekolah.

Naskah Drama:

(Cerita dimulai dengan Ani yang berdiri di depan gerbang sekolah,

memegang tas sekolahnya dengan gugup. Dia berbicara pada dirinya

Ani: (berbicara pada diri sendiri) Hari pertama sekolah baru... Aku merasa
sangat gugup.

(Budi datang mendekati Ani.)

Budi: Hai, kamu harus Ani, bukan? Aku Budi, teman sebangku kita.

Ani: (tersenyum gugup) Iya, aku Ani. Senang bertemu denganmu.

Budi: Jangan khawatir, semuanya akan baik-baik saja. Guru dan teman-
teman di sini sangat ramah.

(Mereka berdua masuk ke halaman sekolah, di mana siswa dan guru lainnya
sudah berkumpul. Guru datang mendekati mereka.)

Guru: Selamat datang, Ani! Selamat datang di sekolah kami. Saya Bu Maya,
guru kelasmu.

Ani: (sambil tersenyum) Terima kasih, Bu Maya.

Guru: Mari kita masuk ke dalam dan mulai hari pertama sekolah kita
dengan semangat!

(Mereka semua masuk ke dalam ruang kelas. Di dalam kelas, Ani duduk di
bangku, dan Budi duduk di sebelahnya. Guru memulai pelajaran.)

Guru: Hari ini, kita akan belajar tentang angka dan huruf. Angka 1, 2, 3...

(Waktu berlalu, dan pelajaran berjalan lancar. Ani semakin nyaman dalam
lingkungan kelas.)

Guru: Dan itu adalah huruf A, B, C...

(Saat pelajaran tentang huruf berlangsung, Ani mengangkat tangan dan

guru memberi izin padanya untuk berbicara.)

Ani: (dengan percaya diri) Bu Maya, saya tahu huruf A!

Guru: (tersenyum) Hebat, Ani! Sekarang cobalah sebutkan kata yang

dimulai dengan huruf A.

Ani: (berpikir sebentar) Apel!

Guru: Sangat baik, Ani! Kamu cerdas.

(Pelajaran berlanjut, dan Ani semakin antusias. Waktu berlalu hingga akhir

Guru: Bagus sekali, anak-anak. Sekarang waktunya pulang. Sampai jumpa


(Siswa-siswa berdiri dan bersiap-siap pulang. Ani dan Budi keluar dari kelas
dengan senyum di wajah mereka. Orang tua Ani menunggu di luar gerbang

Orang Tua Ani: (sambil memeluk Ani) Bagaimana hari pertamamu, Ani?

Ani: (dengan semangat) Hari pertama sekolahku sangat menyenangkan!

Saya bertemu teman baru dan belajar banyak hal. Saya tidak sabar untuk
(Mereka semua berjalan bersama menuju rumah mereka sambil tersenyum

Penutup: Drama ini menggambarkan pengalaman seorang siswa baru

yang awalnya gugup dan khawatir tetapi akhirnya merasa senang dan
antusias dengan lingkungannya yang baru. Ini adalah contoh naskah drama
sederhana yang dapat digunakan untuk pertunjukan di sekolah atau
kegiatan teater lainnya.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good [morning/afternoon/evening],

I stand before you today with immense gratitude and a sense of profound
responsibility. It is both an honor and a privilege to address you on this [special

[Acknowledging the Audience]

I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you, our distinguished guests,
our dedicated faculty and staff, our proud parents and families, and, of course, the
reason we are all gathered here today, our exceptional graduates.

[Celebrating Achievements]

Today, we gather not only to mark an end but also to celebrate new beginnings. The
journey these graduates have embarked on has been filled with challenges, triumphs,
and invaluable lessons.


I want to take a moment to express our profound gratitude to the parents and
families who have supported and believed in these graduates. Your unwavering
encouragement has played a vital role in their success.

[Reflecting on the Journey]

As we reflect on the journey that brought us here, let us not forget the countless
hours of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice that have led to this moment.
Graduates, your perseverance has paid off, and you should be immensely proud of
what you have achieved.

[Looking Forward]
As we stand on the threshold of the future, let us remember that today marks not
just an end but a new beginning. The world beyond these walls is waiting, filled with
opportunities, challenges, and adventures.


With education comes a great responsibility. We are not just graduates; we are the
architects of our future, the stewards of progress, and the advocates for positive
change. Let us use our knowledge and skills for the betterment of our communities
and the world at large.

[Unity and Collaboration]

In these challenging times, it is more critical than ever that we come together,
support one another, and embrace the power of unity and collaboration. Together,
we can overcome any obstacle and create a brighter future for all.


In conclusion, let us move forward with determination, courage, and a commitment

to make a positive impact. To the graduates, your journey has just begun, and the
world awaits your contributions.


Congratulations once again to the graduates of [Year/Class]. As you step into this
new chapter of your lives, may you find success, fulfillment, and boundless

Thank you, and may our future be as bright as our dreams.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good [morning/afternoon/evening],

We gather here today in celebration of a significant milestone—the graduation of

the remarkable [Year/Class] from [School/University Name]. It is my privilege to stand
before you as your presenter, guiding us through this momentous occasion.

[Acknowledging the Audience]

I extend a warm welcome to our distinguished guests, esteemed faculty and staff,
proud parents, families, and, of course, our graduates, whose hard work and
dedication have brought them to this defining moment.
[Celebrating Achievements]

Today, we come together to celebrate not only the culmination of years of study but
also the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of these exceptional individuals.


Before we proceed, let us take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to the
parents and families who have supported and inspired our graduates throughout
their educational journey. Your unwavering commitment has been instrumental in
their success.

[Looking Back]

As we reflect on the journey that has led us to this day, we cannot forget the
countless hours of hard work, the late-night study sessions, and the challenges
overcome. Today, we honor the resilience and determination of our graduates.

[Looking Forward]

But, graduates, this is not the end of your story; it is just the beginning. The world
beyond these walls holds countless opportunities, and each of you possesses the
power to shape your destiny.


With education comes great responsibility. You are not just graduates; you are the
architects of your future. As you step into the world, remember the difference you
can make and the positive impact you can have on society.

[Unity and Collaboration]

In these challenging times, unity and collaboration are more critical than ever. Let us
come together, support one another, and create a better future for all. Together, we
are stronger.


In conclusion, let us move forward with courage, determination, and a commitment

to make the world a better place. To the graduates of [Year/Class], your journey has
just begun, and the world is ready for your talents and contributions.

Congratulations once again to the [Year/Class] graduates. May your futures be filled
with success, fulfillment, and boundless opportunities.

Thank you, and may our collective journey be marked by achievement and

Fly by Avril Lavigne

There's a light inside of all of us
It's never hiding, you just have to light it
It's the one thing that you gotta trust
It's like a diamond, you just have to find it
So if you ever feel like giving up
Yeah, just remember that
We were all meant to fly
Spread your wings across the universe
It's your time to
It's your time to shine
There's a light inside of all of us
Soon you'll find that
It's your time to fly
Your time to fly
A little help is all it ever takes
Somebody has to tell you it's worth fighting
A single step becomes a leap of faith
That's when you realize you started flying
So don't you ever say you're giving up
No, there's no looking back
'Cause we were all meant to fly
Spread your wings across the universe
It's your time to
It's your time to shine
There's a light inside of all of us
Soon you'll find that
It's your time to fly
It's your time to fly
Just reach up
Don't give up
Until you've touched the sky
Just reach up
Don't give up
Until you've realized
That we were all meant to fly
Spread your wings across the universe
It's your time to
It's your time to shine
There's a light inside of all of us
Soon you'll find that
It's your time to fly, fly
It's your time to
It's your time to shine, shine
Soon you'll find that
It's your time to fly, fly
(Spread your wings across the universe)
It's your time to
It's your time to shine, shine
(There's a light inside of all of us)
Soon you'll find that
It's your time to fly

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