G10-Las 1, Jessie E. Curioso

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Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _______ Section: ______

School: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Elements of Technology-Based Arts

I. Introduction:
Technology has literally taken over every aspect of life in the 21 st century and the
creative and visual arts have not been spared. In fact, for the younger generations, arts is
defined by technology – from its creation, to its manipulation, to its reproduction and even
to its distribution. In this learning activity sheet, you will be introduced to the different
elements of arts in the 21st century. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

II. MELC (with code):

Identifies art elements in the technology-based production arts. A10EL-IIB-1

III. Strategy:
A. Explore
Activity 1. Four Pics one Word
Direction: Examine the pictures below and identify the different elements of arts
presented in each item. Write your answers on the space provided.

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________

B. Learn
How do you find the activity? Were you able to identify each picture? If yes, you are now
ready to venture the different elements of arts. Are you ready? Let’s go!
Technology-based art is essentially computed generated and/or manipulated.
Through the centuries, visual artists used actual brushes and palettes and a whole array
of paints, inks and natural pigments applied to paper, canvas, fabric, stucco walls and
ceilings. Today’s computer artists employ the ever-expanding powers of image
manipulation programs and applications to create their works which can appear in an
entire range of media – whether as a physical output or a virtual experience.

Elements of Arts
You learned in your previous grades about lines, shapes and colors. We can make us of
line, color, shape, form, space and texture in designing or in making visual art. These are
what you call as the elements of art. The elements of art are the building blocks used by
artists to create a work of art.
1. Line is a mark with greater length than width. Lines can be horizontal, vertical, or
diagonal; straight or curved; thick or thin.
2. Shape is a closed line. Shapes can be geometric, like squares and circles; or
organic, like free-form or natural shapes. Shapes are flat and can express length
and width.
3. Forms are three-dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and depth. Balls,
cylinders, boxes, and pyramids are forms.
4. Space is the area between and around objects. The space around objects is often
called negative space; negative space has shape. Space can also refer to the feeling
of depth. Real space is three-dimensional; in visual art, when we create the feeling
or illusion of depth, we call it space.
5. Color is light reflected off of objects. Color has three main characteristics: hue (the
name of the color, such as red, green, blue, etc.), value (how light or dark it is), and
intensity (how bright or dull it is).
• White is pure light; black is the absence of light.
• Primary colors are the only true colors (red, blue, and yellow). All
other colors are mixes of primary colors.
• Secondary colors are two primary colors mixed together (green,
orange, violet).
• Intermediate colors, sometimes called tertiary colors, are made by
mixing a primary and secondary color together. Some examples of
intermediate colors are yellow green, blue green, and blue violet.
• Complementary colors are located directly across from each other
on the color wheel (an arrangement of colors along a circular diagram
to show how they are related to one another). Complementary pairs
contrast because they share no common colors. For example, red and
green are complements, because green is made of blue and yellow.
When complementary colors are mixed together, they neutralize each
other to make brown.
6. Texture is the surface quality that can be seen and felt. Textures can be rough or
smooth, soft or hard. Textures do not always feel the way they look; for example, a
drawing of a porcupine may look prickly, but if you touch the drawing, the paper is
still smooth.
Principles of Arts
After learning the elements of arts, you are now going to study about the principles
of art. If elements of art are compared to the parts of the sentence, the principles of art
can be compared to the rules and grammar that govern how a sentence is put together.
Both elements of art and the principles of design must be understood in order to
appreciate and enjoy art.
Design is an organized creative arrangement of the elements of arts such as line,
color, shape, form, space and rhythm. Composition is the arrangement of the elements in
an artwork that includes emphasis, harmony, proportion, rhythm, unity, balance,
movement and variety to create a unified artwork. Pattern is the repetition of a particular
element in a single composition.
1. Balance is the quality that makes the composition stable. There are two forms of
balance - Formal/symmetrical and Informal/asymmetrical balance.
2. Emphasis is the principle of design concerned with making and element or an
object in a work stand out.
3. Harmony is the principle of design concerned with combining related art elements
to create a pleasing appearance.
4. Proportion deals with the proper relation between two objects or parts.
5. Unity is the arrangement of elements to create feeling of oneness.
6. Contrast is shown by showing opposites: black and white, small vs big, far vs near,
or light vs dark.
7. Variety is the principles of design concerned with combining different art elements
like colors, lines, shapes, and textures to increase visual interest.
8. Rhythm is the regular repetition of lines, shapes colors and other art elements in
the same or similar ways to suggest flowing movement.
9. Movement is the principle of design used to create the look and feel of action to
guide the viewers eyes throughout the artistic frames.
Activity 1: Supply Me!
Complete the diagram below by filling up the correct information.

C. Engage
After knowing the different elements and principles of design, let us now
check your understanding about the topic.
Activity 1. Happy or Sad

Direction: Draw a 😊 if the statement is TRUE and ☹ if the statement is FALSE. Put your
drawings before the number.
____________________1. A zigzag is not considered as a line.
____________________2. Texture refers to the surface quality of an object.
____________________3. Color is an element of art that is derived from reflected light.
____________________4. Watercolor, frescos, temperas, acrylic and oil paints are
examples of materials that can be used for paintings.
____________________5. Shape is an element of art that refers to an object with three
____________________6. Form is a two-dimensional figure enclosed by a line.
____________________7. A line is a mark made by moving a point.
____________________8. Space is the area between and around objects.
____________________9. Black and white, small vs big, far vs near, or light vs dark is
an example of showing contrast.
____________________10. Balance can be formal or informal.

D. Apply
Activity 1: Tell Me the Elements!
Examine the picture below that is created through the use of
technology by Freider Nake. Identify the different elements of arts
being used by the artists. Answer the questions that follow.
Guide Questions:
1. What are the elements present in the artwork?
2. How did the artists make use of the different elements of art?
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
4. If you were the artist, how will you present your artwork?
5. ______________________________________________________________________________
Additional Activity: Capture Me!
Direction: After knowing the different elements of arts and principles of design, locate a
beautiful spot in your community. Using a mobile phone or a digital camera, capture a
scenery that appeals to you. Apply your knowledge on the different elements of arts in
enhancing the beauty of the photo. Print you captured photo on a short bond paper.
Rubric for the Capture Me Activity

CRITERIA 10-8 7-5 4-1

Required The photo was The photo shows The photo show little
Elements planned carefully. All adequate evidence or
required elements are understanding but understanding but
met and exceeded. missing some lacks most of the
elements. elements of arts.
Creativity & The photo was taken The shows a little The shows a no
Originality creatively and creativity but photo creativity but photo
originally. was taken originally. was taken originally.

Craftmanship The photo was taken The photo shows a The photo was not
& Skill with exquisite skill on little skill on accurately taken.
photography. photography.

Attitude and The output was The output was The output was
Responsibility submitted on r before submitted 2 days submitted 3-5 days
the deadline. after the deadline. after the deadline.

VII. Key to Correct Answers:

C. Engage

1. ☹

2. 😊

3. 😊

4. 😊

5. ☹

6. ☹
A. Explore B. Learn
1. Color
1. Line
2.Color 2. Shape
3. Shape 3. Line
4. Form 4. Texture
5. Texture 5. Form
6. Shape 6. Shape

Name of Learner:_______________________________Grade Level:_____ Section:______
School: ___________________________________Date:____________________________


I. Introduction
Hello Grade 10 Students! I know that you are eager to learn new concept. Come on
and let’s venture on something new. Are you ready? Let’s go!
Arts of the 21st century emerges from a vast variety of materials and means such
as Computer/digital arts, Mobile Phone Art / Computer-generated Images, Digital
Photography, Video Games / Digital Painting / Imaging Videos, Video Technology /
Imaging Videos. This paradigm shift leads us to the introduction to the new forms of
media and technology.

II. MELC (with code):

Identifies distinct characteristics of arts during in the 21 st century in terms
of production and functionality range of audience. (A10EL-IIa-2)

III. Strategy:

A. Explore

Activity 1: Name the App!

Identify the different icons being shown below. Write your answers on the space
provided for each item.

1.___________ 2. _________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7. __________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. ___________

B. Learn
Let us now study the different technology-based artforms and their characteristics.

Computer/digital arts make use of electronic and mechanical devices, rather than
the artist’s own hand, to produce the desired images and effects. Thus, these are definitely
technology-based art forms. In recent decades, personal gadgets such as laptops, tablets,
and android phones have incorporated the artistic capabilities of the large-scale
computers. So, it is now possible for anyone to be a digital artist.

1. Mobile Phone Art

Mobile phone art is a form of modern art that emerged due to the available
technology on mobile phones with built-in cameras that could capture and store images.
This further evolved dramatically with the development of android phones that can now
use image editing applications to modify and manipulate the captured images right on the
phone unit itself.
You are probably already familiar with the following image manipulation programs
and applications that run on today’s android devices:
A. Pixlr – a powerful, free online image editor
B. Pic Collage – allows you to make collages incorporating photos, stickers, text, and
C. Photo Grid – a downloadable application for android phones that allows you to
make collages out of images from your photo gallery.
D. Doodle Booth – an iPad application (with a free downloadable version) that enables
you to ‘doodle’ on your images using available stickers
E. Photo Booth – an application for taking photos and videos using an iPad or iPad
mini (a version for the iPhone, called SimpleBooth, is also available)
F. Magic Mirror Booth – an iPhone application that allows you to take amusing,
distorted images, simulating camera effects
G. Pic Monkey – a free online photo editing tool that provides filters, frames, text, and
effects to manipulate your images
Flipagram –a downloadable application that allows you to ‘bring your
photos to life’ in short videos set to music of your choice.
H. Picsart – a free photo editor and drawing application, as well as a social network
for you to share your art with others
I. Snapseed – a photo application that enables you to enhance, transform, and share
your photos; a free downloadable version for android phones is available
J. Instagram – a fast and fun way to share images with others; snap a photo, choose
from among the available filters, and share via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and

2. Computer Generated Images

Computer-generated images are those that are created from scratch using
drawing or illustration software on desktop computers, laptops, and tablets. This can be
modified and manipulated as well, using image editing programs for these devices.
Among such programs are:
A. Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
B. Paint.net
C. Inkscape
D. Xara Extreme
E. Artweaver
F. Draw Plus
G. Pencil
H. Picasa
I. Paint Star
J. Smooth Draw
K. Spray
L. Karbon
M. Adobe Photoshop Express
N. Corel PaintShop Pro X5

3. Digital Photography
Digital photography is a technology-based art evolved from the earlier type of
photography that made use of the action light on light-sensitive film as manipulated by a
user of a camera. In contrast, digital photography makes use of the devices that
automatically set and adjust the needed elements (shutter opening, shutter speed, flash
lighting, zoom in/out, etc.) to ensure the good quality image. It then stores these images
on a storage device built into the camera for future retrieval and modification, if desired.

4. Video Games
Video games are not only played and enjoyed by countless games all over the
world. They can be developed by amateurs on a personal device using available software.
They now also involved extremely complex and realistic graphics and animation
techniques that may be considered a form of modern art.
For today’s younger generation that grew up in a digital world, even entertainment
now comes courtesy of computer devices. A major component of such entertainment is in
the form of video games of every conceivable genre, subject matter, and skill level. These
range from educational games and mind twisters, to building and construction games, to
ones that entail physical interaction by the users (sports, fitness, dance). Then there are
the tremendously popular games of strategy, war, science fiction, and mythical worlds
that employ amazingly complex and realistic graphics, motion, sound, and other special
Similar to image creation and manipulation, it is now possible for video game fans
to become video game creators themselves. Online tutorials and guides are available on
sites like e-how, Instructables, and You Tube. Plus, there are available programs that can
be downloaded and used immediately, with no need for prior knowledge on coding or web

5. Digital Painting
Digital painting is a method of creating an artwork using a computer. This is,
however, different from the image generating devices and programs discussed above,
which create, modify, store, and share images entirely on a laptop, tablet, or android
phone. Digital painting still makes use of traditional painting mediums such as acrylic
paint, oils, ink, and watercolor and also applies the pigment to traditional surfaces, such
as canvas, paper, polyester etc. But it does so by employing computer software that drives
a type of robot device (such as a plotter) or an office machine (such as a printer) that takes
the place of the artist’s hand.
Digital painting also refers to a technique using a graphics software program to
create an artwork that is totally virtual. The canvas, brushes, paints, and other tools are
all virtual, existing only within the computer. And the finished work is also stored in
virtual format, to be shared through cyber space.
Ctrl+Paint is an example of an online resource for teaching yourself digital painting
for free, via simple videos and mini tutorials.

6. Video Technology / Imaging Videos

Video Imaging is the application of video technology to serve not only
entertainment purposes but even scientific, educational, and medical needs. We see this
in a form of CT scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and even the ultrasound used
to diagnose diseases and injuries – and to monitor a baby’s development in a womb.
Medical/scientific purposes – Another extremely valuable use of today’s video
technology is that of imaging videos in the fields of medicine and science. You may be
familiar with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computerized Tomography (CT
scans), and the like which are used to create and record visual images of a patient’s
internal anatomy in order to diagnose and treat diseases and injuries. There are also
ultrasound tests or sonograms, which translate sound waves bouncing off physical
objects into images that can be studied—whether a baby developing in the womb (in 2D,
3D, and 4D options), growths or malformations inside the body, structural flaws in
buildings, as well as objects in outer space, underground, and deep in the ocean.

Social media purposes - Another tremendously powerful and innovative field that
digital technology has revolutionized is that of creating and presenting videos. The
explosion of social media in recent decades has provided a new platform for video
materials targeting the “netizens” of today. Not only are there online advertisements
that continuously bombard the users’ computer screens and mobile phone
displays. But there are also millions of personally produced videos that are
constantly uploaded to online platforms like You Tube—from music, dance, and
stage performances to tutorials of all kinds to recipes to documentaries to news
clips to marriage proposals.

Activity: Fill Me Up!

Direction: Complete the table below by filling up the different characteristics of

arts in the 21st century in terms of production and its functionality.

Technology-Based Arts Characteristics

1. Mobile Phone Art

2. Computer
Generated Images
3. Digital

4. Video Games

5. Digital Painting

C. Engage
Activity 1. Identify the different technology-based arts being described in each item.
Write your answers on the space provided before each number.

________________________1. It makes use of virtual tools on a computer to stimulate

the canvas, brushes, paints etc.
________________________2. It is the application of video technology to serve not only
entertainment purposes but even scientific, educational, and
medical needs.
________________________3. It is a technology-based art evolved from the earlier type
of photography that made use of the action light on light-
sensitive film as manipulated by a user of a camera.
________________________4. These are those that are created from scratch using
drawing or illustration software on desktop computers, laptops,
and tablets.
________________________5. It is a form of modern art that emerged due to the
available technology on mobile phones with built-in cameras
that could capture and store images.
Activity 2

Put a mark if the statement is TRUE and X mark if it is NOT. Write your answer on
the space provided before the number.
___________1. Digital artworks can used to express one’s view on political and social
___________2. Artists in the 21st century do not make use any manipulation tools in
enhancing their artworks.
___________3. Video imaging can be used in scientific and medical purposes.
___________4. PhotoGrid is an application for android phones that we can use in
manipulating an image.
___________5. Digital photography includes extremely complex and realistic graphics
and animation techniques
D. Apply
Activity1: Capture and Edit!
Having learned the concept and techniques in mobile phone and computer-generated
images, you are now going to create a mobile phone art/computer generated image.
Instructions for the activity
1. Depending on the devices available to you or in your school:
a. Capture an image or a scenery in school using your mobile phone.
b. Create an image from scratch using a drawing/illustration program on a
computer, laptop or tablet.
2. Save your captured image or finished illustration in preparation for transforming it
into an example of a cellular phone art or computer-generated art.
3. Using any of the applications installed in your available device(s), experiment with
different effects and features to modify your saved image or illustration.
4. Save the most unique, striking or remarkable modified images to printed out later
for inclusion in the culminating Exhibit on Computer/Digital Art.

Rubric in Mobile Phone Art Activity

Creativity 5%
Originality 5%
Craftmanship 5%
Editing Skills 5%

IV. Guide Questions (if needed):

V. Rubrics (if needed):

VI. References:

Learner’ Material in MAPEH 10

Internet Sources

Photo credits

1. https://www.bing.com/images/search?
2. https://www.bing.com/images/search?
3. https://www.bing.com/images/search?
4. https://www.bing.com/images/search?
5. https://www.bing.com/images/search?
6. https://www.bing.com/images/search?
7. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=V
8. https://www.bing.com/images/search?
9. https://www.bing.com/images/search?

10. https://www.bing.com/images/search?

VII. Key to Correct Answers:

A. Explore
1. Facebook C. Engage
2. Instagram A.
3. Snapseed
4. Picsart 1. Digital Painting
5. Lightroom 2. Video Imaging
6. Pixlr 3. Digital Photography
7. Adobe 4. Computer-
Generated Images
8. Photogrid
9. Picasa
5. Mobile Phone Art
10. ULike B.

1. /
2. X
3. /
4. /
5. X
B. Learn
Answers may

D. Apply (answers may vary)

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