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In the flashback sequence, some time before the first film takes place, a young Anna

and Elsa listen to a bedtime story from their father, King Agnarr. Agnarr tells them
their grandfather, King Runeard, established a treaty with the neighboring tribe of
Northuldra by building a dam in their homeland, the Enchanted Forest thirty-four
years ago. At the ceremony, a fight breaks out, resulting in Runeard's death as he falls
off a cliff along with the Northuldran warrior whom he was trying to strike down. The
battle enrages the elemental spirits of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water of the forest and the
spirits disappear then a wall of mist descends on the Enchanted Forest, trapping
everyone inside. Agnarr, though, manages to escape with the help of an unknown
savior, who saves him from the war and the prince returns to Arendelle as the newest

Three years after the events of Frozen, Anna celebrates the arrival of autumn in the
kingdom with Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven. One night, when everyone has fallen
asleep, Elsa hears and follows a mysterious voice calling out to her, and
unintentionally awakens the elemental spirits. The spirits disrupts Arendelle, forcing
everyone, including Anna, to evacuate. Grand Pabbie and the Trolls arrive; Pabbie
tells Anna and Elsa the spirits are angry over a past event, and they must discover the
truth and set things right.

Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven later travel to the Enchanted Forest, following
the mysterious voice that's calling Elsa. The Wind spirit (named Gale by Olaf),
appears and sweeps everyone, including Anna, up in a vortex, the constant motion
making Anna get bad motion sickness, until it's stopped by Elsa's powers, which then
formed a number of ice sculptures. Anna and Elsa discover the sculptures to be
images from their father's past, and that their mother Iduna was a Northuldran who
saved their father's life all those years ago. Meeting the Northuldra tribe and a group
of Arendellian soldiers still in conflict with one another, the group are confronted by
the Fire spirit and Anna almost succumbs to smoke inhalation while trying to keep her
sister safe as well as trying to be careful; only to be saved by Elsa and Kristoff. After
the Fire Spirit, actually a salamander, is calmed down, Elsa confronts Anna about
following her and nearly getting killed in the fire, and Anna tearfully admits that she
only went in there to ensure her safety, so Elsa apologizes for worrying Anna by
comforting her. Anna and Elsa explains their parentage to the Northuldra and the
Arendellian soldiers when they bring out their mother's shawl during their
consolation, forming a truce between them. Later, they learn of the existence of a fifth
spirit that will unite the people with the magic of nature.

Anna and Elsa continue to head north with Olaf. They discover their parents'
shipwreck and a map to Ahtohallan, a mythical river told by their mother to contain
memories of the past. Feeling guilty of her and Anna's parents' deaths and knowing
that sending both of them with her would upset the balance between both worlds, Elsa
decides to travel alone and sends Anna and Olaf away, despite Anna reminding her of
the warning in their mother's song and fears of losing her sister again. Arriving in a
cave, Anna and Olaf receive a message about what happened in the past from Elsa
who freezes in Ahtohallan's depths, which causes Olaf to fade away due to Elsa's loss
in magic.

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