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Axedale An cs

Our Quarterly Community Voice

March 2024 A DONATION


The Axedale An cs can be emailed directly to your in-

box. What’s on around Axedale
Just e-mail your request to an AOTOF Bi-Monthly – Axedale Primary School, 7pm;
It can also be downloaded via the link on the Axedale on the 2nd Thursday of alternate(odd) months
Our Town – Our Future Facebook page.
Hard copies are available from the Axedale Post Office,
The Axedale Tavern, Rise & Grind Cafe, Primary School CWA 3rd Monday of the month
and Kinder as well as Murphy’s Lane PO slot and St Andrew’s Uni ng Church at 7pm
Heathcote IGA.
Community Gamelan Group - 2pm Saturdays
Gamelan and Indonesian Dance (FREE)
This is now a quarterly publica on. 101 Carneys Rd, Eppalock, 3551
We ask that, to ensure ongoing edi ons of the Axedale Contact Nita or Aaron on 5439 2678
An cs, we con nue to receive contribu ons please.
Community Garden 1st Saturday in the month 9.30am

Quilters Fridays, 1pm - 5pm

What’s Inside?
Page Item Junior golf coaching with Fred Kath
2. Front page 4pm; Tuesdays at the driving range
3. Axedale Community Garden
4. CWA News
5. CWA Recipe Library click and collect and Foodshare
6. Axedale Golf Club Update Fortnightly Thursday.
7. Axedale Golf Club Update (cont) 2.00 - 3.00pm at the Axedale Hall
8. AOTOF Update
9. Quick Shear Flyer Longlea Landcare Mee ng
10. Agnico-Eagle Axedale CFA Mee ng Room;
11. Agnico-Eagle (cont)
12. Axedale Primary School 7:30pm 1st Monday, even months.
13. Fosterville Gold Mine Community Grants
14. Trivia Community Coffee Catch up
15. Axedale Library and Foodshare Services Thursdays 9.30am at the Axedale Tavern
16. St Andrews, Axedale Uni ng Church
17. St Marys Catholic Church St Mary’s Catholic Church - Mass every Sunday 10.30am
18. Axedale Public Hall
19. Trivia Answers St Andrews Uni ng Church
20. Regular Adver sers
21. Regular Adver sers Services; 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month at
22. Our sponsor 2.30pm

Contact an
for more informa on
The Axedale An cs is a voluntarily run, free quarterly paper for the community of Axedale, surrounding towns
and districts and the rural area of Eppalock Ward. The volunteers are a sub-commi ee of AXEDALE OUR TOWN -
OUR FUTURE Inc. and the aim is to provide informa on and light entertainment for all ages, to present unbiased
and fair informa on, and to assist with community services.
The An cs also offers an adver sing vehicle for local and district businesses and enterprises. This
communica on offers everyone the opportunity to express their views. The editors retain the right to refuse to
publish any ar cle that is racially prejudiced, slanderous, libelous, uncouth, unsuitable for family reading, or is
harmful to any individual, business or associa on. Furthermore, no abuse (verbal or otherwise) towards the
volunteers who create or contribute to ‘the An cs‘ will be tolerated.
All items submi ed must have the writer’s name, address & phone contact included, & all poli cal content, if
published, with the author’s name & address. Le ers to the Editor MUST include sender’s name & address (not
necessarily for publica on - “a nom-de-plume” may be used). There are no charges associated with news items,
personal ar cles, community no ces, etc.
As the An cs is produced & distributed free to readers, any dona ons towards publica on & distribu on costs
will be gratefully accepted & receipted. If you wish dona ons to be acknowledged in the An cs, please let us
The An cs is your paper…..we like to fill it with contribu ons from our readers, so please send in your news;
weddings, births, club news, amusing events, stories, poems, jokes (clean please), pictures etc., and of course
your business adver sements by the deadline of the 23rd of the previous month. COMMUNITY GROUPS —
PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUBMIT YOUR ARTICLES BY THIS DATE—otherwise you may miss out & nobody knows
that you exist, or what you are doing. Use the An cs to keep the community aware of your existence & up to
date on your ac vi es. Email address for all ar cles and adver sements to an please.
The cleared beds were fer lised with compost from
the Council, goat manure, and coffee grounds from
Rise and Grind, and then allowed to mature before
the autumn planning of green veg.
We’ve eaten the tomatoes steadily as they ripen,
Hi from all of us at the Axedale Community and then as they have come with a rush, turned
Garden! some of them in relish for home consump on and
to give to Foodshare. Very yummy on fresh bread
The garden is having its short’ midsummer with a bit of cheese.
pause’ while we wait for the intensity of the
summer heat to give way a li le bit to autumn,
and weather that is a bit gentler on newly
planted seedlings.
But the work and fun con nues. In late January
we harvested the garlic crop and the remaining
potatoes ( with a few radishes thrown in) and
tended and watered the tomatoes, a few chillies
and capsicums.

Where – behind the Uni ng Church, opposite Axedale

Primary School
When – 1st Saturday of each month from 9.30am
(except January)
Meet us at the garden or contact us and follow
h ps://

CWA News

Established in 1928, The Country Women’s Association of Victoria is a vibrant philanthropic organisation
of women supporting women, children and families. Today the Association has over 5,600 members. Each
member belongs to one of 320 Branches through-out the state that maintains its own program and is
empowered to meet community needs as well as supporting state-wide initiatives. Each Branch falls under
the umbrella of one of 40 Groups spread across Victoria.

The Axedale Branch of the CWA formed in 2007 and has supported people in need in the local and wider
communities in a variety of ways over the years; food hampers, gift vouchers, clothing and toiletries, baby
supplies, quilts, rugs etc. Often the cost of these donations is borne by individual members but, as with all
charitable organisations, fundraising is also needed. Of course, we make scones, some better than others,
but other fundraising activities have included Bunnings sausage sizzles, craft and cake stalls, Christmas
wrapping at ‘The Market Place,’ Trading Tables at the Sustainability Fair and Friday Night Meat Raffles
at the Axedale Tavern.

This year has had a busy start with the Bendigo Northern Group AGM and Conference, at which the State
President, Jenny Nola, presented activities and initiatives for the coming year. Our first general meeting
for 2024 was also held in February.

Nonetheless, the CWA is not all about business and ‘making the perfect scone.’

Generally, meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at the Uniting Church Hall at 7pm. At times
these are replaced with a social outing such as a visit to a nursery, gallery, lunch or a film. Face to face
social connection is an important focus of the CWA and some members join the group for this alone.

Currently our membership stands at nine volunteers who do what they can to support the Association, the
community and each other but new members are most welcome. We would love to see you at one of our
meetings but if you prefer to ‘test the waters’ a small group of CWA members and friends meet for coffee
at the Axedale Tavern most Tuesday mornings at 10.30am. We are most appreciative of the support
Dutchy and his team have given to Axedale CWA over the years.

For further information phone Julie on 0432 292 157 or Ann on 0439 397 396.

CWA Recipe

Each year the CWA of Victoria elects a ‘Country of Study’ for members.
This is an interest-based ac vity where members are encouraged to inves gate aspects of that country
such as cuisine, culture, cra , customs, clothing etc.
The 2024 Country of Study is Romania and as Easter is not too far away the following recipe is worth a
try……. But be warned…… it will take a while!

Pasca…. Romanian Easter Bread

Pasca Dough
1 tbs. ac ve dry yeast ¼ cup warm water
1 cup milk ½ bu er [unsalted, melted]
2 tbsp. lemon zest ½ cup sugar
4 + 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
3 large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Cheese filling
450g rico a cheese 2 large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract ¼ cup sugar
½ cup raisins 1 tbsp. lemon zest
1 egg [beaten for egg wash]

To a bowl add yeast and warm water, s r, let sit 10 to 15 mins.
To a saucepan add milk, bu er, lemon zest and sugar. Heat, med / low, un l bu er melts and sugar
dissolves….. do not boil, it just needs to be warm.
Remove from heat, whisk in the eggs.
To the bowl of your mixer add the flour, vanilla, milk mixture and the yeast mixture.
Using the dough hook, mix for 5 mins. un l the dough is so but somewhat s cky.
Oil a large bowl with about 1 tbsp. oil. Place dough in bowl and rub over with more oil. Cover the bowl
with plas c wrap and let it rise to double its size…. 1 to 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
Divide the dough into 4 equal pieces. Take one piece and roll it into a 25cm. circle.
Place on baking sheet. Divide the other 3 pieces in half so you end up with 6 pieces.
Roll each into thin ropes about 90cm. long.
Braid them and place them around the edge of the 25cm. circle.
Let rise again for a second me un l double in size.
Cheese filling:
Mix all ingredients. Carefully pour into Pasca.
Brush dough with egg wash and bake for 40 to 45mins. Un l crust is a deep brown.
Cool before cu ng.

Axedale Golf Club
With the fes ve season and New Year celebra ons behind them, Axedale golfers were looking forward to another
enjoyable summer of golf, however a flash flood along the Na ve Gully Creek on January 8th badly impacted the
golf course. Once again, in true Axedale spirit, the golfing community rallied around and as soon as the water
subsided our greens staff and volunteers combined their skills and labour to quickly restore the course to a
playable condi on.

Walking bridge – 17th hole

Despite the disrup on caused by the January flood, our new Superintendent Greg Hamilton and his
team have hit the ground running and together with Lex Johnstone and the Course commi ee are
working towards implemen ng a General Facility Improvement Plan and a Course Improvement Plan
that will enhance the golfing experience for all members and visitors. It’s an ambi ous program but the
club believes the long term benefits will be significant and outweigh any short term inconvenience.
In December, the annual men’s Christmas Ambrose event supported by generous sponsors Mulqueen
Family Funerals, Kelly & Partners-MGR, Comm Bank and Geoff Kerr – Rivergate Wines was again a
highlight of the golfing calendar. The women’s Christmas celebra on comprised a round of golf and
lunch at the Farmers Arms Hotel with current and ex-members enjoying the chance to catch up. A
Christmas lunch was also provided at the clubhouse to thank the many volunteers who make our club so
successful. Li le did we know we would soon be calling on our volunteers again to help clean up and
restore the course.
The Club nominated two of our junior members, Noah Warfe and Paddy Carmody for the Bendigo Sports
Star/McKern Steel – Lucas Herbert Scholarship for 2023 and we congratulate both on being among six
local golfers awarded the scholarship. Both Noah and Paddy have par cipated in Fred Kath’s junior clinics over
many years.

The young men were nominated by our club for their outstanding commitment to their individual game
and also as wonderful ambassadors for the Axedale Golf Club. Professional golfer Lucas Herbert who has
supported our club in many ways, was in Bendigo for the presenta on ceremony and said he wanted to
give back to the sport by helping young golfers in the community. The scholarship recipients each
received $500 towards their equipment or travel costs.

Lucas Herbert and scholarship recipients

Golf has been a popular pas me throughout recent months, in between the downpours, with
excellent fields in all compe ons and many green fee players taking advantage of the great
condi ons. Although the course is constantly undergoing regular maintenance and repairs some very
creditable scores have been recorded.
A presenta on was made recently to club stalwart, Ernie Lowndes on the occasion of his 90th
birthday. Ernie is a long standing member of the club and s ll a regular par cipant in club
compe ons.
The next few months will find Axedale golfers par cipa ng in Pennant matches, our Autumn
Tournament 13th – 16th March and the Symes Motors BMW Axedale Pro-Am on April 12th, so feel
welcome to visit the course and watch the ac on or join us in the great game of golf. All details are
on our website
We were all saddened to hear of the recent death of Bob Gunn. Bob was a great contributor to our
club over many years, being a founda on member in the early '70's with the re-formed Axedale Golf
Club. Bob was elected President of the club in March 1973, at the first AGM of the re-formed Axedale
Golf Club and became a Life Member of the Club in 1985, the second Life Member to be inducted.
Many of our members from earlier days have some wonderful stories to share about Bob.
We remember Bob's kind demeanour, big grin and reless commitment to the Axedale Golf Club.
Our love and sympathy is extended to Lorraine and the extended Gunn family.
R.I.P Bob Gunn.

Axedale – Centre of White Clay & Bluestone
On the Campaspe

Community Hub Project
We have reached a significant milestone in the Community Hub Project. We have obtained sponsorship
to undertake the Scoping and Feasibility Study from Fosterville Gold Mine and, thanks to them have
appointed a consultant to carry out the study. The study will be undertaken in the next nine months with
regular reports as project objec ves are met.
We are very excited to have reached this stage in our project and the study will tell us whether it will be
feasible to go on with our vision for a Community Hub for Axedale.
As it becomes clear whether or not we can go ahead with our plans, we are looking forward to planning
the next stage.

Axedale Underpass
In other news, we will soon be mee ng with Nacho Sta on to
discuss how we would like them to proceed with the pain ng of
the Axedale Underpass with Indigenous art. We are expec ng that
the graffi which now mars the walls of the underpass will stop
when the project begins. We will keep you updated as the project
con nues.

Axedale Underpass

Australia Day
It was a great morning, a beau ful day and well a ended. We
took the opportunity to gather informa on from local residents
regarding damage to property during the most recent flooding
The Axedale Ci zen of the Year award was presented to Jenny
McWilliam by Cr Margaret O’Rourke. Congratula ons Jenny.

Upcoming Events
Quick Shear
We are happy to support and promote the Quick Shear event
in the Axedale Park from 12.00 to 6.00pm on Saturday 23rd Jenny McWilliam and Cr Margaret O’Rourke
March (see a flyer for the event on the next page for details).

Anzac Day
The remembrance service will be held in the Axedale Park on
Thursday 25th April. Details will be posted closer to the event.

Our group is small and hopefully achieving good things for the Axedale Community. Please feel free to join us at our
mee ngs every 2nd month on the 2nd Thursday (14th March is next) or become involved if there is a project you are
interested in.
Contact Sue Stuart-Dent ( or Sonya Browne ( for details.
“Excellence Through Endeavour”
No. 1008

Respect, Personal Best, Resilience, Cooperation

A big welcome to our Axedale school community for 2024. We look forward to working together,
suppor ng you and your family and helping to develop a sense of connectedness with our broader
A big welcome to our new Prep students who have started their school journey at Axedale Primary
School. We look forward to guiding their development and building strong and posi ve rela onships with
their parents. Welcome to: Lawson, Sco , Mackenzie, Lucy, Rafferty, Scarle , Avery, Alfeida, Tilly, Jaeger
(absent), Jesse, Chelsea, Nate, Trae and Brock.


The school will be raising funds for the
Good Friday Appeal towards the end of this
school term. If any community members
would like to contribute, please use the QR
code to access the Axedale Primary School
fundraising page.


The City of Greater Bendigo are in the
process of recruiting school crossing
supervisors. If any community members are
interested, you can access more information
on the link below:

No 163 March 2024

1. The Treaty of Versailles was signed to end which war?

2. Presented by Julia Baird, Ellen Fanning and Dan Bourchier, which ABC TV news and current affairs show ended
its 13 year run last December?
3. What is the internet abbrevia on ICYMI short for?
4. What is the name of the Bendigo team, one of 3 new clubs this season in the state’s premier netball
compe on, Victorian Netball League, alongside Melton-based Western Warriors & Gippsland Stars?
5. Which car-maker produces the Land Cruiser four-wheel drive model?
6. What is the best-known beach of Honolulu?
7. In February the 2024 AACTA Awards were handed out to the best and brightest of the Australian TV and film
industry. Which movie took out best film and best direc on in film?
8. Using Professor Roy G Biv to help you, could you name the 7 colours of the rainbow?
9. Which 2 players took out top honours at the Australian Cricket Awards in January winning the Belinda Clark
Award and the Allan Border Medal?
10. With the ini als HW and MM, who are Bendigo’s 2024 Ci zen of the Year and Young Ci zen of the Year?
11. What was nego ated at Runnymede, England, in 1215?
12. In which 2002 film does Keira Knightley play a young woman who pursues a career as a soccer player?
13. “Today”, says Sally, “I’m precisely 7 mes as old as my daughter. However in 20 years me, I’ll only be double
her age”. How old is Sally?
14. Which players won the 2024 women’s and men's Australian Open singles tles?
15. For what tree is Norfolk Island noted?
16. The UN flag is made up of what 2 colours?
17. The quiz show Sale of the Century ran on Australian TV from 1980-2001, hosted by Tony Barber and then
Glenn Ridge. Name 4 of their 6 main female co-hosts, using their ini als as clues: VN, DD, AP, JB, NB, KB.
18. Denise Chamberlain, an experienced rep le owner, used a shopping basket, and 3 pairs of gloves, to fish a
dinosaur-looking, spiky creature out of a lake in northern England and took it to a local vet clinic. What was the
19. Last November, who polled 23 out of a possible 30 votes - the highest score in an AFLW Best and Fairest poll -
to claim the highest honour at the W Awards?
20. I was born in Russia in 1840 and died of cholera in 1893. I studied music and composed moving, o en
melancholy works. Writer of the 1812 Overture and the opera Eugene Onegin, I am Peter Ilich?
21. The first “Big Thing” tourist a rac on in Australia was built in 1964. What is it?
22. What Billie Eilish hit, from the movie Barbie, was named Song of the Year at the Grammy Awards in February?
23. Name these Australian of the Year recipients using their ini als, year and descrip on as clues: SG, 1972,
sportsperson; JF, 1987, singer; KC, 1988, sailor.
24. In January, which teenage sprint sensa on claimed the tle of Australia's fastest-ever woman a er be ering
the na onal 100-metre record with a flying run of 11.10 seconds in Canberra?
25. Which car-maker produces the Land Cruiser four-wheel drive model?
26. In which year were the words “Good evening and welcome to television” spoken in Australia by presenter
Bruce Gyngell ?
27. Australian painter Kevin Hart took what nickname?
28. Ted Nui’s name can be rearranged into a certain 6 le er word. If you swap the posi ons of 2 le ers in that
word, you’ll get a second word that has an opposite meaning. What are the words?
29. Last November, which Australian golfer became the first three- me winner of the Greg Norman Medal?
30. On January 24 this year, what popula on milestone did Australia reach?
31. In what city is the Trevi Fountain?
32. In February, which movie won seven awards at the BAFTAs, Britain’s equivalent of the Oscars, including best
film, best director and best leading actor?
33. What is the cube root of 2,197?
34. Unjumble these Australian basketballers: Lauren, Luc, Erin, Andrew, Penny, Josh, Pa y, Kris , Jackson, Taylor,
Longley, Harrower, Mills, Phillips, Giddey, Bogut.
35. Aboriginal author/inventor David Unaipon appears on which of our banknotes?
36. Name the first point in Australia to be touched by morning sunlight (Ini als MW).
37. Which ar st’s famous works included Belshazzar’s Feast and Night Watch?
38. With what do fish extract oxygen from water?
39. Name these Olympic Games host ci es using their ini al/s and year as clues: M, 1956; R, 1960; T, 1964; MC,
40. Name 3 of the 5 elements on the periodic table that have four-le er names.

Axedale Library Agency
Reserve & Collect
Thursday fortnightly, 2-3.00pm


7th and 21st of March

4th and 18th April
2nd, 16th and 30th May
Library Membership:
With a library membership you can reserve items for collec on and return at Axedale Hall each month.
Borrow from our vast array of resources – including books, audiobooks, magazines and DVDs for all ages
and interests.
Visit the library website to join the library, reserve items for Reserve & Collect at Axedale, or contact the
library staff for assistance.

Phone 5449 2790

Foodshare is available to the community in the Axedale Community Hall at the same me as the Library,
every 2nd Thursday from 2.00 – 3.30pm.

7th and 21st of March

4th and 18th April
2nd, 16th and 30th May

Axedale Church Services
St Andrews Uniting Church
80 High Street
Axedale, Victoria, 3551

1st and 3rd Sunday in the month at 2.30pm

All welcome
St Andrews Uni ng Church Hall
is available for public use

Contact Glenis 5439 7251

In a world of floods and fires, and of violent acts,

locally and interna onally, prayer can seem
insignificant and even useless.
But prayer as the prac ce of gra tude and of
concern for the wellbeing of ourselves and others
has the power to move us - inwardly from
bi erness and despair to acceptance, kindness to
ourselves and others, and the realisa on of
things we can do to make a difference. In this way
the prac ce of prayer, commi ed to over me so
that it becomes a kind of ‘habit’, a bit like an
exercise that makes us ‘fit’, is a deeply sane and
hopeful response to the world we live in.
A er a break over January, St Andrew’s Axedale
has recommenced mee ng for prayer and
worship on the first and third Sundays of the
month at 2-30pm, and for prayer at the end of
the working day, each Wednesday at 5pm.
Through the year we also meet for special
occasion, such as the Walk of Gra tude around
Axedale, and meals at the pub, or walks in the

For more informa on, contact Glenis on 0427

400 357 or Tim on 0400383628

St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Time 10.30am each Sunday

St Mary’s Catholic Church welcomes all to

Sunday 10.30am Mass. Warm heaters,
guitar music and songs, older people,
youth, ny li le people, beau ful bap sms
and lovely local fellowship.

St Mary’s Catholic Church hope you all had a beau ful and blessed Christmas. You are welcome to come
and enjoy the lovely local fellowship, it doesn’t ma er how you arrive, could be on your pink unicorn
scooter, your walking frame or in your pusher, everyone is welcome. We have guitar music and boppy
songs, a colouring pew for li le people and the feeling of being a part of our special “family”.

TTF Answers
March 2024

1. WW1
2. The Drum
3. In case you missed it
4. Bendigo Strikers
5. Toyota
6. Waikiki
7. Talk to Me
8. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
9. Ashleigh Gardner, Mitchell Marsh
10. Heather Wearne, Montanna Maud
11. The Magna Carta (A “Great Charter” of individual liber es following a baronial rebellion against King
12. Bend It Like Beckham
13. 28
14. Aryna Sabalenka, Jannik Sinner
15. Norfolk Pine
16. Blue and white
17. (Any 4 of) Victoria Nicolls, Delvene Delaney, Alyce Pla , Jo Bailey, Nicky Buckley, Karina Brown
18. Alligator snapping turtle
19. (Richmond midfielder) Monique Con
20. Tchaikovsky
21. The Big Banana
22. What Was I Made For?
23. Shane Gould, John Farnham, Kay Co ee
24. Torrie Lewis (The 19-year-old shaved one-hundredth of a second off the previous mark of 11.11 set
by Melissa Breen 10 years ago at the same Australian Ins tute of Sport track.)
25. Toyota
26. 1956
27. Pro (He was nicknamed "Professor", hence "Pro", during his younger days, when he was known as an
28. United, un ed
29. Minjee Lee
30. 27 million
31. Rome
32. Oppenheimer
33. 13
34. Lauren Jackson, Luc Longley, Erin Phillips, Andrew Bogut, Penny Taylor, Josh Giddey, Pa y Mills, Kris
35. $50
36. Mount Warning, NSW
37. Rembrandt (van Rijn)
38. Gills
39. Melbourne, Rome, Tokyo, Mexico City
40. (Any 3 of) gold, iron, lead, neon, zinc

Nampara Spit Roast
& Catering.
We work You Party
We use china crockery
& stainless steel cutlery.
Contact Steve – 0499 348 260
to discuss your next event

Business Advertisers
Please submit your advertisement in PDF format if
possible by the deadline of the 23rd of the month
prior to publication, November, February, May and

In case of emergency, there is a

defibrillator placed just outside the
Police Sta on in the centre of Axedale
together with full instruc ons on its use


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