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Actus Reus Guilty act; action element of a criminal


Sexual intercourse through the anum by a
male person with another male person or by a
male person with an female person.

When one enters any building or part of a
building as a tresspasser and with intent to
commit any such offence as is mentioned in
subection 2.

Criminal Liability One’s responsibility for any illegal behavior

that causes harm or damage to someone ot

Direct Intention Defendant embarks on a course of conduct to

bring about a result which i fact occurs

A crime that prohibits sexual intercourse
between persons who are within a certain
degree of family relationships, such as
brother, sister, father, and mother.

Involuntary Mnaslaughter
Unlawful killing where the necessary mens
rea for murder is not present

Malicious An actual intention to do the particular harm

that in fact was done

Manslaughter When a man unlawfully kills any person but is

not guilty of murder due to the partial defence
of diminished responsiblity and sudden loss of

Mens rea Guilty mind, a mental state which must be

proven to exist at a point in time with actus
Murder When a man of sound memory and of the age
of discretion, unlawfully kills within any
country of the realm any reasonable creature,
under the King’s peace, with malic
aforethought, and as such the individual die of
the wound or hurt within a day and a year.

Negligence This compares actions of the accused with

those of a reasonable person.

Notus Actus Interveniens A new intervening act which breaks the chain
of causation

Oblique Intention The defendant embarks on a course of

conduct to bring out a desired result, knowing
that the consequences of such action will also
bring out another result.

Ommission The defendant failed to do an act expressly

stated in the legislation

Provocation An act or something that occurs at the time of

the act and causes the reasonable to lose
control and action rashly.

Rape When one has sexual intercourse without the

consent of the other person or is reckless as to
whether the other person consents or not.

Recklessness This arises when one not intend to cause a

certain harm, and takes an unjustifiable risk in
causing it to occur.

Robbery If one steals and immediately before or at the

time of doing so, and in order to do so, he
uses force on any person or puts or seeks to
put any person in fear of being then and there
subject to force.

When one dishonestly appropriates property
belonging yo another with the intention of
permanently depriving the other of it.

Voluntary Manslaughter Defendant demonstrates both actus reus and

mens rea for the offense of murder and
successfully employs the partial defenses to

1. Two benefits of jury system is:

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