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Discrimination is inevitable.

The things that happen in our environment are no longer hidden from our knowledge , especially when
it comes to every gender of each person in the society. At this time, these kind of incident is
controversial in the social media and news paper , because of the unethical treatments of other people
towards their same being, the incidence that the people who has the power cannot stop this problem,
and almost half percent of our country affected with this problem.

In the Philippines the main problem is discriminating against every gender thats why this problem will
always posted in any social media platforms and also the magazines. Every year there are people who
experience the same incidencts that sometimes lead to the killing of victim's own life. The women is
mainly affected with that problem.At that time there were similar incidents happening in every corner of
our country, where women widely rape,beaten and discriminated against.This is no longer contrary to
our mind because even during the colonial period there were such incidents that even the novel of our
national hero Dr. Jose Rizal in his novel title El filibusterismo their are incidents that shows the abuse
against women's.

In addition to that, in the past many people know that women have been deprived of equal rights,
because in the past they thought of women as only for inside the home and men had more rights more
than women. But over time society will accept that women should have the same rights as men, the
right to study, work and participate in sports and cultural activities.

Moreover, according to the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against
women or (CEDAW ), there are laws that provide protection to women such as the Magna Carta of
women, Reproductive Health,and Anti- Prostitution.The "Magna Carta of women " was created to
eliminate discrimination against women and recognized, respect,protect fulfill and express women's
rights and freedom, Reproductive Health is the law that right and obligation of the government to
protect women, and the last is Anti-Prostitution is that law that prevents the increase of women are
victims of prostitution those are the law that gives protection to the rights of women .

However, our government known that discrimination against women cannot be avoided, which in
why the former president of the Republic of the Philippines, Fidel. V. Ramos , established Gender and
Development, it's goal is to reduce discrimination against women. Gender and Development is focused
on spreading the rights of women this law was made on September 8, 1995 for the fulfillment of the
plan to give women the right to participate in any activities held within the country, for development.

Yes, it is said that women is one of the most important foundation to form a strong society,

women are also have a great contribution to the economic development of our country. In addition to
that women are also the ones who support men in every different task, they are ones who maintain the
Harmony and economic stability in every single family in the country, they are also the reason why
there are successful personalities now a days.On the other , let's also thank to the men who support the
women in there every decisions , don't make the men nonsense, let as remember the contribution of
the men in developing the different kinds of advance Technology and also the things that we use now ,
considered that a men is the brain of the 21st century.

Furtheremore, on 1948 , the universal declaration of human rights stated that all human beings are
born equal dignity and rights and also the main purpose of that is to achieve a gender equality.
According to the 2022 Global Gender gap index reporte by the world economic forum , the Philippines
achieve the nineteenth position out of one hundred forty six countries. Then Gender and Development
explain about how the gender equality is important they emphasis Gender equality, besides being
fundamental human rights , is essential to achieve peaceful societies, with full human potential and
sustainable development. Gender and Development gives a equal rights for all gender in society that is
the reason why our late president Fidel V. Ramos implement that law president clearly said that the
main reason why he made it is to reduce the number of women discriminating in our country , he want
to maintain the gender equality in the entire country. Not only the Gender Development is the one of
the most key to has gender equality and to stop discrimination against womens but also the feminist
theory.The feminist theory is an approach to understanding and conceptualizing gender roles and
advocates the women interest and social organization.

Philippines as one of the most biggest population, discrimination in every gender is inevitable. That
is the main point why our government officials makes laws to protect every gender. As one of the part of
this constitution we as the Filipino people is one of the most important way to reduce and prevent
gender discrimination, be the way of gender equality. We know that discrimination is inevitable, but we
as the human being affected by that system is the one who help to stop discrimination, stop
discriminating others , spread gender equality, we as one.

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