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Thou shalt not covet, nor envy’s green,

For joy resides in the heart serene.
In gratitude, find riches untold,
In blessings vast, let souls unfold.

In life's journey, let our spirits soar,

In kindness and love, we adore.
May our actions each and every day convey,
Our commitment to living in a righteous way.

Oh Lord, we seek your grace,

To honor parents in every place.
Help us cherish family ties,
And treat all lives as precious prize.

Lead us Lord, with steadfast grace,

To honor vows in every place.
Shield us from temptations' sway,
Grant us strength to walk the righteous way.

Guide me, Lord, in truth I dwell.

With heartfelt joy, in contentment's swell.
With honesty, and gratitude, my path unfold,
In your grace, your gifts, I cherish and uphold.

For we have lied than speaking the truth

Our tongues confused and lost where to put
Guide us to put this practice to cease
For we have suffered, we seek for peace

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