Agreement To Protect and Conserve Leatherback Turtles

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RECOGNISING that leatherback turtles are a shared resource and that they migrate freely
in the marine areas of Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis and Montserrat;
AWARE that leatherback turtles require special management considerations to ensure
their reproductive potential;
UNDERSTANDING that leatherback turtles are subject to capture, injury and disturbance
through human-related activity;
CONSIDERING that Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis and Montserrat share a
strong commitment to conserve leatherback turtles and have decided to develop an integrated
approach to protect and conserve leatherback turtles;


Article 1
For the purpose of this Agreement ―
“Agency” means the authority established in the State of the Contracting Party to regulate the
protection and conservation of leatherback turtles;
“Agreement” means the Agreement to Protect and Conserve Leatherback Turtles;
“territory” means the ―
(a) land territory of a Contracting Party;
(b) territorial waters of a Contracting Party; and
(c) marine areas over which a Contracting Party exercises sovereignty, sovereign rights or
jurisdiction of their marine resources in accordance with international law, as reflected in
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas;
“trade” means to ―
(a) sell, deliver, import, export, transport or ship; or
(b) attempt to sell, deliver, import, export, transport or ship,
within the territory of a Contracting Party.
Article 2
The object of this Agreement is to promote the protection, conservation and recovery of
leatherback turtle populations and of the habitats on which they depend, in a coordinated manner
which ensures cooperation between the Contracting Parties.

Article 3
The provisions of this Agreement apply to the territories of the Contracting Parties.

Article 4
Protection and Conservation of Leatherback Turtles and Nesting Areas
1. The Contracting Parties agree to protect the areas situated in their territory on which
leatherback turtles nest.
2. The Contracting Parties agree to establish an Agency within the State of each Contracting
Party to regulate the protection and conservation of leatherback turtles.

Article 5
The Contracting Parties agree to prohibit the ―
(a) capture;
(b) killing;
(c) trade in;
(d) harassment;
(e) pursuit of;
(f) wounding;
(g) fishing; or
(h) collection of,
leatherback turtles, their eggs and any other part or product of a leatherback turtle, found in the
territory of a Contracting Party.
Article 6
Research and Training
The Contracting Parties undertake to conduct research and training pertaining to the protection,
conservation and recovery of leatherback turtles.

Article 7
Complementary Protocols
To promote the protection, conservation and recovery of leatherback turtles outside the territory
where these species also exist, a Contracting Party should negotiate a complementary protocol
with States that are not eligible to become party to this Agreement, consistent with the objectives
of this Agreement, and to which all interested States may become party.

Article 8
Signature and Ratification
1. This Agreement shall be open for signature at St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda, by
Contracting Parties from January 31, 2023 to July 31, 2023.
2. This Agreement is subject to ratification by the Signatories in accordance with their
domestic laws and procedures. Instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the
Government of Antigua and Barbuda, which shall be the Depository.

Article 9
Entry into Force and Accession
1. This Agreement shall enter into force ninety days after the date of deposit of the second
instrument of ratification.
2. After this Agreement has entered into force, it shall be open for accession by any other
State. This Agreement shall enter into force for any such State on the date of its deposit of
an instrument of accession with the Depository.

Article 10
Signature and ratification of, or accession to, this Agreement may not be made subject to any
Article 11
1. A Contracting Party may propose amendments to this Agreement by providing the
Depository with the text of the proposed amendment at least sixty days in advance of the
next meeting of the Contracting Parties. The Depository shall promptly circulate any
proposed amendment.
2. Amendments to this Agreement, adopted by the Contracting Parties, shall enter into force
when the Depository has received instruments of ratification from all Contracting Parties.

Article 12
A Contracting Party may withdraw from this Agreement after twenty-four months from the date
on which the Agreement entered into force with respect to that Contracting Party, by giving written
notice of withdrawal to the Depository. The Depository shall inform the other Contracting Parties
of the withdrawal within thirty days of the receipt of such notice. The withdrawal shall become
effective six months after receipt of such notice.

Article 13
Signature and Entry into Force
This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature of all three Contracting Parties.

In witness whereof the undermentioned respective duly authorised in that behalf have entered into
this Agreement for their respective Governments.

Signed by ―
For the Government of Antigua and Barbuda

Signed by ―
For the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis

Signed by ―
For the Government of Montserrat

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