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HTTP Response:
 Once the server has processed the request, it generates a HTTP response
containing the requested resource or an error message.
The response includes a status code (indicating the success or failure of the request),
response headers (such as Content-Type, Content-Length, etc.), and optionally, a
response body (containing the requested resource or error details).
When a HTTP request is made through a browser, several steps are involved in the
process of handling and fulfilling the request. Here's a high-level overview of what

1. URL Parsing:
 The user enters a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) into the address bar of
the browser.
 The browser parses the URL to extract the protocol (e.g., HTTP or HTTPS),
domain name, path, query parameters, and any other components.
2. DNS Resolution:
 The browser needs to resolve the domain name (e.g.,
to an IP address that can be used to communicate with the server.
 It sends a DNS (Domain Name System) lookup request to a DNS server to
retrieve the IP address associated with the domain name.
3. TCP Connection:
 Once the IP address is obtained, the browser establishes a TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol) connection with the server.
 TCP is responsible for establishing a reliable, connection-oriented
communication channel between the client (browser) and the server.
4. HTTP Request:
 The browser constructs a HTTP request based on the parsed URL and any
additional headers or parameters.
 The request includes the HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), the
requested resource (URL path), query parameters, headers (such as User-
Agent, Accept, etc.), and optionally, a request body (for methods like POST
or PUT).
5. Server Processing:
 The server receives the HTTP request from the client (browser) over the
established TCP connection.
 The server processes the request, which typically involves routing the
request to the appropriate handler (e.g., controller method or endpoint)
based on the requested URL and other parameters.
 Server-side logic is executed to generate or retrieve the requested
resource, perform any necessary computations, interact with databases or
other services, and prepare the response.
6. HTTP Response:
 Once the server has processed the request, it generates a HTTP response
containing the requested resource or an error message.
 The response includes a status code (indicating the success or failure of
the request), response headers (such as Content-Type, Content-Length,
etc.), and optionally, a response body (containing the requested resource
or error details).
7. Data Transfer:
 The server sends the HTTP response back to the client (browser) over the
established TCP connection.
 The response data is transmitted in packets over the network, using the
TCP protocol to ensure reliable delivery and flow control.
8. Browser Rendering:
 Once the browser receives the HTTP response, it processes the response
data to render the content in the browser window.
 This may involve parsing HTML markup, executing JavaScript code, loading
additional resources (such as images, stylesheets, or scripts), and rendering
the page layout and content accordingly.
9. User Interaction:
 The user can interact with the rendered page, click on links, submit forms,
or perform other actions, leading to subsequent HTTP requests and
responses as the user navigates the web application.

This sequence of steps describes the typical lifecycle of a HTTP request and response in
the context of a browser interacting with a web server. Each step involves various
protocols, technologies, and components working together to facilitate communication
and deliver content over the internet.

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