Accomplishment Report Mental Health Classroom Orientation 2024

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Republic Unknown

of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
School Division of Legazpi City
(Formerly Pag-asa National High School)
Rawis, Legazpi City


Building Resilience: A Psychosocial Support for Addressing Bullying Among

Students at LCNHS
February 2024
In the dynamic landscape of education, fostering an environment that prioritizes the
holistic well-being of students is crucial for their overall development and success.
Recognizing the pivotal role that mental health plays in academic achievement, social
engagement, and personal growth, Legazpi City National High School has undertaken a
comprehensive initiative to integrate mental health and psychosocial support into its
educational framework.
This report aims to provide an in-depth overview of the various programs, activities,
and strategies implemented throughout the academic year to address the mental health
needs of our students. By fostering a proactive and inclusive approach, the school seeks to
create an atmosphere where students not only excel academically but also thrive
emotionally and socially. The report will delve into the rationale behind the initiative, the
specific activities and workshops conducted, the collaborative efforts with local mental health
professionals, and the impact of these interventions on the overall well-being of the student
body. Through the lens of this report, we aim to showcase the commitment of Legazpi City
National High School to the holistic development of its students and the cultivation of a
supportive community.
Additionally, the school has collaborated with the Department of Education's child
protection program, including organizing anti-bullying seminars and workshops. These
initiatives are aimed at creating a safe and nurturing environment for all students, free from
harassment and bullying.
I. To enhance awareness and understanding of mental health issues among students,
faculty, and parents, while actively working to reduce the stigma associated with
seeking mental health support.
II. To establish a robust mental health support system within the school, providing
students with easy access to counseling services, peer support, and resources for
coping and resilience.
III. To implement policies and practices that promote a safe and inclusive environment,
free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
Building Resilience: A Psychosocial Support for Addressing Bullying Among
Students at LCNHS
February 6-8 7
February 12-15 8
February 19-22 9
February 26-29 10

Results: (Attached are the pictures taken during the room-to-room seminar)

This report reflects Legazpi City National High School's commitment to the holistic
development of its students through a robust mental health and psychosocial support
program, addressing concerns raised by the Child Protection Program regarding bullying.
Throughout the academic year, the school has undertaken initiatives aimed at raising
awareness, reducing stigma, establishing support services, and promoting holistic well-being
among its student body.
As we navigate the complexities of adolescence and education, it is evident that
prioritizing mental health is not only a necessity but also a foundational element for creating
an environment where students can thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. The
success of this program lies not only in the diversity of activities undertaken but also in the
collaborative spirit of the entire school community.
Through awareness campaigns, counseling services, peer support programs, and
holistic activities, we have witnessed a gradual shift towards a culture that values mental
health as an integral part of overall well-being, addressing the concerns of the Child
Protection Program. The reduction of stigma has paved the way for open conversations,
fostering empathy and understanding among students, faculty, and parents.
The comprehensive support services established, including on-campus counseling
and peer mentoring, contribute to the creation of a safe and confidential space where
students can seek help when needed, particularly regarding bullying incidents. Moreover, the
incorporation of mindfulness practices, physical activities, and expressive therapies into the
school's routine adds layers of resilience to our students, equipping them with essential life
skills for the future.
As we move forward, the school remains committed to continuously evaluating and
refining these initiatives based on feedback and evolving needs, particularly in addressing
the concerns of the Child Protection Program. The journey toward a mentally healthy and
supportive educational environment is ongoing, and this report serves as a testament to the
dedication and collaborative effort invested by every member of the Legazpi City National
High School community.
In fostering a resilient future for our students, we recognize that prioritizing mental
health and addressing concerns raised by the Child Protection Program is not just a
program; it's a collective commitment to nurturing the potential within each individual.
Through these endeavors, we strive to cultivate not only academic excellence but also a
community where empathy, understanding, and well-being flourish.

Prepared by:


Guidance Counselor III


Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Legazpi City
Rawis, Legazpi City

Building Resilience: A Psychosocial Support for Addressing Bullying

Among Students at LCNHS


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